Chapter 12. Network Scripts

Using Red Hat Linux, all network communications occur between configured interfaces and physical networking devices connected to the system. The different types of interfaces that exist are as varied as the physical devices they support.

The configuration files for network interfaces and the scripts to activate and deactivate them are located in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ directory. While the existence of interface files can differ from system to system, the three different types of files that exist in this directory, interface configuration files, interface control scripts, and network function files, work together to enable Red Hat Linux to use various network devices.

This chapter will explore the relationship between these files and how they are used.

Network Configuration Files

Before we review the interface configuration files themselves, let us itemize the primary configuration files used by Red Hat Linux to configure networking. Understanding the role these files play in setting up the network stack can be helpful when customizing your system.

The primary network configuration files are as follows:


The /etc/sysconfig/networking/ directory is used by the Network Administration Tool (redhat-config-network) and its contents should not be edited manually. For more information about configuring network interfaces using the Network Administration Tool, see the chapter called Network Configuration in the Official Red Hat Linux Customization Guide.