|                                                                             |
|                         An Extension 9600 Production                        |
|                       The Complete 9600 bps Apple List                      |
|                           Version 1.9  March, 1988                          |
|                                                                             |
|                              Author:  The Byter                             |
|                          |    |              |     |                    |   |
|         BBS Name         |Megs| Phone Number |Notes|     Sysop Name     | * |
|                          |    |              |     |                    |   |
| The Final Level          | 20 | 201/785-1990 | 8/N | High Voltage       |   |
| Elysium I                | 10 | 201/972-2343 | 5/G | Divine Wind        |   |
| Maximum Overdrive        | 80 | 206/588-0927 | 1/G | Master Blaster     |   |
| Vanaheim                 | 60 | 206/698-1370 | 1/G | Antisocialman      |   |
| Apple Swap Shop          | 10 | 206/779-7567 | 5/G | Mr. Personality    |   |
| Saturn's Rings           | 30 | 206/824-9846 | 1/G | Ring Master        |   |
| R.A.B.B.S. IIGS          | 20 | 206/938-1888 | 1/G | The Munger         |   |
| Den of the Firefox       | 20 | 209/526-2360 | 2/G | The Firefox        |   |
| The Spectrum             | 32 | 213/391-#### | 8/N | The Doc            | * |
| WozMania IIGS            | 60 | 213/421-0393 | 3/G | The Liberator West | * |
| The Fallen Monument      | 22 | 213/425-7839 | 3/K | Aptothelgium       | * |
| The Lexicon of the Cabal | 80 | 213/946-8843 | a/K | The Byter          | * |
| Grey Haven               | 20 | 214/262-5044 | 2/G | Silver Mane        |   |
| Plain-OH Apple IIGS      | 45 | 214/424-2085 | 3/G | Mr. Tubbs          |   |
| Planet of Magrathea      |120 | 215/398-7764 | 6/G | Deep Thought       | * |
| Nuclear Escape           | 40 | 215/540-9811 | 2/O | Peacefrog          |   |
| The Pirate Zone          | 21 | 215/647-5384 | 2/G | Anne Bonny         |   |
| Mount Olympus            | 25 | 215/797-5116 | 2/O | Lord Zeus          | * |
| S.O.B.                   | 20 | 216/235-6613 | 9/G | Blacksmith Market  |   |
| The Dock                 | 70 | 216/267-2938 | a/G | Rigi Intl          |   |
| No Bullsheet             | 40 | 216/521-6835 | 7/G | Killjoy            |   |
| The Electric Apple       | 30 | 216/835-1114 | 1/G | Electric Apple     |   |
| The Mist II              | 90 | 216/974-1153 | 6/G | Dungeon Master     |   |
| The Floating Dragon Elite| 11 | 301/794-6687 | a/G | The Disk Mechanic  |   |
| The Laboratory           | 10 | 303/287-5274 | 2/G | Prof. Beaker       |   |
| Dj's BBS                 | 41 | 303/789-0500 | 9/G | Mad Dave           |   |
| The Cemetary             | 20 | 303/980-9413 | 1/G | Leviathan          |   |
| Transfer Zone            | 40 | 305/286-6519 | 9/G | Transference Major |   |
| Rock & Roll Harbour ][   | 10 | 305/558-9137 | 2/N | Dr. Venkeman       |   |
| Rock & Roll Harbour      | 10 | 305/821-2232 | 8/N | Rock & Roll Doctor | * |
| Logical Shift Left       | 10 | 309/662-0779 | 9/G | The Pretzel        |   |
| The Midwest Exchange     | 20 | 312/447-3857 | 5/G | Disk Muncher       | * |
| The Dark Side 312        | 80 | 312/787-2174 | a/G | Exilic Xyth        |   |
| Dataland International   | 40 | 312/948-5463 | 3/T | Dr. Data           |   |
| The Death Star AE        | 20 | 313/261-1968 | 7/S | Mind Bender        |   |
| Leechers Palace          | 60 | 404/284-4859 | 2/G | Larry Hawkins      |   |
| The Barbary Coast        | 20 | 404/642-5445 | 5/G | Red Hot Flyer      |   |
| The Pilot Exchange       | 21 | 404/669-0410 | 7/G | The Pilot          |   |
| Trader's Hotline         | 60 | 405/436-6885 | 1/G | Master Mind        |   |
| I.S.L.A.N.D.             | 60 | 414/352-6176 | 3/G | Pete Porro         |   |
| Long Distance            | 30 | 414/538-1236 | 2/G | The Cheap NMI      |   |
| No Particular Name       | 50 | 416/489-0454 | 2/G | The Hyaena         |   |
| The Electric Cafe        | 80 | 419/882-2421 | 2/G | Turbo Lover        |   |
| Binary Sixx              | 40 | 505/275-0110 | a/G | Binary Sixx        |   |
| The Second Foundation    | 30 | 505/434-0381 | 2/G | Hari Seldon        |   |
| Alpha 2010               | 20 | 512/687-1221 | 2/G | The Guardian       |   |
| The Castle GS            | 90 | 514/276-4047 | 8/G | HA! HA!            |   |
| The Castle               | 66 | 514/483-5614 | 2/G | The Sword          |   |
| The Temple of Karnak     | 20 | 516/361-4999 | 1/G | The High Priest    |   |
| The Third Planet         | 20 | 516/361-6744 | 2/G | Rylos              |   |
| Revelation               |160 | 604/929-1615 | 2/T | Wrench             | * |
| The Tower                | 80 | 612/553-0908 | 2/G | Appolusionist      |   |
| The Terrian Academy      | 50 | 614/927-6998 | 2/G | The Fungus         |   |
| The Hope Chest           | 40 | 619/277-3114 | 1/G | Ray of Hope        |   |
| Split Infinity           | 20 | 619/942-3713 | 3/G | The Fugitive       |   |
| The Bottomless Pit       | 60 | 714/528-2653 | 2/O | The Jinx           |   |
| The Nucleus              | 50 | 714/682-5387 | 7/O | The Outlaw         | * |
| The Sanctuary            | 24 | 714/875-3538 | 3/G | Apple Adept        | * |
| The Bombay               | 80 | 714/897-0412 | 2/O | The Diskmaster     | * |
| Capital Connection       | 10 | 716/473-8061 | 2/G | The Watcher        |   |
| Phoenix Project          | 80 | 717/273-2034 | a/G | Silver Hawke       | * |
| The Palladium            | 10 | 718/229-1189 | 3/O | The 0perator       |   |
| Entropy's Edge           | 20 | 718/229-2460 | 2/G | Brimstone          |   |
| The Outer Limits         | 80 | 718/492-3054 | 8/G | Star Gazer         |   |
| Fishin' Hole             | 40 | 804/737-2432 | 9/G | The Angler         |   |
| The Hidden Elite         |120 | 805/621-#### | 3/G | Abdul Clamwacker   |   |
| The Hill of Tara         | 40 | 815/727-4020 | 2/G | The Highlander     |   |
| Distar's Swap Shop       | 20 | 816/524-3044 | 6/S | Distar             |   |
| Apple Connexion IIGS     | 10 | 818/332-7105 | 1/G | Sting Ray Jr.      |   |
| The Golden Apple         | 80 | 818/352-2327 | a/G | Carrier Detect     |   |
| The Twilight Zone        | 50 | 818/446-0891 | 6/O | Twilight Zone      |   |
| The Game Grid            | 40 | 818/701-6380 | 9/G | Rick Buttel        |   |
| The Chemical Wasteland   | 60 | 818/799-7555 | 2/G | The Blue Adept     |   |
| The Lexicon of the Cabal | 80 | 818/810-0401 | a/K | The Byter          | * |
| Glendale Private Library | 20 | 818/957-0347 | 2/G | Archives Sentinel  |   |
| The Phone Company        | 20 | 901/767-1801 | 7/S | Digital Master     |   |
| Communications Hex       | 20 | 904/721-3271 | a/G | Joe Powell         |   |
| Ray's ][GS Line          | 80 | 913/262-5155 | a/T | Sting Ray          |   |
| The Liberator            | 20 | 914/353-4256 | 1/G | ][llender          |   |
|                                                                             |
|                                 Key To Notes                                |
|                                                                             |
|      [1..a] Number of months on the List  [G] Runs GBBS Pro Software        |
|      [O] Runs Other Software              [K] Runs KauCom Software          |
|      [A] Runs Apple*Link Software         [N] Runs Pro-Net Software         |
|      [T] Runs Pro-Tac Software            [S] Supertac-only                 |
|                                                                             |
|      Software which is a modified version of one of the above categories is |
|   not considered a new program in it's own right, but is placed under the   |
|   category of the program which spawned it.  This is because I do not have  |
|   the room to list the dozens of "Tree-Tac", "Digi-Pro", "Pro-Link" and     |
|   all the other names sysops tend to come up with for their modified        |
|   systems.                                                                  |
|                                                                             |
|      Those boards marked with an asterisk (*) are those I would personally  |
|   recommend.  These systems I would consider to be the top 15% of the 9600  |
|   systems being run today.  Those marked are clearly a cut above            |
|   the majority of the systems.  This is not to say the other systems not    |
|   so marked aren't worth calling.                                           |
|                                                                             |
|      Some systems, at the behest of their sysops, do not have complete      |
|   phone number listings.  The reason is that these are private systems      |
|   which accept new users by invitation only.                                |
|                                                                             |
|   Please:                                                                   |
|          If you are the sysop of, or a user of, a BBS running on an HST and |
|   oriented towards the Apple // or Apple IIGS, please let me know.  If there|
|   are any changes and/or updates for List information, please let me know.  |
|   It has become very difficult for me to verify each one of these 79+ BBS'  |
|   every month, much less keep up with the rise of new ones.  I can be       |
|   reached on The Lexicon of the Cabal (in 213 or 818) most easily, but I    |
|   will eventually receive a message left on any of the systems marked with  |
|   the asterisk.                                                             |
|                                                                             |
|          I would like to thank all of those sysops who have displayed this  |
|   list in their BBS system, and who have made it the most widely-used Apple |
|   BBS list these days.  Other sysops are welcome to incorporate the List in |
|   their systems as well, so long as it's contents remain unaltered.         |

