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中文 UPS Howto

Harvey J. Stein,, Berger Financial Research, Ltd.

v2.02, 31 March 1997

本文能幫助您將 Linux 系統連接到不斷電系統 (uninterruptable power supply, UPS)... 如果幸運的話 .... 版權聲明: Copyright (c) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 by Harvey J. Stein. You may use this document as you see fit, as long as it remains intact. In particular, this notice (along with the contributions below) must remain untouched.

1. 簡介

2. 請注意已過時的資訊

3. 聰明的與單調的 UPS

4. 軟體

5. 自己動手指南

6. 硬體的注意事項

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