Here is explained how Lin4win works:

 I- --install argument given to lnx4win.exe

 1)The files size.txt and swapsize.txt contain *only* the desired size
 of partitions. Those files are used by the instal program under Linux.

 2)The new config.sys is generated for the boot menu option. It will add
 the Windows and Linux sections.

 3)A desktop shortcut is created by default. It just moves the shortcut
 already present in the Lnx4Win directory in c:\windows\destop.

 4)Turn the WarnOnexit option to 1 in the initialization file if this option
 is selected.

 5)Rename vmlinuz to vmlinuz.old because the installation under
 Linux will replace with new one. And if the user reconfigures

 6)Display a warning if WarnOnExit=1 in the .ini file and then
 boot Linux by calling linux.bat.
 II - No option given.
 1)Display a warning if WarnOnExit=1 in the .ini file and then
 boot Linux by calling linux.bat.