SILO Configuration

SILO, the Sparc Improved LOader, is the software that can be used to start Red Hat Linux on your computer. It can also start other operating systems, such as SunOS and Solaris. Here, you'll be asked how (or whether) you want to configure SILO.

Create boot disk: You should create a boot disk if you are not installing SILO at all or if you want it for safety reasons. If you don't have a floppy this option will be hidden, if you have a SMCC manufactured Ultra which usually don't have floppies which can be booted, this option will default to disabled.

Do not install SILO: You can choose to skip SILO if you do not want to write SILO to your drive, e.g. if you have SILO already installed on a different partition or disk and want to boot from there.

To install SILO, select where you want to install it. If your system will use only Red Hat Linux you should probably choose the Master Boot Record (Boot Block of the first partition on the disk). For systems where SunOS/Solaris and Red Hat Linux will reside on a single hard drive, you should probably not install SILO into the MBR, especially if SunOS/Solaris is on the first partition of the disk.

If you choose not to install SILO for ANY reason, please make a boot disk so you can boot Red Hat Linux.

Create PROM alias: The installer can create a PROM alias "linux" if the PROM supports it, so that you can boot into the SILO boot loader from the PROM command line by the command "boot linux".

Set default PROM boot device: The installer can make sure the PROM will boot by default into the Red Hat Linux installer by setting PROM option "boot-device" or "boot-from".

If you wish to add default options to the SILO boot command, enter them into the kernel parameters field. Any options you enter will be passed to the Linux kernel every time it boots.

Bootable Partition -- Every bootable partition is listed and labeled, including partitions used by other operating systems. If you would like to add boot labels for other partitions (or change existing boot labels), click once on the partition to select it. Once selected, you can change the boot label.