These Minutes were submitted after the cut-off for inclusion in the Proceedings. CURRENT MEETING REPORT Reported by Ellen Hoffman/Merit Minutes of the Training Materials BOF (TRAINMAT) Introduction of BOF attendees and discussion of training activities. The attendees introduced themselves and discussed their interest in training with a focus on what they expect from a working group. Most attendees were directly involved in training development, primarily for end users and some for system administrators and network operators. Very few did hands-on training. Jill Foster described the United Kingdom NISP/ITTI Training Materials project at the University of Newcastle to collect and develop training materials (available through anonymous ftp to in directory pub/itti-networks). Review of Charter and formation of joint RARE/IETF Working Group Jill Foster noted the intent of the BOF was to develop a joint RARE/IETF Training Materials Working Group, which was accepted by the Group. The draft IETF Charter was distributed for comments, and the Group agreed that this should move forward. The Charter was reviewed, The initial focus was viewed to be towards training people to use the networks and how to use services on the network. In addition, the first step was determined to be collecting and disseminating information on training materials as well as training materials themselves, with an evaluation component to be considered in the future. Some discussion of the differences between training materials and documentation led to agreement to focus on materials meant for group or individual training, either on-line or in classroom situations rather than on materials about the Internet which were more likely to be included in the User-Doc Working Group bibliographies. The Group agreed to the focus of the Charter in developing a training catalog and to provide a comprehensive package of "mix and match" training materials. It was also agreed that discussion for this Group would take place on the general User Services mailing list with the provision that if required, a new list would be created in the future. The Group's goals to produce a catalog was discussed, with the materials produced at Newcastle as a potential model. The Group agreed to work on an on-line catalog, and the Clearinghouse for Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval (CNIDR) volunteered to host the database. The data elements developed for the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) Top Node project will be used as a model for producing the fields. Useful training materials Some time was spent discussing training materials that were currently available. This included a review of materials produced by the project at Newcastle. Other sources included: the Internet/BITNET Network trainers list: (to subscribe: mail to with the text of the message: subscribe nettrain yourfirstname yourlastname. Merit's "Cruise of the Internet," a disk based tutorial for Macintosh and Windows (available for anonymous ftp at in the directory /resources) as well as their regular seminars --now translated into Spanish (El Cruso!) as well--which are held throughout the U.S. as open programs and on request by organizations (for information, send to the monthly "Internet Scavenger Hunt," which challenges interested users to locate information available through the Internet using Internet tools and techniques, with answers provided the following month (information available through the nettrain mailing list). the UC-Davis developed "Mining the Internet," a hands-on workshop, available through anonymous FTP from in the directory ucd.netdocs/mining. the online course, "Navigating the Internet," which is available over the network and has had 15,000 registrants. the book, "Crossing the Internet Threshold: an Instructional Handbook," by Roy Tennant, Anne Lipow and John Ober from Library Solutions Press. Other activities discussed The Group discussed mailing lists to make information available on upcoming training events open to others, improving network access to online training, and the need for demo sites that can be used by classes who are doing hands-on training. Attendees "Jodi-Ann Chu" <> "Henry Clark" <> "Naomi Courter" <> "Jill Foster" <> "Alisa Hata" <> "Ellen Hoffman" <> "Lenore Jackson" <> "Laura Kelleher" <> "Janet Marcisak" <> "Marsha Perrott" <> "Joyce K. Reynolds" <> "Jennifer Sellers" <> "Patricia Smith" <> "Simon Spero" <> "Tang Tang" <> "Moira West" <>