Begin3 Title: BLW-CBC Version: 15c Entered-date: 2019-01-20 Description: Blowfish Cipher Program Summary: DOS Blowfish Cipher Program, a T-Pascal 7.0 implementation of the Blowfish cipher algorithm as described in Dr Dobb's, April 1994. Thanks go to Bruce Schneier, author of the algorithm. Keywords: dos blowfish cipher encryption Author: Dutra de Lacerda Maintained-by: Dutra de Lacerda defunct-Primary-site: Original-site: Platforms: DOS Copying-policy: Public Domain Packager: v0.4.1 Modified-date: 2023-12-24.0 Git-Site: Git-Commit: 73464aa8 Timestamps: outdated Group: util CRC: 976575ea MD5: b96356ac12408aa02f4bc8257f339922 SHA: de289356a2fafc59487fe1596eda77d49de2fbcd402fde4435cf86930bf05a7c End