Atom Publishing Format and Protocol (atompub) --------------------------------------------- Charter Last Modified: 2006-03-24 Current Status: Active Working Group Chair(s): Paul Hoffman <> Tim Bray <> Applications Area Director(s): Ted Hardie <> Lisa Dusseault <> Applications Area Advisor: Lisa Dusseault <> Secretary(ies): Sam Ruby <> Mailing Lists: General To Subscribe: In Body: In Body: subscribe Archive: Description of Working Group: Atom defines a feed format for representing and a protocol for editing Web resources such as Weblogs, online journals, Wikis, and similar content. The feed format enables syndication; that is, provision of a channel of information by representing multiple resources in a single document. The editing protocol enables agents to interact with resources by nominating a way of using existing Web standards in a pattern. Atom consists of: * A conceptual model of a resource * A concrete syntax for this model * A syndication and archiving format (the Atom feed format) using this syntax * An editing protocol using this syntax The format must be able to represent: * a resource that is a Weblog entry or article (e.g., it has an author, date, identifier, and content) * a feed or channel of entries, with or without enclosed content * a complete archive of all entries in a feed * existing well-formed XML (especially XHTML) content * additional information in an user-extensible manner The editing protocol must enable: * creating, editing, and deleting feed entries * multiple authors for a feed * multiple subjects or categories in a feed * user authentication * adding, editing, and deleting users * setting and getting user preferences * creating, getting and setting related resources such as comments, templates, etc. The working group will use experience gained with RSS (variably used as a name by itself and as an acronym for "RDF Site Summary", "Rich Site Summary", or "Really Simple Syndication") as the basis for a standards-track document specifying the model, syntax, and feed format. The feed format and HTTP will be used as the basis of work on a standards-track document specifying the editing protocol. The goal for the working group is to produce a single feed format and a single editing protocol; the working group will only consider additional formats or additional protocols if those charter changes are approved by the IESG. The working group will also take steps to ensure interoperability, by: * unambiguously identifying required elements in formats * clearly nominating conformance levels for different types of software * providing clear extensibility mechanisms and constraints upon them The Atom protocol will be designed to provide security services for updating and accessing dynamic online resources. The working group will consider current known issues with requirements for remote access, along with the fact that many such resources are constrained by providers who provide the resource owners with little configuration control. The working group's primary focus will be on delivering an interoperable format and corresponding protocol; it is expected that all but the most basic, generic metadata and functions will be accommodated through extensions, rather than in the core documents. Extension development is not included in this charter. The working group will consider the need to either close or to modify the charter and document extensions once the core document set has been approved by the IESG. The working group has two mailing lists: for discussing the Atom format and for discussing the protocol. Goals and Milestones: Done First Atom feed format Internet Draft Done First Atom editing protocol Internet Draft Done Request Last Call for Atom feed format Done Submit Atom feed format to IESG for consideration as a Proposed Standard Apr 2006 Request Last Call for Atom editing protocol May 2006 Submit Atom editing protocol to IESG for consideration as a Proposed Standard Internet-Drafts: Posted Revised I-D Title <Filename> ------ ------- -------------------------------------------- Jul 2004 Dec 2006 <draft-ietf-atompub-protocol-12.txt> The Atom Publishing Protocol Request For Comments: RFC Stat Published Title ------- -- ----------- ------------------------------------ RFC4287Standard Dec 2005 The Atom Syndication Format