pl  nick                          title                        rel. score


01  Jazztiz / KFMF                'dolphin skin fetish'        +13
02  melvyl / hellven              'first gift'                 +10
02  smash / fairlight             'architects of the mess'     +10
03  Amgorb / t-Rex                'randomizer 666'             +8
03  padre Vincenzo / Molecoola    'The cartoon story'          +8


04  Activator / Faktory           'Magical'                    +7
05  rieha / array & confine       'two47one'                   +6
05  reed / damage                 'halitosis'                  +6
06  med / analogik                'Health'                     +5
06  Jean Nine / FD                'Cheap Music'                +5
06  nagz / greenroom              'a voy egy buzi'             +5
06  zalza / chipztream & fromage  'rush'                       +5
06  keen / level45                'something eating my mind'   +5
06  Serpent / HBG                 'Streams of light'           +5
07  3.2.b                         'otherexistance'             +4
08  Vhiiula / Panced Pictures     'Bouncing Boubles'           +3
08  Ghidorah / Razor1911          'Easter egg'                 +3
09  Frown / Aienn                 'skywidth'                   +1
10  Haggeman                      'Going Milking'               0
11  MadBrain                      'Excited'                    -1
12  JDruid / Turbiini             'Valo'                       -2
12  Beldoroon / Fadeout           'Auricoms Submarine'         -2
13  dhg / unik                    'somewhere near you'         -3
13  Zipp / MFC                    'mindship'                   -3
14  odex / cycla                  'chiptune#3'                 -4
15  Prizrak                       'I can do better'            -5
16  Phantom Lord / Accept Corp.   'Kingdom of sun'             -6
16  djKOR / Just-X                'Styles of Pollution'        -6
17  S!nist3ra / Voodoo            'Polylux'                    -7
17  Bit                           'Simple Thing'               -7
18  rp / rohformat                '.silikontitten.'            -8
19  B00StER                       'gwall'                      -9
20  GrimlockSoft                  'Little'                     -10
20  Ivan                          'Lasunov'                    -10
20  Winser / Realevolution        'Years of Democracy'         -10
21  dr.max                        'n-geometry'                 -11
22  .:psycho:. / Psycho Designs   'What's the point?'          -12
22  BB                            'small hit'                  -12
23  ViTT                          'a Slow Dance of the 1970'   -13
--  Blasa                         'softjazz club'