Mandriva Linux 2007 Release Notes

Changes and Updates for the Mandriva Linux 2007 release.


   This  document contains important information about the Mandriva Linux
   2007 release.

   The following topics are covered:
     * General information about new features and major changes
     * Changes  to  the  Mandriva  installer and upgrade instructions for
       Mandriva 2006 users
     * Changes to supported hardware and drivers
     * Changes regarding software packages
     * Other technical information for experienced users

   This  document  may  be  updated.  The latest version of these release
   notes is available at

   Please also refer to MandrivaLinux2007Errata - the Errata for the 2007
   release.  The  Errata  page  contains  information  on  known bugs and
   problems  in  the  release  and  instructions  on  fixing, avoiding or
   working around them.

General information about new features and major changes

   Mandriva  Linux  2007 integrates the latest versions of the major open
   source  projects:  kernel  2.6.17,  KDE  3.5.4,  GNOME  2.16, and many

   Many major new features have also been integrated:
     * a 3D/OpenGL desktop interface with both AIGLX and XGL support
     * improved rpmdrake software management tool
     * the new Mandriva 'Ia Ora' desktop theme and screensavers
     * improved network tools to access the Internet from any wireless or
       3G/GPRS networks
     * Support for the XDG menu system, a standard
     * new "Web 2.0" frameworks, like Ruby on Rails, Django and Catalyst
     * the Invictus redundant / failover firewall system

   Mandriva Linux 2007 is available in several different editions:
     * the "One" edition is an installable live CD integrating the latest
       proprietary drivers, available free of charge
     * the "Free" edition is a pure Free Software version, without any of
       the  non-free  packages  bundled  with  other editions; it is also
       available as a free download
     * the "Discovery", "Powerpack" & "Powerpack+" products, for beginner
       users, power users and SOHO users respectively, including support,
       services and many third-party applications like LinDVD and Cedega

   Additional information is also available online:
     * The Mandriva Hardware Database
     * The Mandriva Club
     * The Mandriva User Forums
     * The Mandriva Linux Development Community (Wiki)
     * or at the main Mandriva site

Changes to the Mandriva installer and upgrade instructions for Mandriva 2006

   The  Mandriva  installer has been updated to support the following new
     * multi-arch mode (32 & 64-bit)
     * Express / Live Install mode
     * Driver updates or patches on USB media
     * Use of additional media during installation
     * In-place system upgrade for Mandriva Linux 2006 users

multi-arch mode

   The Mandriva Installer now supports both 32 & 64-bit architectures and
   auto-detects  the  right  platform at boot time. A single installation
   medium is now provided for both architectures.

Express / Live Install mode

   With  the  "Discovery"  and "One" editions of Mandriva Linux 2007, the
   system is provided as an installable live CD. Users can test drive the
   product  on  their  system  and then decide to proceed with an express
   installation  mode. In this mode, all the software packages present on
   the installation media are copied to a new partition on the hard drive
   from  within  the  running  live  CD - no need to reboot to a separate
   installation  mode.  The  other  post-installation steps (club signup,
   package updates) will then proceed as usual.

Patches during installation

   The  Mandriva  installer  now supports USB keys as a source for driver
   updates or patches. Previously, only floppy drives were supported.

Use of additional media during installation

   Update  media can be added at the end of the installation process. All
   available  updates  can  be  retrieved  and  applied at the end of the
   installation  process. This feature works both in interactive mode and
   in  the  automated  mode  (auto_inst_cfg).  Of  course,  this  feature
   requires that the system is already configured to have working network
   access to the update medias.

   It is also possible to integrate additional or custom media during the
   installation  process.  This  can  help administrators doing automated
   installations.   The   following  example  shows  how  to  modify  the
   auto_inst_cfg configuration file:

   media => [
   { type => 'media_cfg', url => 'nfs://a_server/the_path/i586/media' },
   {    type    =>    'media',    id   =>   "media=more_apps",   url   =>
   'ftp://a:a@server//the_path2/media/apps' },

   The  packages  provided  by  the  additional  media are available both
   during  the  installation  process,  to  select additional packages or
   install groups, and also for updates.

Upgrade instructions for Mandriva 2006 users

   The  Mandriva  Installer supports in-place system upgrade for Mandriva
   Linux  2006 users. Users of the previous version of Mandriva Linux can
   choose  the upgrade installation path from the installation media. The
   upgrade procedures replaces the installed system with the new packages
   provided  by Mandriva Linux 2007, including kernel and driver updates.
   User  data  is preserved as usual. Configuration settings are migrated
   to the extent supported by the various software installed.

   We  have  validated many upgrade paths from Mandriva Linux 2006 during
   the  beta  test  period.  However,  some  additional operations may be
   necessary to complete the upgrade, due to some major updates like xorg
   path  changes,  the  overhauled  menu  system, and the new KDE default
   configuration scheme.

   In case of errors, it is advised to perform the following operations:
     * check if all updates have been installed: to do that, open a shell
       window, and use the 'urpmi --auto-select' command
     * re-run   Mandriva  configuration  tools  to  ensure  settings  are
       applied:   open   the  Mandriva  Control  Center  and  visit  each
       configuration  section,  review  settings  then  press the 'OK' or
       'Apply' button, to write a new configuration file
     * re-run  other  desktop  configuration  tools  (KDE):  open the KDE
       Control  Panel,  visit each configuration section, review settings
       and apply
     * re-run  other  desktop  configuration  tools  (GNOME):  open  each
       configuration  tool  in  the  System  /  Preferences  menu, review
       settings and apply
     * If  your  display configuration appears to have been broken by the
       upgrade,  boot  in  'failsafe'  mode,  run  XFdrake, configure the
       display and reboot. If this still does not work, do the same thing
       but remove the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file first. You may also have to
       run  mousedrake  and  keyboarddrake  after doing this, to recreate
       your mouse and keyboard configuration.

   These  operations  are  optional.  All  settings should be migrated by
   either the Mandriva tools or the desktop configuration system. Consult
   the  updated  version  of  these release notes and refer to additional
   online  support  resources  if  you still experience problems after an

Changes to supported hardware and drivers

   Mandriva  Linux 2007 supports a wide range of hardware configurations,
   and some of the most recent platforms:
     * support  for  the  latest  Intel  Core  / Core 2 Duo CPUs (laptop,
       desktop and server reference designs)
     * advanced  ACPI  suspend/restore  support  (S3/S4),  tested on many
       notebook configurations, in particular Intel ICH6, ICH7, ICH8 (*)
     * support for hardware virtualization features, like Intel VT(tm)
     * support  for  all  Intel  graphic  adapters,  including the latest
       GMA950(i945G) & x3000(i965G),
     * support  for  all  the  latest  Intel ICH8 based platforms, NVIDIA
       nForce 5 and ATI SB600 chipsets
     * support  for  the  latest Intel WiFi adapters (ipw2200 / ipw3945),
       the latest ndiswrapper, atheros and bcm43xxx modules
     * support  for  all  major  graphic  cards (Intel, ATI, NVIDIA) with
       X.Org 7.1, VIA Unichrome, SiS (660), etc.
     * support  for  all  major  xDSL  adapters,  including fixes for the
       Speedtouch models
     * support  for the latest storage drivers, including updated Adaptec
       drivers with Host RAID support
     * support  for the major sound chipsets with ALSA 1.0.12 final (note
       Creative X-Fi cards are not supported in Linux)

   Mandriva  Linux 2007 now includes proprietary drivers by default, even
   in  the One freely downloadable versions. A Free Software edition (the
   "Free"  version)  is  also  available,  without the offending non-free

   *  In the Mandriva One live CD edition and in Mandriva Discovery, both
   the  nvidia  and  nvidia_legacy  drivers are available, to support all
   hardware   configurations   without   the   need   for   a  persistent
   configuration  mechanism.  Once  installed, or with the other editions
   (Powerpack,  etc.),  only one of these NVIDIA drivers can be installed
   at a time to prevent configuration errors.

   Additional  and  up-to-date  information  about  hardware  support and
   certified  configurations  is  also available in the Mandriva Hardware

   (*)Note:  ACPI  suspend/restore support depends on many components and
   drivers: please check the HCL for certified configurations.

Changes regarding software packages

Changes to the Mandriva Linux base system

   Mandriva  Linux  2007 ships with updated components at the base system
     * latest 2.6.17 kernel, with up-to-date RSBAC support
     * gcc 4.1 and glibc 2.4
     * LSB 3.1 compliant
     * Xen 3.0.2 (plus patches) with hardware acceleration support
     * improved boot speed with parallel init
     * new and improved bootsplash support

   Mandriva  Linux  2007  contains  an  updated multi-arch switch system.
   Users  can  build  32-bit  applications also from a x86-64 workstation
   without  any  chroot  or  rpm  coloring/repacking  tricks. To use this
   feature,  just  install  the  required 32-bit development packages and
   rebuild with 'linux32 rpm --rebuild package.src.rpm'.

   There  are  no  longer separate kernels for systems with more than one
   processor  core  (the -smp kernels). All three kernels include support
   for  multiple  processor  cores.  At boot time, the kernel will detect
   whether  multiple  processors  are  present  and enable or disable SMP
   support as appropriate.

   Warning:  the  PAE  addressing mode previously available with standard
   Mandriva  2006  kernels  is now only available in "kernel-enterprise".
   This in particular affects systems with more than 4GB of memory, which
   should use kernel-enterprise.

   The  optimal kernel "flavor" is automatically selected by the Mandriva
   Installer.  Similarly,  Mandriva  Linux  2006 users should be migrated
   transparently  to  the  right  kernel with the installer-based upgrade

   For users performing a manual upgrade, the recommended upgrade path is
   as follows:
     * users  of kernel-2.6.12.x, who do not require PAE, can move to the
       kernel-2.6.17.x release
     * users of kernel-2.6.12.x, who do require PAE support, must move to
       the kernel-enterprise-2.6.17.x release
     * users   of   kernel-i586-up-1GB-2.6.12.x   should   move   to  the
       kernel-legacy-2.6.17.x release
     * users  of  kernel-i686-up-4GB-2.6.12.x should move to the standard
       kernel release

   Mandriva  Linux 2007 now ships with JRE (Java Runtime Environment) 1.5
   by default on 32-bit x86. This package is not distributed in the "Free
   Software" edition.

   Mandriva Linux 2007 now ships with the Mono C# environment by default,
   after licensing updates.

Changes to Mandriva tools

   The  Mandriva  tools  have  been  updated  to provide new features and
   improved interfaces.

   The  updated  XFdrake  tool (X Window configuration) supports many new
   configurations and options:
     * support  for  card  specific  options  (clone, BIOS FN key for ATI
       cards, etc.)
     * automatically  detects  and  applies recommended settings for DRI,
       Composite, EXA, multi-head support
     * add support for the new horizontal wheel feature (e.g. mouses like
       the Logitech MX-1000 model), with thumb "back/forward" support
     * enhanced monitor detection support, including monitor-edid fixes
     * most VGA projectors are now supported out of the box, with the new
       Display Clone option turned on by default
     * evdev  is  now  used  in addition to the traditional X and imwheel
       components  for  pointer  devices  with  many  buttons  and  /or a
       horizontal  wheel,  providing  improved support for these devices:
       try your thumb buttons!

   Other minor interface improvements have also been integrated.

   The new drak3d tool detects the best settings depending on card brands
   and  supported features and automatically enables either AIGLX or XGL,
   only  allowing  you to select configurations which should work on your

   The Mandriva Network tools include many new features:
     * support for 3G/EDGE/GPRS network access, including the most common
       devices offered by phone operators
     * extended hardware integration, like rf-kill switch support
     * enhanced   information   messages  to  help  with  network  access
     * new configuration interface for network profiles support
     * new VPN support (OpenVPN and vpnc)
     * Improved zeroconf support
     * Bluetooth networking support
     * improved   user   interface,   with   additional   network  status

   The  Mandriva 'rpmdrake' tool has been reworked and features a new and
   improved  user  interface  with  the software installation and removal
   modes merged.

   urpmi now supports rollbacks: see urpmi-recover(1) for details.

Invictus Firewall

   The  Invictus  Firewall  is  a  new  module  for building a cluster of
   firewalls with full failover and high-availability features.

   Invictus  Firewall  integrates  ucarp and ct_sync in the background to
   achieve  this. ucarp monitors the status of each firewall, and decides
   which router is the current master in the cluster. ct_sync is a kernel
   module  which replicates the connection tracking state across multiple
   firewall nodes.

   In  order  to  secure  the  replication  connection, it is required to
   update  the  iptables  configuration on each node and mark the traffic
   between the interfaces with the CONNMARK target.

   Check  out  the  online  documentation  of  Invictus Firewall for more

Digital Imaging sub-system

   Mandriva  Linux  2007  introduces  CUPS 1.2, the new generation of the
   Common Unix Printing System with:

     * Vastly   improved   web   interface   with   local   and   printer
       auto-detection,  easy queue setup with a few clicks, access to all
       installed    printer   drivers,   most   important   CUPS   server
       configuration  functions  (printer sharing, debug mode), access to
       log  files,  searchable  job  and  print  queue  lists, searchable
     * Fast SNMP-broadcast-based scan for network printers (~4 sec)
     * Per-queue de-activation of printer sharing
     * More detailed definition of acces rights per-printer
     * IPv6 support
     * Improved interface for printer drivers

   Also new:

     * HPLIP 1.6.9: Support for the newest HP printers and multi-function
       devices  from  HP,  with  support  for  faxing  and  printing onto
     * Gutenprint  5.0.0  final  release:  Highest  photo quality on most
       Epson inkjet printers including the recent models
     * Many  other new printer drivers and PPD files to support thousands
       of  printers,  including  the latest models from Ricoh, Gestetner,
       Infotec,  Lanier,  NRG, Savin, HP, Epson, Brother, Samsung, Konica
       Minolta, and many more.
     * Printerdrake,  the  Mandriva  printer setup tool, supports the new
       features  of  CUPS  and  HPLIP  in  its  graphical user interface,
       automatically  downloads  firmware and color profiles for printers
       which  need these files, allows fast discovery of network printers
       and   of  their  communication  protocols  (IPP,  TCP,  and  LPD),
       configuration  of  optional  printer add-ons during printer setup,
       and more.
     * SANE 1.0.18: Support for many new scanner models.
     * Epson Avasys scanner driver: Support for latest Epson scanners.
     * GPhoto  2.2.1  +  DCRaw  8.31  + UFRaw 0.9: Support for the latest
       digital cameras and their RAW image formats.

   USAGE  NOTE:  In  order to fax with an HP multi-function device, users
   need  to  start "hp-sendfax" (Menu: Office -> Communications -> Fax ->
   HP  Sendfax)  BEFORE  sending a job to the fax printer (usually with a
   print  queue  name  with  "FAX"  in  it),  otherwise  the  job will be
   discarded.  It is possible to send more than one job into one fax. Fax
   is available through the print functionality of any application.

KDE Desktop & related applications

   Mandriva  Linux  2007  features  the  new KDE 3.5.4 release, with many
   improvements  and  bugfixes. Further information about this release is
   available on the KDE site.

   The KDE desktop included in Mandriva 2007 now uses a new configuration
   scheme  with  a "cascading overlay" approach. In particular it enables
   administrators  or  OEMs  to  change  almost  all KDE settings without
   needing to touch standard KDE packages or recompile packages.

   Additional KDE configuration profiles can be referenced in /etc/kderc.
   The  default  configuration  profiles  are  now available in different
   packages:   mandriva-kde-config-common-2007  discovery-kde-config-2007
   powerpack-kde-config-2007                powerpackplus-kde-config-2007
   one-kde-config-2007 download-kde-config-2007 mandriva-kdm-config-2007

   KDE now supports the new standard XDG menus.

   KDE  now  uses  kmplayer with the xine backend by default. Kaffeine is
   still available, but is not recommended due to instabilities when used
   as a konqueror plugin.

   KDE now integrates the Kerry search front-end by default.

GNOME Desktop & related applications

   Mandriva  Linux 2007 ships with the latest GNOME 2.16 release. Further
   information about this release is available on the GNOME site.

Mozilla applications

   Mandriva  Linux  2007 ships with the Mozilla Firefox & Thunderbird 1.5

   The  Mozilla  Firefox packages have been split into multiple packages,
   with  a  library  part  and  a  program part. Multiple versions of the
   Firefox  libraries can now be installed in parallel to cope with other
   program  dependencies like Epiphany or Eclipse that also use the Gecko

   Mandriva  Linux  2007  features  native  64-bit  Mozilla browsers with
   support  for  32-bit  plugins.  64-bit  native  browsers  and  JVM add
   improved  performance  while  preserving  compatibility  with existing
   32-bit plugins like FlashPlayer, RealPlayer, and Acrobat Reader 7.

   Mandriva   Linux  2007  integrates  the  latest  2.0.3
   release,  supporting  the ISO-standard Open Document Format as well as
   most  of  the  Microsoft  proprietary  document  formats  and the .sx*
   formats used by OpenOffice 1.x.

   This  version  includes  the  latest  VBA  model  patchset  to enhance
   compatibility  with  Visual  Basic  macros  included  in  many  legacy

   The  native  x86-64 version is currently not recommended for intensive
   or  enterprise  use. The x86-64 packages can be installed concurrently
   with  the i586 version, allowing you to switch from one version to the
   other.  The  x86-64  version  can be launched with the 'ooffice2.0_64'

   The  font  wizard  may  not  work properly in some situations: in this
   case,   users   are   advised   to   install   all   .TTF  fonts  into
   ~/.ooo-2.0/user/fonts/  (this  is  also  applicable to Type1 and other
   bitmap fonts).

   Some new clipart is now provided in the openoffice-clipart packages.


   Apache   has   been   updated   to  the  latest  2.2  stable  version.
   Configuration  files  need to be manually reviewed and migrated to the
   new  version.  Please  refer  to the indivual package release notes in
   /usr/share/doc/apache-base-2.2.3/README.urpmi                      and

Other technical information for experienced users

New XDG Menu system

   Migration  to  XDG  Menu  system  (as  explained  on XDGMenuSystem and
   MenuMigrationToXDG) has been completed with Mandriva Linux 2007.0. The
   Debian  menu  system  is  no  longer  used and files in /usr/lib/menu,
   /etc/menu  and  ~/.menu  are now ignored. Menu customization should be
   done  using  desktop  menu  editors,  such  as  kmenuedit (for KDE) or
   alacarte (for GNOME).

   If upgrading from an older version of Mandriva Linux, no customization
   (such  as  menu changes or applications association to file type) will
   be  migrated  to  the new system. Those customizations will need to be
   re-done   using  desktop  native  tools.  To  prevent  conflicts,  old
   generated         files         in        ~/.local/share/applications,
   ~/.local/share/desktop-directories  and ~/.config/menus/*.menu will be
   renamed            as            ~/.local/share/applications-obsolete,
   ~/.local/share/desktop-dirctories-obsolete                         and
   ~/.config/menus/*.menu.obsolete   when   doing  a  first  login  using
   Mandriva Linux 2007.0.

New Init system

   Mandriva Linux 2007.0 introduces a new parallel initialization system,
   replacing  the  classic  sequential  initialization system. This means
   that  during  boot,  many  services  are  started  at  the  same time,
   improving  boot  speed. Dependencies in the initialization scripts are
   used  to  ensure  the correct starting order for services that rely on
   other  services  being  started first. This system should work without
   problems  on  most  systems,  but there are some potential issues. For
   more information on these, see the Errata.

USB and/or removable media management

   Removable  storage  media  are automatically managed by HAL, D-BUS and
   the respective KDE or GNOME media managers.

   Devices  mounted  through  an  automatic  desktop  mechanism  must  be
   unmounted  with the same mechanism (the "remove safely" action offered
   by   the   file/device  manager  applications).  Such  devices  cannot
   currently  be  unmounted  using  the  umount  command,  except  by the
   super-user.   You  can  however  use  some  command  line  tools  like

   Devices are mounted under /mnt by default.

New 7.1 graphical sub-system

   Following  upstream  changes in 7.0, the few large packages that
   made  up  releases prior to 7.0 have been split into many small
   packages,  one  for  each  driver and library. See this Cooker mailing
   list post for more details.
   Software  cursor can be configured from XFdrake for owners of specific
   cards that do not support accelerated pointers.
   On  specific  notebooks,  Clone  is  automatically disabled to prevent
   stability issues experienced during the beta period.

Base system packages and common libraries


   Cron  was updated to the latest version. crontab now requires an empty
   /etc/cron.deny  file  so  it can be used by any user (this was not the
   case before). Use "touch /etc/cron.deny" to restore the old behavior.


   glibc  has  been updated to the 2.4 version, which implies the removal
   of  linuxthreads,  replaced by ntpl. See this Cooker mailing list post
   for  more  details. As linuxthreads has been broken and deprecated for
   some  years,  this  should  not  be  a  problem, except on some legacy


   Upstream,   the   intended   behaviour   of   (the  upstream  default)
   'bind_policy  hard'  has  been correctly implemented. This changes the
   default  upstream  behaviour  to block on connecting to the first LDAP
   server.  On  Mandriva, the default for bind_policy has been changed to
   "soft", to retain the previous default behaviour. The default upstream
   behaviour may be had by setting "bind_policy hard" in /etc/ldap.conf


   For  gpg  and  ssh  agents, the new preferred solution is based on the
   keychain package, which properly handles both tools. Keychain provides
   authentication dialogs in three environments, console, qt and GTK+, so
   every  user  that needs GPG cryptography or SSH public key agents only
   need install the package keychain, and nothing more. This solution now
   deprecates  home  dir  scripts,  so users are advised to remove custom
   ssh-agent and gpg-agent scripts on home, in favour of keychain.

PalmOS based PDAs

   Pilot-link  (software  used  to  access  PalmOS  based  PDAs) has been
   upgraded to version 0.12 and has been configured to use only libusb to
   communicate with USB PalmOS based PDAs. The 'visor' kernel module will
   no  longer  be  loaded and software used to synchronize with such PDAs
   should be reconfigured to use the usb: port, instead of the deprecated
   /dev/pilot , /dev/ttyUSB0 or /dev/ttyUSB1 device nodes.


   In  previous  releases,  the  netplugd  daemon  was  included  in  the
   net-tools  package.  Since  it should not be used by default, netplugd
   has  been  moved in its own package, in the contrib repository. Use of
   the  ifplugd  daemon  is  preferred, since it is supported by Mandriva
   initscripts, more configurable, and has been used by default for a few


   irssi  perl  support  was  split  from the main package, in irssi-perl
   subpackage. Install it if you need to run perl scripts.

New Shorewall version 3

   Shorewall   has  been  upgraded  to  version  3.  The  syntax  of  the
   /etc/shorewall/zones  files  has changed in this Shorewall release. If
   you  upgrade from a previous Mandriva release, please run the firewall
   configuration    tool   (drakfirewall)   to   update   your   firewall


   autofs  5  introduced  changes  in LDAP support. Most importantly, you
   have to configure the LDAP schema you're using in autofs configuration
   (/etc/autofs/autofs.conf),  and package update can't handle it. autofs
   client  no  longer supports --timeout number_of_seconds option. Server
   must be reconfigured to use instead --timeout=number_of_seconds.


   Changes  have  been  made to the way PHP session files are dealt with.
   Sessions  are  now  saved  in  /var/lib/php instead of /tmp and a cron
   script (/etc/cron.d/php) will clean the directory when needed.

Miscellaneous notes for x86_64 packages

   This  section  summarizes  some  of the issues that may exist with the
   x86_64 versions of Linux applications or drivers.

   Mandriva  is working on eliminating differences between the 32 and the
   64-bit releases of its product, yet some applications may not exist in
   a  64-bit  version  (proprietary applications) or may not be currently
   recommended by the upstream project.

Proprietary packages

   The  64-bit  ISOs  do  not contain proprietary 32-bit applications for
   which we have had no compatibility statement from the vendors.

   The  following  applications  are  not  present  on  the  64-bit ISOs:
   acroread,  BitDefender,  crossover  (demo), FlashPlayer, opera, skype,

   Note:  this restriction is only applicable to the download versions of
   Mandriva  Linux  2007.  Boxed-set products do contain dual-arch medias
   with all the packages.

   Important:  Customers of download versions are entitled to access both
   the  32  and 64-bit versions. We advise customers of download versions
   to  retrieve  both medias to have a backup copy of all packages in the

   Note:  LinDVD,  Cedega  &  the  Flatout game are present on the 64-bit
   ISOs.  No  need  to download the 32-bit version if you only need these

Proprietary drivers

   Some drivers are not available in 64-bit configuration, either because
   the  vendor does not advertise compatibility with this architecture or
   because  our own QA process identified issues preventing default usage
   of the package.

   The  following  proprietary  drivers  are  not  provided on the 64-bit
   media: drdsl, hcfpcimodem*, slmodem*, unicorn.

Flash plugin

   Flash is only available in 32-bit version. The vendor does not provide
   a 64-bit version for the Linux platform.

   Yet, Mandriva provides the 'nspluginwrapper' switch that automatically
   calls  the  right  32-bit plugin, from a 64-bit browser. Thus, even if
   Flash  is  a 32-bit application, Mandriva users can still use a 64-bit
   version of Mozilla Firefox or Konqueror.

Other packages

   The Java Environment is available in both 32 and 64-bit versions. When
   using  a  64-bit  browser,  the  64-bit  java  plugin  is thus used by

   OpenOffice is currently not recommended in the 64-bit version: see the
   OpenOffice related section in this document for details.

   Mandriva  Kiosk:  the  bundles  are currently available only in 32-bit

Changes regarding packages

   Mandriva Linux 2007 contains updated packages of the major open source
   components  and  is  one  of  the most up-to-date distributions on the
   market.  Updates  are  too  numerous  to list, but new (previously not
   distributed)  packages  have  also been added. Some packages have been
   dropped  from  the  distribution  because  they have been obsoleted by
   newer  components,  because  they  are  not  maintained, or because of
   licensing changes.

   You  can  see  the  full  list of changes at MandrivaLinux2007Packages