Source: ../../libxorp/transaction.hh
// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
// Copyright (c) 2001-2003 International Computer Science Institute
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
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// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
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// $XORP: xorp/libxorp/transaction.hh,v 1.4 2003/03/18 01:01:30 pavlin Exp $
#include "config.h"
#include <map>
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include "libxorp/eventloop.hh"
#include "libxorp/ref_ptr.hh"
* @short Base class for operations within a Transaction.
* TransactionOperations when realized through derived classes are
* operations that can be held and dispatched at a later time. The
* @ref TransactionManager class is provided as a container for
* TransactionOperations.
* NB TransactionOperation is analogous to the Command pattern in the
* BoF: Design Patterns , Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson,
* John Vlissides, Addison Wesley, 1995, ISBN 0-201-63361-2.
class TransactionOperation {
* Destructor
virtual ~TransactionOperation() {}
* Dispatch operation
* @return true on success, false on error.
virtual bool dispatch() = 0;
* @return string representation of operation.
virtual string str() const = 0;
* @short A class for managing transactions.
* The TransactionManager creates, manages, and dispatches
* transactions. A Transaction is comprised of a sequence of @ref
* TransactionOperation s. Each transaction is uniquely identified by
* a transaction id.
class TransactionManager {
typedef ref_ptr<TransactionOperation> Operation;
* Constuctor with a given event loop, timeout, and max pending commits.
* @param e the EventLoop instance.
* @param timeout_ms the inter-operation addition timeout. If zero,
* timeouts are not used, otherwise a timeout will occur
* and the transaction aborted if the transaction is not
* updated for timeout_ms.
* @param max_pending the maximum number of uncommitted transactions
* pending commit.
TransactionManager(EventLoop& e,
uint32_t timeout_ms = 0,
uint32_t max_pending = 10) :
_e(e), _timeout_ms(timeout_ms), _max_pending(max_pending)
* Destructor
virtual ~TransactionManager() {}
* Start transaction
* @param new_tid variable to assigned new transaction id.
* @return true on success, false if maximum number of pending
* transactions is reached.
bool start(uint32_t& new_tid);
* Commit transaction
* @param tid the transaction ID.
* @return true on success, false on error.
bool commit(uint32_t tid);
* Abort transaction
* @param tid the transaction ID.
* @return true on success, false on error.
bool abort(uint32_t tid);
* Add operation to transaction.
* @param tid the transaction ID.
* @param operation to be added.
* @return true on success, false if tid is invalid.
virtual bool add(uint32_t tid, const Operation& op);
* Retrieve number of operations in pending transaction.
* @param tid the transaction ID.
* @param count variable to be assigned number of operations in
* transaction.
* @return true if tid is valid, false otherwise.
bool retrieve_size(uint32_t tid, uint32_t& count) const;
* Get the inter-operation additional timeout.
* If the inter-operation addition timeout is zero,
* timeouts are not used, otherwise a timeout will occur
* and the transaction aborted if the transaction is not
* updated for timeout_ms.
* @return the inter-operation additional timeout.
inline uint32_t timeout_ms() const { return _timeout_ms; }
* Get the maximum number of uncommited pending transactions.
* @return the maximum number of uncommitted transactions pending commit.
inline uint32_t max_pending() const { return _max_pending; }
* Get the current number of uncommited pending transactions.
* @return the current number of uncommitted transactions pending commit.
inline uint32_t pending() const { return _transactions.size(); }
* Overrideable function that can be called before the first
* operation in a commit is dispatched.
* Default implementation is a no-op.
virtual void pre_commit(uint32_t tid);
* Overrideable function that can be called after commit occurs
* Default implementation is a no-op.
virtual void post_commit(uint32_t tid);
* Overrideable function that is called immediately after an individual
* operation is dispatched.
* Default implementation is a no-op.
* @param success whether the operation succeed.
* @param op the operation.
virtual void operation_result(bool success,
const TransactionOperation& op);
* Flush operations in transaction list. May be use by @ref
* operation_result methods to safely prevent further operations
* being dispatched when errors are detected. flush() always
* succeeds if transaction exists.
* @param tid transaction id of transaction to be flushed.
* @return true if transaction exists, false otherwise.
bool flush(uint32_t tid);
* Transaction class, just a list of operations to be dispatched.
* It is defined here so classes derived from TransactionManager
* can operate, eg sort operations in list, before committing transaction.
struct Transaction {
typedef list<Operation> OperationList;
Transaction(TransactionManager& mgr, const XorpTimer& timeout_timer)
: _mgr(mgr), _timeout_timer(timeout_timer), _op_count(0)
Transaction(TransactionManager& mgr) : _mgr(mgr), _op_count(0)
/** Add an operation to list */
inline void add(const Operation& op);
/** Dispatch all operations on list */
inline void commit();
/** Flush all operations on list */
inline void flush();
/** Defer timeout by TransactionManagers timeout interval */
inline void defer_timeout();
/** Cancel timeout timer */
inline void cancel_timeout();
/** Get the list of operations */
inline OperationList& operations() { return _ops; }
/** Get the length of the operations list. */
inline uint32_t size() const { return _op_count; }
TransactionManager& _mgr;
OperationList _ops;
XorpTimer _timeout_timer;
uint32_t _op_count;
/** Called when timeout timer expires */
void timeout(uint32_t tid);
/** Increment next transaction id by a randomized amount. */
void crank_tid();
typedef map<uint32_t, Transaction> TransactionDB;
EventLoop& _e;
TransactionDB _transactions;
uint32_t _timeout_ms;
uint32_t _max_pending;
uint32_t _next_tid;
friend class Transaction; // for Transaction to call operation_result()
Generated by: pavlin on on Thu Aug 28 12:51:57 2003, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP. |