To paketo ncpfs perilambanei dyo mikra programmata poy sas epitrepoyn na xeiris8eite tis ektypwseis apo to mhxanhma Linux se ena prosarthmeno ektypwth sto Novell diakomisth ektypwsewn (print server).
H entolh nprint sas epitrepei na ektypwsete se ena arxeio sthn NetWare print queue. H entolh pqlist sas epitrepei na deite th lista twn dia8esimwn oyrwn ektupwshs se ena NetWare diakomisth.
Gia na apokthsete kai na egkatasthsete aytes tis entoles, apla akoloy8hste tis odhgies sxetika me ton NCP pelath poy perigrafthke nwritera.
Kai oi dyo entoles apaitoun na dwsete username kai password, etsi logika mporei na skefteite na ftiajete merika shell scripts gia na kanete eykoloterh th diadikasia ths ektupwshs.
Ena paradeigma :
# pqlist -S ACCT_FS01 -U guest -n
# nprint -S ACCT_FS01 -q LASER -U guest -n filename.txt
H suntajh toy login einai paromoia me thn entolh ncpmount. Ta parapanw paradeigmata ypo8etoyn oti o fileserver ACCT_FS01
exei ena logariasmo guest
xwris kwdiko (password), oti yparxei mia oyra ektupwshs onomazomenh LASER
kai oti o guest
epitrepetai na typwsei se ayth.