To bind a name is to create a name binding in a given context. Querying a value using a name determines the value associated with the name in a given context. Note that a name is always bound relative to a context. Thus, there are no absolute names.
The following are the key classes in the ACE Naming Service:
This is the main class ``entry point'' into the Naming Service. It is used both by client processes and by server process. It manages access to the appropriate Name/Binding database (that is the file where Name/Bindings are stored) and it also manages the communication between a client process and the server (by using class Name_Proxy, which is a private member of Naming_Context). If a client process runs on the same host as the server no IPC is necessary because the Naming_Context uses shared memory.
The Name_Acceptor allocates in its handle_input() routine a new instance of class Name_Handler on the heap, and accepts connections into this Name_Handler.
The class Name_Handler represents the server side of communication between client and server. It interprets incoming requests to the Net_Local namespace and delegates the requests to its own Naming_Context (which is the Net_Local namespace on the current host). For communication it uses the helper classes Name_Request and Name_Reply.
The ACE Naming Service uses ACE_WString String classes since it must handle wide character strings in order to support internationalization.
Configuring a Name_Server server or client requires specifying all or some of the following parameters. These parameters can be passed in to main through command line as follows:
Option | Description | Default value |
-c <naming context> |
Naming Context to use. Can be either "PROC_LOCAL" or "NODE_LOCAL" or
-h <hostname> | Specify the server hostname (needed by Name Server clients for PROC_LOCAL naming context) | ACE_DEFAULT_SERVER_HOST |
-p <nameserver port> |
Port number where the server process expects requests |
-l <namespace dir> |
Directory that holds the NameBinding databases |
-P <process name> |
Name of the client process | argv[0] |
-s <database name> |
Name of the database. NameBindings for the appropriate naming context are stored in file <namespace_dir>/<database name>. | null |
-d <debug> | Turn debugging on/off | 0 (off) |
-T <trace> | Turn tracing on/off | 0 (off) |
-v <verbose> | Turn verbose on/off | 0 (off) |
dynamic Naming_Service Service_Object *
"-p 20222 -c NET_LOCAL -l /tmp -s MYDATABASE"
dynamic Naming_Service_Client Service_Object *
"-h -p 20222"
The following are the key classes in the ACE Time Service:
TS_Server_Handler represents the server side of communication between clerk and server. It interprets incoming requests for time updates, gets the system time, creates a reply in response to the request and then sends the reply to the clerk from which it received the request. For communication it uses the helper class Time_Request.
TS_Server_Acceptor allocates in its handle_input routine a new instance of class TS_Server_Handler on the heap, and accepts connections into this TS_Server_Handler.
TS_Clerk_Handler represents the clerk side of communication between clerk and server. It generates requests for time updates every timeout period and then sends these requests to all the servers it is connected to asynchronously. It receives the replies to these requests from the servers through its handle_input method and then adjusts the time using the roundtrip estimate. It caches this time, which is subsequently retrieved by TS_Clerk_Processor.
TS_Clerk_Processor creates a new instance of TS_Clerk_Handler for every server connection it needs to create. It periodically calls send_request() of every TS_Clerk_Handler to send a request for time update to all the servers. In the process, it retrieves the latest time cached by each TS_Clerk_Handler and then uses it to compute its notion of the local system time.
Currently, updating the system time involves taking the average of all the times received from the servers.
Configuring a server requires specifying the port number of the server. This can be specified as a command line argument as follows:
-p <port number>
A clerk communicates with one or more server processes. To communicate with the server process, a client needs to know the INET_Addr, where the server offers its service. The configuration parameters namely the server port and server host are passed as command line arguments when starting up the clerk service as follows:
-h <server host1>:<server port1> -h <server host2>:<server port2> ...
Note that multiple servers can be specified in this manner for the clerk to connect to when it starts up. The server name and the port number need to be concatenated and separated by a ":". In addition, the timeout value can also be specified as a command line argument as follows:
-t timeout
The timeout value specifies the time interval at which the clerk should query the servers for time updates.
By default a Clerk does a non-blocking connect to a server. This can be overridden and a Clerk can be made to do a blocking connect by using the -b flag.
dynamic Time_Service Service_Object *
"-p 20202"
dynamic Time_Server_test Service_Object *
../lib/netsvcs:_make_ACE_TS_Clerk_Connector ()
"-h tango:20202 -h lambada:20202 -t 4"
This class is a more general-purpose synchronization mechanism than SunOS 5.x mutexes. For example, it implements "recursive mutex" semantics, where a thread that owns the token can reacquire it without deadlocking. In addition, threads that are blocked awaiting the token are serviced in strict FIFO order as other threads release the token (SunOS 5.x mutexes don't strictly enforce an acquisition order). Lastly, ACE_Local_Mutex performs deadlock detection on acquire calls.
This is the remote equivalent to ACE_Local_Mutex. The Remote_Mutex class offers methods for acquiring, renewing, and releasing a distributed synchronization mutex. Similar to ACE_Local_Mutex, ACE_Remote_Token_Proxy offers recursive acquisition, FIFO waiter ordering, and deadlock detection. It depends on the Token Server for its distributed synchronization semantics.
This class implements the reader interface to canonical readers/writer locks. Multiple readers can hold the lock simultaneously when no writers have the lock. Alternatively, when a writer holds the lock, no other participants (readers or writers) may hold the lock. This class is a more general-purpose synchronization mechanism than SunOS 5.x RLocks. For example, it implements "recursive RLock" semantics, where a thread that owns the token can reacquire it without deadlocking. In addition, threads that are blocked awaiting the token are serviced in strict FIFO order as other threads release the token (SunOS 5.x RLockes don't strictly enforce an acquisition order).
This class implements the writer interface to canonical readers/writer locks. Multiple readers can hold the lock simultaneously when no writers have the lock. Alternatively, when a writer holds the lock, no other participants (readers or writers) may hold the lock. This class is a more general-purpose synchronization mechanism than SunOS 5.x WLock. For example, it implements "recursive WLock" semantics, where a thread that owns the token can reacquire it without deadlocking. In addition, threads that are blocked awaiting the token are serviced in strict FIFO order as other threads release the token (SunOS 5.x WLocks don't strictly enforce an acquisition order).
This is the remote equivalent to ACE_Local_RLock. Multiple readers can hold the lock simultaneously when no writers have the lock. Alternatively, when a writer holds the lock, no other participants (readers or writers) may hold the lock. ACE_Remote_RLock depends on the ACE Token Server for its distributed synchronization semantics.
This is the remote equivalent to ACE_Local_WLock.
The Token_Acceptor is a Token_Handler factory. It accepts connections and passes the service responsibilities off to a new Token_Handler.
This class is the main class ``entry point'' of the ACE Token service. It receives token operation requests from remote clients and turns them into calls on local tokens (acquire, release, renew, and remove). In OMG CORBA terminology, it is an ``Object Adapter.'' It also schedules and handles timeouts that are used to support "timed waits." Clients used timed waits to bound the amount of time they block trying to get a token.
The only parameter that the Token Server takes is a listen port
number. You can specify a port number by passing a "-p
Here is an example svc.conf entry that dynamically loads the Token Server specifying port number to listen on for client connections:
dynamic Token_Service Service_Object *
"-p 10202"
The following are the key classes in the Server Logging Service:
The Server_Logging_Handler class is a parameterized type that is responsible for processing logging records sent to the Server from participating client hosts. When logging records arrive from the client host associated with a particular Logging Handler object, the handle_input() method of the Server_Logging_Handler class is called which in turn formats and displays the records on one or more output devices (such as the printer, persistent storage, and/or console devices.
The class Server_Logging_Acceptor allocates in its handle_input() routine a new instance of class Server_Logging_Handler on the heap, and accepts connections into this Server_Logging_Handler.
The only parameter that the Logging Server takes is a listen
port number. You can specify a port number by passing a "-p
Here is an example svc.conf entry that dynamically loads the Logging Server specifying port number to listen on for client connections:
dynamic Server_Logging_Service Service_Object *
"-p 10202"
The Client_Logging_Handler class is a parameterized type that is responsible for setting up a named pipe and using it to communicate with different user processes on the same host. Once logging records arrive from these processes, the handler reads these records in priority order, performs network-byte order conversions on multiple-header fields, and then transmits these records to the Server Logging daemon across the network.
The class Client_Logging_Connector connects to the Server Logging daemon and then in its handle_input() routine it allocates a new instance of the Client_Logging_Handler on the heap.
Configuring a Logging Client requires specifying all or some of the following parameters. These parameters can be passed in to main through command line as follows:
Option | Description | Default value |
-h <hostname> |
Hostname of the Server Logging Daemon |
-p <port number> |
Port number of the Server Logging Daemon |
-p <rendezvous key> | Rendezvous key used to create named pipe | ACE_DEFAULT_RENDEZVOUS |
Here is an example svc.conf entry that dynamically loads the Logging Client specifying host name and port number of the Logging Server:
dynamic Client_Logging_Service Service_Object *
"-h -p 10202"
The following describes how to configure the Logging Strategy Service:
Here are the command line arguments that can be given to the Logging Strategy Service:
-f <flag1>|<flag2>|<flag3> (etc...)
where a flag can be any of the following:
Flags | Description |
Write messages to stderr. |
Write messages to the local client logger deamon. |
Write messages to the ostream that gets created by specifying a
filename (see below) |
Display messages in a verbose manner |
Do not print messages at all |
Note: If more than one flag is specified, the flags need to be 'OR'ed as above syntax shows. Make sure there is no space in between the flag and '|'.
-s filename
If the OSTREAM flag is set, this can be used to specify the filename where the output should be directed. Note that if the OSTREAM flag is set and no filename is specified, ACE_DEFAULT_LOGFILE will be used to write the output to.
Here is an example svc.conf entry that dynamically loads the Logging Strategy Service specifying that the output be sent to STDERR:
dynamic Logging_Strategy_Service Service_Object *
"-f STDERR|OSTREAM -s mylog"
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