Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #289
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Info-Mac Digest             Tue, 30 Dec 97       Volume 15 : Issue 289

Today's Topics:

      971228 RE: Cut & Paste in Navigator 4
      Applescript for dummies
      batteries in keyboards?
      CD Extra
      eMailer/ eudora question
      Getting rid of Now Utilities
      Help with display problem
      Hooking a Mac up to a Novell Network
      Illustrator v's and the PS "Paths to ..." plugin
      Info-Mac Digest V15 #286
      Mystery attachment??
      Norton vs Disk Essentials
      sharing modem
      Sound Manager question
      Where to find used parts, etc.?

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Date: Sun, 28 Dec 1997 17:04:27 -0800
From: David Snow <>

>Date: Sat, 27 Dec 1997 05:25:16 +0100
>From: Jacob Palme <>
>Subject: Getting rid of Now Utilities
>I have not found any replacement for the very useful Now SuperBoomerang,
>which adds command to the normal file-opening dialogue to go directly to
>recently accessed files and folders.

Default Folder. I couldn't live without it now. Check it out, it has all
_sorts_ of speed-ups to navigating dialog boxes.


David, aka Snowman     
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
"A critic is someone who knows the way but can't drive the car."
                              -- paraphrased from Kenneth Tynan


Date: Sun, 28 Dec 1997 10:34:21 EST
From: KIRoth <>
Subject: 971228 RE: Cut & Paste in Navigator 4

>Date: Sat, 27 Dec 1997 10:19:44 +0000
From: Jack Countryman <>
Subject: no cut and past with Navigator v4?

In Navigator 4 (in constrast to v 3) I find I cannot do the usual 'copy
to clipboard and paste elsewhere' since the Copy choice is either not
present in the edit menu or is not available (greyed out).  I find I
really miss that, since I usually read digests and other larger posts
and don't want to save all of them to get a part.  What solution are you
all using?  Is there some add-on that fixes this, a preference
somewhere, or a separate program?  I think I had such a program (don't
recall the name unfortunately) some time ago, but didn't keep it as I
didn't need it with v3.  Now of course, I cant recall what it was or
find it.  Ideas welcome, thanks in advance as always!

Shareware utility Net-Print, available on Info-Mac, performs this function and
some others very well.  I use Comunicator now, have used Navigator.  

Also you can highlight by using command-C and paste elswhere with command-V.
I never even noticed whether the menu command is present or "available"; it
may be grayed out until you highlight.

Oddly, with Communicator 4, highlighting by mouse click and drag doesn't work
under some conditions; you can successfully highlight by shift click at one
end of the desired field, holding shift, clicking at other end of field.  

Good luck!



Date: 28 Dec 97 17:52:28 -0600
From: WJ Shack <>
Subject: Applescript for dummies

You got it right in the title.  The "Dummies" folks at IDG Books have
AppleScript for Dummies by Tom Trinko which is the most helpful source I have
found on AS.


Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 00:19:06 +0900 (JST)
From: Tito and Shari Poza <>
Subject: batteries in keyboards?

>No keyboards have batteries. The button (it's actually called the "power"
>button) does not get power from a battery. The entire keyboard receives
>power through the ADB port on your Mac, even when the Mac is shut down.
>So when the keyboard is not plugged into the ADB port, there is no power
>coursing through it, except possibly a tiny bit which has been stored up
>in the capacitors.

Are you sure about this? Just yesterday, I read an article in a back issue
of MacHome Journal about the two types of available keyboards (hard contact
and capacitating) which stated that what the post you responded to was
correct (that there are batteries in keyboards).

The original post said:

>>These are sensitive instruments.
>>Especially Apple keyboards that have batteries that allow the Reset button
>>to start the machine, as batteries and water don't mix well either.

The article also said that there are a lot of circuits in there and made me
believe that water of any kind on a keyboard would be a very bad idea.
Further information would be greatly appreciated from those in the know.



Date: Sun, 28 Dec 1997 10:27:43 -0500
Subject: CD Extra

I think you are getting two disks mounted because a CD Extra contains a
Mac and A PC partition. You may have 'PC Exchange' set to mount all PC
disks, while this is not a problem per se, it can clutter up your

You may have better experience playing thediscks with AppleCD player.
This is not to be confused with AppleCD Audio Player which is
automaticly installed in the Apple Extras folder. AppleCD player can be
found in the CD extras folder on the MacOS 8 install disk. I believe an
auto-play feature is available.

The annoying AOL add is just a window which was open on the disk when it
was burned. If this window had been the 'root' level of the disk it
would have been convienent, but since it is functioning as an ad it is
just annoying. Since a CD is 'locked' you can't do much about that.


Date: Sun, 28 Dec 1997 16:49:05 -0600
From: "Dennis L. Davis" <>
Subject: eMailer/ eudora question

At 18:04 -0500 12/17/97, wittily wrote:

> I am trying to decide which to use, Emailer 1.1 or eudora lite 3.0 for my
> mail downloads. I have a questions about each.
> 1. Emailer: How do I get emailer to treat the Infomac mailing as one document
> and not an email with Mime enclosures? Or is this impossible with version
> 1.x?

No idea I use Eudora, not Emailer.

> 2 Eudora: How do I get Eudora to automaticly sign on and download once daily
> or every other day while I'm away from the machine? It seems there is only an
> option to check every ___ minutes.

If you set it to check every 720 minutes you would have it check every 12
hours or if you set it to check every 1440 minutes it would be every 24
hours and you could still do a manual check when you wished. You would also
need to have Eudora open a connection when it needs to automatically.

> 3. Both: how do I get both to sign off when the download is complete? Or do I
> have to let  the PPP software sign off after a period of inactivity?

In Eudora Pro 3.1.3 {which is what I have} and I think Eudora Lite 3.1.3
has this too, go to the Settings and there is one known as OT/PPP and
MacSLIP, there are two check boxes. Check the Disconnect MacSLIP or OT/PPP
check box. That should do what you want.

You should get Eudora Lite 3.1.3 as this is the latest version of the Lite

> John McGibney

Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back. Blessings, Denny


Date: Mon, 29 Dec 1997 09:56:08 +0000
From: Christopher Adams <>
Subject: Getting rid of Now Utilities

 Jacob Palme <> wrote:
>I have not found any replacement for the very useful Now SuperBoomerang,
>which adds command to the normal file-opening dialogue to go directly to
>recently accessed files and folders.

Try Default Folder, which I've used for years and wouldn't be without:


Chris Adams, Birmingham, UK.    
The Mac SE Support Pages


Date: Mon, 29 Dec 1997 09:58:02 -0500
From: Jennifer Deason <>
Subject: Help with display problem

I received a new CD-Rom for christmas (Cosmopolitan Virtual Make-over)
and I'm having trouble getting it to work on my PowerBook. The program
wants to set my display to "16 bit color and 640 X 480" according to the
manual. But when I load the program up I get black bars on thr top and
bottom of my screen. The program seems to be running fine, but I can't
see all of the screen. Important button are off my screen (in the black
area) and I can't use my new program. What's going on?


Date: Sun, 28 Dec 97 23:03:36 -0600
From: Todd Mogilner <>
Subject: Hooking a Mac up to a Novell Network

I have two clients who have Macs and want to hook them up to a Novell 
network. How do you do that? If you could e-mail me privately with 
details I would appreciate it.


Date: Sun, 28 Dec 97 11:38:54 -0400
From: sjwright <>
Subject: Illustrator v's and the PS "Paths to ..." plugin


I am curious to know if the Photoshop "Paths to Illustrator" plugin, =
bundled with such versions as 2.5.1 (which I have; I already know how =
desperately I need to upgrade), will work with Illustrator versions =
newer than the one released concurrently to my version of Photoshop.  =
Personally, I doubt it. 

Should my doubts prove valid, can anyone tell me what version(s) of =
Illustrator the "Paths" plugin released with PS2.5 will work with? =
Another Big Help: How available are those versions?

Steve Wright

sender is male. hazelnut is coffee.  sjw.

Forwards and replies welcome. 
No Spam.
(on devrait tomber les lettres extras pour r=E9pliquer)


Date: Mon, 29 Dec 1997 00:35:18 -0600
From: Nicholas Miller <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #286

>Date: Sat, 27 Dec 1997 15:42:11 GMT
>From: "Paulo C. Lemos" <>
>Subject: Macs and PC network
>My department at the university has all computers connected to the same
>ethernet network. Recently it was decided to dispose the mac computers as
>the network was mainly PC. One of the reasons was that PC users could not
>have acess to Mac disk (and files) use by the secretary. Can anyone point
>me some kind of sofware that could make computers visible to each other in
>this network.It should be preferably shareware as otherwise it will be
>dificult to convince the department responsible to not let the macs die.
>Tanking you in advance
>Paulo Lemos (

Depending on the type of network you have, you might already have the
solution.  If you are on a Novell or NT network, your secretary could use a
networked drive to save the files and the other users on the network could
access the same drive.  Novell provides free client software for Macs, and
if I read my documentation correctly, NT services for Macintosh should
allow the network administrator to configure a drive for the Mac users to
use on the NT server.  I am not familiar withthe details on other networks.
No matter what network you are working with, you are not the first one with
this problem.  Talk to your system admins.  It probably will be one of the
following situations.

1. They know the solution to the problem but have not been asked to solve it,

2. They know the solution but do not WANT to solve it (they don't like
Macs, they are too busy, Why add complexity?  etc)

3.  They have not researched the problem for whatever reason.  (see 2 above)

If you are lucky, you will be in situation 1 and all will be well when you
put in your request.  More likely you will have to deal with the Political
aspects of situation 2 or 3.  Good Luck.


Date: Sun, 28 Dec 1997 08:25:48 -0800
From: "Barbara R. Isaacs" <>
Subject: LC111

I put System 7.6.1 on my LC111. Works like a charm. Much more
stable than the previous system with few crashes. You should
have no problems.

BTW. I put in 36 megs of ram and 756k of VRAM. No memory problems.



Date: Sun, 28 Dec 1997 19:58:06 -0600
From: Gib Henry <>
Subject: Mystery attachment??

> Date: Thu, 25 Dec 1997 21:02:37 -0500
> From: Allan Hunter <>
> Subject: Mystery attachment??
> Got an email from someone I don't know.  Had an attachment with a .vcf
> suffix on it.  By default, BBEdit opened it.  I emailed the individual
> only
> to be told shortly after that this individual's account does not exist.
> Text content of the .vcf file is like so (with names removed):
> begin:          vcard
> fn:             Lastname,  Firstname
> n:              Lastname;Firstname
> email;internet:
> x-mozilla-cpt:  ;0
> x-mozilla-html: FALSE
> version:        2.1
> end:            vcard
> Anyone got a clue as to what this was supposed to have been?

I suspect this is a greeting card, quite possibly in a pee-cee only format,
possibly video (i.e., _V_ideo _C_ard _F_ormat?).  You might try it with
Virtual PC or SoftWindows.  However, you might also be a little wary since
pee-cee's can pass virii this way.  Also, these cards are usually sent in
the name of the sender, but actually from (or by) a greeting-card service,
so check the headers, and if so, inquire of the service.  Hope this helps.
Happy new year, and cheers,


Date: Sun, 28 Dec 1997 18:01:32 -0600
From: (Ted Logan)
Subject: Norton vs Disk Essentials

>Ted, Credentials don't mean squat. It's personal experience that tells
>all. I have both Norton's and DE. I've used both and both have performed
>well. HOWEVER, DE gets deeper into your files than Norton and IMHO gets
>the job done better.
>Now here's one for ya. TechTools is working on a   repair/retreival
>addition to their diagnostic program-due out in February '98. Now what
>are ya gonna do? Me thinks you're just going to bite the bullett and
>choose one and don't look back.

All good points, but I am suspicious, still, of DE.  I ran NUM 3.5 on my
7100/80/7.5.5 hard disks (720MB Macintosh internal plus 1.2GB La Cie
external), not expecting any problem reports, and got none.  Then I ran the
DE 1.1 demo and got an MDB error report of incorrect file size on the 720MB
internal (not repairable with the demo).  Ran Norton again: still nothing.
Okay, so then I ran Disk Tools.  Same report as NUM: no problems.

Being cynical, I suppose that if I wanted to sell Disk Essentials I might
put out a demo that always reported a certain kind of problem that only
DiskRX could fix.  But that's being cynical, maybe even ugly.

Thanks to others answering this question, I've discovered the MacFixIt site
(, which includes a long history of reports about Disk
Essentials.  In a nutshell, it looks like DE 1.1.1 (now shipping, maybe?)
works properly, based on the last MacFixIt report from 12/17/97.  I'm
waiting for my copy of DE to arrive, perhaps this week, though not any
longer with baited breath.

My problem is, I'm paid to write advertising copy, not fiddle with
computers.  But after nearly 20 years of fiddling with computers while
learning to write, I've come to recognize the importance of system and hard
disk maintenance and do the best I can to stay afloat in a sea of worries.

So if you don't hear back from me reasonably soon, dispatch the Macintosh
National Guard into North Central Oklahoma, where I may be under attack
from hostile tribes of Norton Utilities and Disk Essentials.  Otherwise,
I'll let Info-Mac know what happens.

Ted Logan
Logan Writing, Inc.
Cleveland, Oklahoma (or


Date: Sun, 28 Dec 1997 20:07:01 -0600
From: Gib Henry <>
Subject: Norton/TechTools/DiskEssentials

> Date: Mon, 22 Dec 1997 17:16:34 -0600
> From: (Ted Logan)
> Subject: Norton/TechTools/DiskEssentials
> >>Actually, no. TechTool is a diagnostic program only. Norton is a
> >>diagnostic AND repair program.
> >>Don't rule out Disk Essentials at <>. This is the
> >>competition for Norton and a pretty good program. In fact, it digs a
> >>little deeper than Norton and does a better job ferreting out and
> >>repairing trouble
> >
> >Erm, yeah, except I have heard ALOT more complaint about the
> diskrecovery
> >module in diskessentials totally destroying data on harddrives which
> were
> >working well. Or which Norton's would fix.
> >
> >Norton's has a much bigger base, and I don't hear as many comments. My
> >conclusion is I wouldn't use DiskEssentials on MY mac ;)
> >
> >BTW, always use Apple's DiskFirstAid FIRST before trying norton's
> Oh, good grief.  I just ordered Disk Essentials (and Help!) on he
> strength
> of earlier identical  warnings about Norton.  Howzabout you Mac gurus
> singing in the same key for once?

Sorry, I can only sing in my own key! :-)  There is no company line here;
we're all individuals with our own opinions.

> Please help.  I need an answer from someone with serious Apple
> credentials:
> Which is *safer* to use for data recovery (ignoring backup) on my Power
> Mac
> 7100/80 running Mac OS 7.5.5, Norton Utilities or DiskEssentials?

My 8 years or so of experience with Norton Utils (and MacTools) suggests
that Norton can fix just about anything, period--eventually.  You may have
to restart from AND run it from an external drive with nothing but System
7.x or 8.x extensions, and you may have to run it multiple times until it
reports no problems detected, but it's never failed me.  I trust it
explicitly--but only after BACKING UP before running it!  ;-)  Oh, and run
Disk First Aid, too, also from the external, also with System x.x
Extensions Only, and also until it reports no problems.

I have no experience with DiskEssentials.

Hope this helps.  Cheers,


Date: Sun, 28 Dec 1997 14:04:51 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: sharing modem

Is there a shareware that I can find that will enable me to use two computers
onto one modem to surf the net?  I knowtere is a commercial one but money
is tight being a student and all... plese let me know!! Thanks in advance!


Date: Sun, 28 Dec 1997 20:11:03 -0600
From: Gib Henry <>
Subject: Sound Manager question

> Date: Tue, 23 Dec 1997 08:31:51 -0800
> From: John Withers <>
> Subject: Sound Manager question
> Hello all.
> I've installed a couple of games on my Performa 6320 (with 7.5.3)
> lately.  The games install a sound manager extension.  When I restart, I
> experience system lockups and >>no sound<<.  I checked the installation
> CD that came with the system and there wasn't a sound manager on it.
> When I trash the extension (or disable it with extension manager),
> everything comes back to normal.  Should I have a sound manager
> extension?  If so, where do I get the appropriate one?  If not, how do I
> stop games and applications for gratuitously installing a sound manager
> that doesn't work?

I hope someone will let us know if I'm wrong, but I think Sound Manager
functionality was rolled into System 7.5.  If that's true, removing it is
fine.  And to prevent the problem from recurring, you could create a folder
with the name Sound Manager, then lock it.  This way, future installers
might not try to install the extension.  Hope this helps.  Cheers,


Date: Mon, 29 Dec 1997 08:26:31 -0500
From: Bill Rusin <>
Subject: Where to find used parts, etc.?

Where is a good place to look for used mac parts?

For example, video boards, etc.
In my area, there are frequent "computer shows" where they sell used
PC stuff, but they never have anything for macs.  What is available on
the net?

Bill Rusin


Date: Mon, 29 Dec 1997 22:07:36 +0900
From: Shaw & Sato <>

Dear Macophiles,

	I've picked up a whole bunch of great suggestions from many of you
on good desktop patterns--thanks to those that I haven't already thanked
directly.  Now, the next question of the moment, prompted by someone else's
note in Info-Mac a while back:  Someone had made an Applescript script that
changed the desktop pattern or picture daily (I think), choosing new
patterns or pictures randomly.  I would like to know how to do this as I
have so many patterns and pictures now, and want them to change just as
often as I start up the machine.  Any hints?  I ask this since I haven't
found any good books yet talking about System 8.0 (the version of Pogue's
"Mac Secrets" I just got from Amazon today still covers System 7.6).  Many
doomo's in advance.

Ted Shaw



End of Info-Mac Digest