Network Working Group                                    Randall Atkinson
Internet Draft                                              cisco Systems
draft-ietf-ipngwg-ipv6-routing-00.txt                     28 October 1996

                     IPv6 Routing Table Size Issues


     This document is an Internet Draft.  Internet  Drafts  are  working
   documents  of  the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its Areas,
   and its working groups.  Note that other groups may  also  distribute
   working documents as Internet Drafts.

     Internet Drafts are draft  documents  valid  for  a  maximum  of  6
   months.   Internet  Drafts  may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by
   other documents at any time.  It is not appropriate to  use  Internet
   Drafts  as  reference material or to cite them other than as "work in

     This particular Internet Draft is intended for  submission  to  the
   IETF's  IPng  working  group  for  possible  future  publication as a
   standards-track or informational RFC.


    This note describes certain issues relating to the size of the  IPv6
   routing table in backbone routers.  It also suggests several possible
   approaches to dealing with those issues.

     IP version 6 (IPv6) is being developed within the IETF as  a  long-
   term  replacement for the current IP version 4 (IPv4). [DH96] As part
   of IPv6 development, a set of  IPv4-compatible  IPv6  addresses  have
   been defined. [GN96] These addresses are 128 bits long and consist of
   a fixed 96 bit prefix  and  then  contain  an  embedded  32-bit  IPv4
   address in the low-order portion of the address. [HD96]

     In the current IPv4 backbone, the size of the IPv4 routing table is
   a  significant  operational  issue.   Although the deployment of CIDR
   [FLYV93] has significantly reduced the rate of increase of the  total

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Internet Draft         IPv6 Routing Table Issues             28 Oct 1996

   set  of  IPv4  routes,  the  total number of such routes continues to
   increase.  For the purpose of this discussion, a backbone  router  is
   defined  as  a  router  that  contains all IPv4 routes except for the
   "default" route.  As of  this  writing,  a  backbone  router  carries
   perhaps  47,000  IPv4  routes, including about 30,000 routes that are
   external to the router's own network and perhaps 17,000  routes  that
   are  internal  to  the  router's  own  network  and  hence  cannot be
   aggregated. A number of activities performed by a router  have  costs
   proportional  to  the total size of the routing table.  Both size and
   growth rate of  the  total  set  of  IPv4  routes  is  a  significant
   operational issue for backbone networks.

     Deployment of IPv6 in a backbone will increase the number of  total
   routes  that backbone routers have to carry.  To the extent that IPv6
   addresses can be aggregated more effectively than  IPv4  routes  have
   been,  the  issues  posed  by  deployment  of  a second network-layer
   protocol can be mitigated.  However, each IPv6 routing prefix is  128
   bits  long  as  compared with the 32 bits for an IPv4 routing prefix.
   The overall size of a routing table  entry  varies  significantly  in
   different  implementations of IPv6 routing, but it is very clear that
   carrying an IPv4 prefix once natively and a second time as if it were
   an  IPv6  prefix  causes  significant increase in routing table size.
   Even if an IPv6 route entry were the  same  size  as  an  IPv4  route
   entry,  the router would need twice the memory for the routing table.
   This is a significant operational issue in default-less routers.


     There are at least three possible approaches to this  issue.   This
   section  discusses  these alternatives and the issues associated with

2.1 Do Nothing
     This is the simplest alternative.  It involves taking no particular
   actions  to preclude backbone routing tables from increasing in size.
   This approach might work if backbone operational networks obtain  and
   deploy routers capable of handling the significantly larger number of
   backbone routes.

2.2 Route Filtering
     One alternative is for network operators concerned about this issue
   to  filter the routes that they accept via their routing protocols so
   that IPv4-compatible IPv6 prefixes are not accepted into the  routing
   table  and  are not propogated within that operator's routing domain.
   This can work but  potentially  consumes  significant  amounts  of  a
   router's  resources, potentially adversely impact the forwarding rate
   of the routers engaged in such filtering.   Some  believe  that  this
   would also break IPv6 routing.

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2.3 Avoid carrying IPv4-compatible Routing Prefixes
     Another alternative  is  to  avoid  carrying  IPv4-compatible  IPv6
   routing  prefixes  as  if they were native IPv6 routing prefixes.  In
   this alternative, the routing protocol specifications would  prohibit
   IPv4-compatible  IPv6  routing  prefixes as native IPv6 prefixes.  Of
   course, native IPv4  prefixes  that  were  indicated  as  being  IPv4
   prefixes  could  still  be  carried by an routing protocol supporting
   integrated routing (e.g. I/ISIS).

     In this approach, a dual-stack (IPv4 and IPv6) router that received
   a  native  unencapsulated IPv6 packet destined for an IPv4-compatible
   IPv6 address that did not have an  IPv6  route  for  that  particular
   IPv4-compatible  IPv6 address would immediately encapsulate that IPv6
   packet inside IPv4 and forward  it  in  tunneled  form  to  the  IPv4
   destination  address.   This would involve increased cost (due to the
   encapsulation) at the outer edge routers and  would  eliminate  IPv4-
   compatible  IPv6 addresses as a potential source of greatly increased
   routing tables for the backbone routers.

     Because the existence of an IPv4 route in  an  IPv4  routing  table
   does  not  provide any information about whether the next hop is also
   capable of handling IPv6 packets, encapsulation of  the  IPv6  packet
   inside  the  IPv4  packet prior to forwarding is necessary unless the
   forwarding node has certain knowledge that the next-hop  address  for
   the IPv4 route is also capable of handling IPv6 packets.


     It is proposed that the  specifications  for  IPv6-capable  routing
   protocols  clearly  indicate  that router implementations MUST NOT by
   default inject any part of their  logical  IPv4  routing  table  into
   their  logical  IPv6 routing table, that such specifications note the
   operational issue that is described  in  this  note,  and  that  such
   specifications  discourage  implementers  from permitting such cross-
   protocol route injection from occurring.  Of course, if the  operator
   of  the router explicitly chose to inject IPv4-compatible IPv6 routes
   into the IPv6 routing table and live with the results, this would not
   be  prohibited.   The  affected  routing  protocols appear to include
   OSPFv3 [CFM96], RIPv2 for IPv6 [MM96], I/ISIS, and IDRPv2 [RT96].

     Dual-stack routers not  having  an  explicit  route  for  an  IPv4-
   compatible  IPv6  address  will be required to always encapsulate all
   IPv6 packets forwarded to an IPv4-compatible IPv6 destination address
   inside  IPv4  and  then use the IPv4 routing table to lookup paths to
   IPv4-compatible destination addresses.   Encapsulation  is  generally
   required  before  forwarding  for the reason outlined in the previous

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     It  is  possible  to  take  out  an  operational  network   through
   inappropriate  injection of incorrect routes.  It is also possible to
   take out an operational network by injecting more  routes  than  that
   network's  routing  systems  are  able to cope with.  These can occur
   through operator error as well as through the  malicious  actions  of
   third  parties.   Intentional  injection  of  too  many routes into a
   network's routing system such that the victim network  ceases  proper
   operation constitutes a denial of service attack.

   [DH96]   Steve Deering & Robert Hinden, "IP version 6 Specification",
            RFC-1883, January 1996.

   [FLYV93] V. Fuller, T. Li, J. Yu, & K. Varadhan, "Classless Inter-Domain
            Routing (CIDR): an Address Assignment and Aggregation Strategy",
            RFC-1519, September 1993.

   [GN96]   Bob Gilligan & Erik Nordmark, "Transition Mechanisms for IPv6 Hosts
            and Routers", RFC-1933, April 1996.

   [HD96]   Robert Hinden & Steve Deering, "IP version 6 Addressing Architecture",
            RFC-1884, January 1996.

   [MM96]   Gary Malkin & R. Minnear, "RIPng for IPv6", Internet Draft,
            August 1996.

   [CFM96]  Rob Coltun, Dennis Ferguson, & John Moy, "OSPF for IPv6", Internet
            Draft, June 1996.

   [RT96]   Yakov Rekhter & Paul Traina, "Inter-Domain Routing Protocol
            Version 2", Internet Draft, June 1996.


   Randall Atkinson
   cisco Systems
   170 West Tasman Drive
   San Jose, CA 95134-1706 USA

   Telephone: +1 (408) 526-6566

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