Abstracts from files in info-mac/per/bce as of Sun 20 Mar 2005

#### BINHEX     apples-bc-e-news-96-01.hqx   ****

From: corbett@epicdata.com (Corbett Enders)
Subject: APPLES BC E-NEWS 96/01

A FREE electronic newsletter by Corbett Enders & Chris Stevens, co-editors.

Apples BC E-News is the Official Electronic Newsletter of the Apples BC
Computer Society.

We are proud to offer you an electronic version which is similar to our
'paper' newsletter which only our Membership receives. You too can become a
member of Apples BC Computer Society. See the details inside E-News.

E-News is created with DocMaker, and requires no 'viewer' software as it is
a self running application for the Mac. Colour graphics and interesting
articles will hopefully inspire other contributors.

The attached file is a Stuffit archive. You will need Stuffit Expander or
another Stuffit compression utility to extract it.

If you'd like to receive E-News on a monthly basis, we can deliver it right
you your mailbox.
    Internet: send your request to   enews@applesbc.bc.ca
    eWorld: send your request to   CorbettE

E-News may be uploaded to ANY on-line system.

In This Issue
        * Around Vancouver
                - The Vancouver Aquarium
        * Techno File
                - Mail List of Choice
                - Site Change
                - Newsgroups
        * The Imagination Works
        * Photoshop Tips
        * The Frozen Apple
        * Letters to the Editors

#### BINHEX     apples-bc-e-news-96-02.hqx   ****

From: corbett@epicdata.com (Corbett Enders)
Subject: E-News 96/02

#### BINHEX     apples-bc-e-news-96-03.hqx   ****

From: Corbett Enders, mis@wimsey.com
Subject: E-News.96.03

A FREE electronic newsletter by Corbett Enders & Chris Stevens, co-editors.

Apples BC E-News is the Official Electronic Newsletter of the Apples BC
Computer Society.

We are proud to offer you an electronic version which is similar to our
'paper' newsletter which only our Membership receives. You too can become a
member of Apples BC Computer Society. See the details inside E-News.

E-News is created with DocMaker, and requires no 'viewer' software as it is
a self running application for the Mac. Colour graphics and interesting
articles will hopefully inspire other contributors.

If you'd like to receive E-News on a monthly basis, we can deliver it right
you your mailbox.
    Internet: send your request to   enews@applesbc.bc.ca
    eWorld: send your request to   CorbettE

E-News may be uploaded to ANY on-line system.

In This Issue
        * Random Thoughts
        * Photoshop Tips
        * 1996 Canadian Encyclopedia
        * Millard's Mac Musings
                - Naming your toys
                - First Class
                - Apple Web Site
                - Apple Announces
    - Checking Spells
    - Egghead Software
    - Doubling RAM
        * Around Vancouver
        * Techno File
        * Taking it to the Macs
        * The Imagination Works
        * Letters to the Editors

#### BINHEX     apples-bc-e-news-96-04.hqx   ****

From: (Corbett Enders) mis@wimsey.com
Subject: APPLES BC E-NEWS 96/04

A FREE electronic newsletter by Corbett Enders & Chris Stevens, co-editors.

Apples BC E-News is the Official Electronic Newsletter of the Apples BC
Computer Society.

In This Issue
        * Around Banff
        * Photoshop Tips
        * Techno File
    - Ethernet .vs. Appletalk
        * The IAQ File (Infrequently Asked Questions)
        * Millard's Mac Musings
                - Granny Smith - Settling In
                - A New Style of Floppy
                - Apple Giveth...
                - Apple Taketh Away...
    - System 7.5 Update 2.0
    - ClarisWorks Easter Egg
        * The Imagination Works
        * Taking it to the Macs
        * Letters to the Editors

#### BINHEX     apples-bc-e-news-96-05.hqx   ****

From: (Corbett Enders) mis@wimsey.com
Subject: E-News.96.05

A FREE electronic newsletter by Corbett Enders & Chris Stevens, co-editors.

Apples BC E-News is the Official Electronic Newsletter of the Apples BC
Computer Society.

We are proud to offer you an electronic version which is similar to our
'paper' newsletter which only our Membership receives. You too can become a
member of Apples BC Computer Society. See the details inside E-News.

E-News is created with DocMaker, and requires no 'viewer' software as it is
a self running application for the Mac. Colour graphics and interesting
articles will hopefully inspire other contributors.

If you'd like to receive E-News on a monthly basis, we can deliver it right
you your mailbox.
    Internet: send your request to   enews@applesbc.bc.ca

E-News may be uploaded to ANY on-line system.

#### BINHEX     apples-bc-e-news-96-06.hqx   ****

From: (Corbett Enders) mis@wimsey.com
Subject: APPLES BC E-NEWS 96/06

A FREE electronic newsletter by Corbett Enders & Chris Stevens, co-editors.

In This Issue
        * Millard's Mac Musings
    - Stuffit 4.0, Free PPP 2.5
    - New from Mother Corp
    - ClarisWorks Users Group WWW Page
    - Other Web Pages
        * Photoshop Tips
        * Random Thoughts
        * Around Vancouver
    - Cruising to Alaska
        * The Techno File
    - Type 11 error explained
        * The IAQ File (Infrequently Asked Questions)
    - Lode Runner
        * Links Pro Review
        * Letters to the Editors

Apples BC E-News is the Official Electronic Newsletter of the Apples BC
Computer Society.

#### BINHEX     apples-bc-e-news-96-07.hqx   ****

From: (Corbett Enders) mis@wimsey.com
Subject: E-News.96.07


A FREE electronic newsletter by Corbett Enders & Chris Stevens, co-editors.

Apples BC E-News is the Official Electronic Newsletter of the Apples BC
Computer Society.

In This Issue
        * Around Vancouver
    - The Abbotsford International Airshow
        * Photoshop Tips
        * The Imagination Works
    - Clip Art, Ya come a long way baby!
        * The Techno File
    - L2 Cache explained
        * Millard's Mac Musings
    - Info-Mac Web Site
    - System 7.5.3 Revision 2
    - ClarisWorks 4.0v4 Updaters
    - Web Sightings
    - Wise Saying Du Mois
        * Random Thoughts
        * SimpleCard
        * How I trashed my ego in the UK
        * Letters to the Editors

We are proud to offer you an electronic version which is similar to our
'paper' newsletter which only our Membership receives. You too can become a
member of Apples BC Computer Society. See the details inside E-News.

E-News is created with DocMaker, and requires no 'viewer' software as it is
a self running application for the Mac. Colour graphics and interesting
articles will hopefully inspire other contributors. Send your comments,
Letters to the Editor, and Contributions to enews@applesbc.bc.ca or any
other e-mail address listed below.

If you'd like to receive E-News on a monthly basis, we can deliver it right
you your mailbox.
    Internet: send your request to enews@applesbc.bc.ca

#### BINHEX     apples-bc-e-news-96-08.hqx   ****

From: (Corbett Enders) mis@wimsey.com
Subject: E-News.96.08


A FREE electronic newsletter by Corbett Enders & Chris Stevens, co-editors.

Apples BC E-News is the Official Electronic Newsletter of the Apples BC
Computer Society.

In This Issue
        * Millard's Mac Musings
    - Apple II GS Reincarnate
    - EZ[-135] Come, EZ[-135] Go??
    - Global Village's Internal Performa Modem And RAM Doubler, Both Doubled
    - From Big Mama
    - Web Sightings
  * The IAQ File
    - Book: Using FileMaker Pro 3 for the Mac by Chris Moyer
        * Around Vancouver
    - Benson & Hedges Symphony of Fire
    - Abbotsford Airshow Update
        * Photoshop Tips
        * The Techno File
    - To upgrade, or to purchase new... that is the question.
        * Letters to the Editors

We are proud to offer you an electronic version which is similar to our
'paper' newsletter which only our Membership receives. You too can become a
member of Apples BC Computer Society. See the details inside E-News.

E-News is created with DocMaker, and requires no 'viewer' software as it is
a self running application for the Mac. Colour graphics and interesting
articles will hopefully inspire other contributors. Send your comments,
Letters to the Editor, and Contributions to enews@applesbc.bc.ca or any
other e-mail address listed below.

If you'd like to receive E-News on a monthly basis, we can deliver it right
you your mailbox.
    Internet: send your request to enews@applesbc.bc.ca

#### BINHEX     apples-bc-e-news-96-10.hqx   ****

From: mis@wimsey.com (Corbett Enders)
Subject: APPLES BC E-NEWS Oct. 96

A FREE electronic newsletter by Corbett Enders & Chris Stevens, co-editors.

In This Issue
  * Millard's Mac Musings
    - Web Sightings
    - Mac Batteries
    - From the Adobe hacienda
    - Thoughts to Apple Canada
    - Thanks for the Memory
  * The Techno File
    - 7500 Daughter Card Upgrade
  * My Very First Storybook
  * Around Vancouver
  * The IAQ File
    - Backing up is hard to do...
  * Photoshop Tips
  * Random Thoughts
    - File Compression & Internet Encoding
  * Letters to the Editors

Apples BC E-News is the Official Electronic Newsletter of the Apples BC
Computer Society.

We are proud to offer you an electronic version which is similar to our
'paper' newsletter which only our Membership receives. You too can become a
member of Apples BC Computer Society. See the details inside E-News.

E-News is created with DocMaker, and requires no 'viewer' software as it is
a self running application for the Mac. Colour graphics and interesting
articles will hopefully inspire other contributors.

E-News may be uploaded to ANY on-line system.

#### BINHEX     apples-bc-e-news-96-12.hqx   ****

From: (Corbett Enders) mis@wimsey.com
Subject: E-News 96.12


A FREE electronic newsletter by Corbett Enders & Chris Stevens, co-editors.

In This Issue
  * Not Reachable Online
  * Millard's Mac Musings
    - A Note on last month's column
    - A Newton For Wellington
    - UnZIP'ed
    - RAM Doubler 2.0
    - Web Musing
  * The Techno File
    - Open Transport
  * Photoshop Tips
  * The IAQ File
    - Who Needs FM Pro When There is Claris Works?
  * PowerCenter 150
  * Ways of Promoting a Creative Mindset Using E-Mail
  * Letters to the Editors

Apples BC E-News is the Official Electronic Newsletter of the Apples BC
Computer Society.

We are proud to offer you an electronic version which is similar to our
'paper' newsletter which only our Membership receives. You too can become a
member of Apples BC Computer Society. See the details inside E-News.

E-News is created with DocMaker, and requires no 'viewer' software as it is
a self running application for the Mac. Colour graphics and interesting
articles will hopefully inspire other contributors.

The attached file is a Stuffit archive. You will need Stuffit Expander or
another Stuffit compression utility to extract it.

If you'd like to receive E-News on a monthly basis, we can deliver it right
you your mailbox.
    Internet: send your request to   enews@applesbc.bc.ca

E-News may be uploaded to ANY on-line system.

#### BINHEX     apples-bc-e-news-97-02.hqx   ****

From: enders@istar.ca (Corbett Enders)
Subject: E-News 97.02


A FREE electronic newsletter by Corbett Enders & Chris Stevens, co-editors.

In This Issue
  * Prankstering on the Web
  * My Newton 2.0
  * Taking it to the Macs
  * Millard's Mac Musings
    - Smarthouse
    - Getting this over with Quickly
    - Apple Computer
  * Photoshop Tips
    - Adobe Photoshop 4
  * The IAQ File
    - The Penultimate FileMaker Pro Template
  * MacWorld Expo
  * The Techno File
    - Is the Web what it is cracked up to be?
  * Letters to the Editors

Apples BC E-News is the Official Electronic Newsletter of the Apples BC
Computer Society.

We are proud to offer you an electronic version which is similar to our
'paper' newsletter which only our Membership receives. You too can
become a member of Apples BC Computer Society. See the details inside

E-News is created with DocMaker, and requires no 'viewer' software as it
is a self running application for the Mac. Colour graphics and
interesting articles will hopefully inspire other contributors.

The attached file is a Stuffit archive. You will need Stuffit Expander
or another Stuffit compression utility to extract it.

Subscriptions If you'd like to receive E-News on a monthly basis, we can
deliver it right you your mailbox. Internet: send your request to  

E-News may be uploaded to ANY on-line system.

You received this file because your name is on our subscription list. 
If you received this by mistake, or do not wish to receive E-News
anymore, please send a message to the above address and let us know.