Installing in an LPAR without the Red Hat Linux zSeries LPAR CD


64-bit Linux is not supported on MP3000.

Transfer the redhat.tdf, tpkrnl64.bin, lpar.prm and initrd64.bin files to the OS/2 machine, in the directory used for virtual tapes. This is usually F:\AWSOMA. If the directory is not F:\AWSOMA, edit the redhat.tdf file and change the location accordingly. (A usable editor on OS/2 is epm.)


If you are using the OCO driver modules, be sure to copy the initrd64.bin modified by the prepinitrd script from the RedHat/Drivers/ directory instead of the one in images/ to the host machine.

If you desire, customize the parameter file (lpar.prm). It takes the following parameters:

Range of addresses of your DASD devices. 200-20f should be sufficient in most cases. Example: DASD=200-20f,B01-B03,F01

where, IP is your S/390 virtual machine IP; netmask is the netmask; broadcast is the broadcast address; gw is the gateway-IP for your eth device (for eth-device only).

where, hostname is your hostname; device is your network device (this will usually be eth0); IP is your S/390 virtual machine IP; netmask is the netmask (usually; broadcast is the broadcast address; gateway is the default gateway on your network.

To access the S/390 zSeries binary RPM packages via FTP.

To access the S/390 zSeries binary RPM packages via HTTP.

Give the IP address of the NFS server containing the S/390 zSeries binary RPM packages (e.g. via an NFS mount of the Red Hat Linux for S/390 zSeries CD-ROM).

Example: DNS=,, In this example, the DNS servers and, use and as default search domains.

If you are using an LCS network device, <dev_num> is the device number that is appended to lcs (values of -1 indicates driver chooses the value and leaving this field blank will change <read> and <write> to a probe range), <read> is the read address, <write> is the write address. Example: LCS=lcs0,0x9a4,0x9a5,0,0

If you omit any of these parameters, you will be prompted for them at installation time.