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5. Create or edit the following files in /home/guest

5.1 File name: .bash_login

exec startx

This means that when guest logs in, the login shell will start up the X Window System right away.

5.2 File name: .Xclients


This means that when X starts, guest just gets the web browser, no window manager. If you prefer another web browser, do something else.

The file .Xclients should be executable by guest. Enter

chmod 755 /home/guest/.Xclients
to make it so.

5.3 File name: .xsession


If you use xdm(1) to log people in, this file should make guest get the web browser as if he or she had logged in normally. The file .xsession should be executable by guest. Enter
chmod 755 /home/guest/.xsession
to make it so.

5.4 File name: .Xdefaults

! Disable drag-to-select.
*hysteresis:                            3000

! Make visited and unvisited links the same color by default
*linkForeground:                        #0000EE
*vlinkForeground:                       #0000EE

Netscape.Navigator.geometry: =NETSCAPE_GEOMETRY

! Disable some of the keyboard commands.

! Mouse bindings: make all mouse buttons do the same thing.
*drawingArea.translations:              #replace                        \
<Btn1Down>:                     ArmLink()                       \n\
<Btn2Down>:                     ArmLink()                       \n\
<Btn3Down>:                     ArmLink()                       \n\
~Shift<Btn1Up>:                 ActivateLink()                  \
                                DisarmLink()                    \n\
~Shift<Btn2Up>:                 ActivateLink()                  \
                                DisarmLink()                    \n\
~Shift<Btn3Up>:                 ActivateLink()                  \
                                DisarmLink()                    \n\
Shift<Btn1Up>:                  ActivateLink()                  \
                                DisarmLink()                    \n\
Shift<Btn2Up>:                  ActivateLink()                  \
                                DisarmLink()                    \n\
Shift<Btn3Up>:                  ActivateLink()                  \
                                DisarmLink()                    \n\
<Btn1Motion>:                   DisarmLinkIfMoved()             \n\
<Btn2Motion>:                   DisarmLinkIfMoved()             \n\
<Btn3Motion>:                   DisarmLinkIfMoved()             \n\
<Motion>:                       DescribeLink()                  \n\

This file disables blink tags, drag-to-select, and some of the keyboard commands. It also makes all mouse buttons do the same thing, hides the menu bar, and makes visited and unvisited links the same colour, so each visitor gets nice clean blue links, not ones that other people have been thumbing through and staining purple.

You should replace the NETSCAPE_GEOMETRY in this file with an X geometry that looks like this: XxY+0-0, where X is the width of your screen and Y is the height of your screen + 32. This will position the Netscape menu bar off the top of the screen, so the user won't be distracted. For example, if your screen is 800x600, the geometry should be 800x632+0-0.

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