
maven30-jdom - Java alternative to DOM and SAX

Website: http://www.jdom.org/
License: ASL 1.1
Vendor: Scientific Linux CERN, http://cern.ch/linux
JDOM is, quite simply, a Java representation of an XML document. JDOM
provides a way to represent that document for easy and efficient
reading, manipulation, and writing. It has a straightforward API, is a
lightweight and fast, and is optimized for the Java programmer. It's an
alternative to DOM and SAX, although it integrates well with both DOM
and SAX.


maven30-jdom-1.1.3-6.7.el6.noarch [173 KiB] Changelog by Mikolaj Izdebski (2014-05-26):
- Mass rebuild 2014-05-26

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-1.el6