Distributed Management WG (disman)

Monday, July 31 at 1300-1500

CHAIR: Randy Presuhn <rpresuhn@dorothy.peer.com> 


1. Administrative matters
   1.1 introductions
   1.2 selection of minute-taker
       See http://www.ietf.org/instructions/minutes.html
   1.3 circulation of sign-up sheet
   1.4 Review of Agenda
   1.5 Allocation of time
2. Status of Current work
   2.1 Script MIB: updates to RFC 2592
   2.2 Schedule MIB: updates to RFC 2591
   2.3 Notification/Log MIB: IETF last call
   2.4 Event MIB: IETF last call
   2.5 Expression MIB: IETF last call
   2.6 Remote Operations MIB: in RFC editor's queue
3. Other relevant work
   3.1 rperfman BOF in Adelaide
   3.2 SnmpConf
   3.3 RmonMib
4. Technical Discussions
   See  http://www.ietf.org/instructions/slides.html
   4.1 closing remaining script/schedule issues
       Juergen Schoenwaelder, estimated 1/2 hour
   4.2 Distributed Active Alarms (Sharon Chisholm)
5. Charter updates
   5.1 completed items
   5.2 changes to target dates
   5.3 Possible additions to charter
       5.3.1 "Script MIB Extensibility" (RFC 2593)
       5.3.2 anything else?
6. Wrap-up
   6.1 review of action items
   6.2 reminders to minute-takers and presenters