Source: ../../libfeaclient/ifmgr_atoms.hh
// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
// Copyright (c) 2001-2003 International Computer Science Institute
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software")
// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
// listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
// preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright
// holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission.
// The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This
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// legally binding.
// $XORP: xorp/libfeaclient/ifmgr_atoms.hh,v 1.5 2003/08/27 22:44:19 pavlin Exp $
#include "libxorp/xorp.h"
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include "libxorp/ipv4.hh"
#include "libxorp/ipv6.hh"
#include "libxorp/mac.hh"
class IfMgrIfAtom;
class IfMgrVifAtom;
class IfMgrIPv4Atom;
class IfMgrIPv6Atom;
class IfMgrIfTree {
typedef map<const string, IfMgrIfAtom> IfMap;
* Interface collection accessor.
inline const IfMap& interfaces() const { return _ifs; }
* Interface collection accessor.
inline IfMap& interfaces() { return _ifs; }
* Clear all interface state.
inline void clear();
* Find interface.
* @param ifname name of interface to find.
* @return pointer to interface structure on success, 0 otherwise.
const IfMgrIfAtom* find_if(const string& ifname) const;
* Find interface.
* @param ifname name of interface to find.
* @return pointer to interface structure on success, 0 otherwise.
IfMgrIfAtom* find_if(const string& ifname);
* Find virtual interface.
* @param ifname name of interface responsible for virtual interface.
* @param vifname name of virtual interface.
* @return pointer to virtual interface structure on success, 0 otherwise.
const IfMgrVifAtom* find_vif(const string& ifname,
const string& vifname) const;
* Find virtual interface.
* @param ifname name of interface responsible for virtual interface.
* @param vifname name of virtual interface.
* @return pointer to virtual interface structure on success, 0 otherwise.
IfMgrVifAtom* find_vif(const string& ifname,
const string& vifname);
* Find IPv4 address structure.
* @param ifname name of interface responsible for address.
* @param vifname name of virtual interface responsible for address.
* @param addr IPv4 address.
* @return pointer to virtual interface structure on success, 0 otherwise.
const IfMgrIPv4Atom* find_addr(const string& ifname,
const string& vifname,
const IPv4 addr) const;
* Find IPv4 address structure.
* @param ifname name of interface responsible for address.
* @param vifname name of virtual interface responsible for address.
* @param addr IPv4 address.
* @return pointer to virtual interface structure on success, 0 otherwise.
IfMgrIPv4Atom* find_addr(const string& ifname,
const string& vifname,
const IPv4 addr);
* Find IPv6 address structure.
* @param ifname name of interface responsible for address.
* @param vifname name of virtual interface responsible for address.
* @param addr IPv6 address.
* @return pointer to virtual interface structure on success, 0 otherwise.
const IfMgrIPv6Atom* find_addr(const string& ifname,
const string& vifname,
const IPv6& addr) const;
* Find IPv6 address structure.
* @param ifname name of interface responsible for address.
* @param vifname name of virtual interface responsible for address.
* @param addr IPv6 address.
* @return pointer to virtual interface structure on success, 0 otherwise.
IfMgrIPv6Atom* find_addr(const string& ifname,
const string& vifname,
const IPv6& addr);
* Equality operator.
* @param o tree to compare against.
* @return true if this instance and o are the same, false otherwise.
bool operator==(const IfMgrIfTree& o) const;
IfMap _ifs;
* @short Interface configuration atom.
* Represents an interface in XORP's model of forwarding h/w.
class IfMgrIfAtom {
typedef map<const string, IfMgrVifAtom> VifMap;
inline IfMgrIfAtom(const string& name);
inline const string& name() const { return _name; }
inline bool enabled() const { return _en; }
inline void set_enabled(bool en) { _en = en; }
inline uint32_t mtu_bytes() const { return _mtu; }
inline void set_mtu_bytes(uint32_t mtu) { _mtu = mtu; }
inline const Mac& mac() const { return _mac; }
inline void set_mac(const Mac& mac) { _mac = mac; }
inline const VifMap& vifs() const { return _vifs; }
inline VifMap& vifs() { return _vifs; }
bool operator==(const IfMgrIfAtom& o) const;
IfMgrIfAtom(); // not implemented
string _name;
bool _en; // enabled
uint32_t _mtu; // mtu in bytes
Mac _mac; // MAC address
VifMap _vifs; // map of vifname-vif
* @short Virtual Interface configuration atom.
* Represents a virtual interface in XORP's model of forwarding h/w.
class IfMgrVifAtom {
typedef map<const IPv4, IfMgrIPv4Atom> V4Map;
typedef map<const IPv6, IfMgrIPv6Atom> V6Map;
inline IfMgrVifAtom(const string& name);
inline const string& name() const { return _name; }
inline bool enabled() const { return _en; }
inline void set_enabled(bool en) { _en = en; }
inline bool multicast_capable() const { return _mcap; }
inline void set_multicast_capable(bool cap) { _mcap = cap; }
inline bool broadcast_capable() const { return _bcap; }
inline void set_broadcast_capable(bool cap) { _bcap = cap; }
inline bool p2p_capable() const { return _p2pcap; }
inline void set_p2p_capable(bool cap) { _p2pcap = cap; }
inline bool loopback() const { return _loopback; }
inline void set_loopback(bool l) { _loopback = l; }
inline uint32_t pif_index() const { return _pif; }
inline uint32_t set_pif_index(uint32_t i) { return _pif = i; }
inline const V4Map& ipv4addrs() const { return _v4addrs; }
inline V4Map& ipv4addrs() { return _v4addrs; }
inline const V6Map& ipv6addrs() const { return _v6addrs; }
inline V6Map& ipv6addrs() { return _v6addrs; }
bool operator==(const IfMgrVifAtom& o) const;
IfMgrVifAtom(); // not implemented
string _name;
bool _en; // enabled
bool _mcap; // multicast capable
bool _bcap; // broadcast capable
bool _p2pcap; // point-to-point capable
bool _loopback; // true if loopback Vif
uint32_t _pif; // physical interface index
V4Map _v4addrs;
V6Map _v6addrs;
* @short IPv4 configuration atom.
* Represents an address associated with a virtual interface in XORP's model
* of forwarding h/w.
class IfMgrIPv4Atom {
inline IfMgrIPv4Atom(const IPv4& addr)
: _addr(addr)
inline IPv4 addr() const { return _addr; }
inline uint32_t prefix() const { return _prefix; }
inline void set_prefix(uint32_t p) { _prefix = p; }
inline bool enabled() const { return _en; }
inline void set_enabled(bool en) { _en = en; }
inline bool multicast_capable() const { return _mcap; }
inline void set_multicast_capable(bool cap) { _mcap = cap; }
inline bool loopback() const { return _loop; }
inline void set_loopback(bool l) { _loop = l; }
inline bool has_broadcast() const { return _bcast; }
inline void remove_broadcast() { _bcast = false; }
inline void set_broadcast_addr(const IPv4 baddr);
inline IPv4 broadcast_addr() const;
inline bool has_endpoint() const { return _p2p; }
inline void remove_endpoint() { _p2p = false; }
inline void set_endpoint_addr(const IPv4 endpoint);
inline IPv4 endpoint_addr() const;
bool operator==(const IfMgrIPv4Atom& o) const;
IfMgrIPv4Atom(); // not implemented
IPv4 _addr;
uint32_t _prefix; // network prefix
bool _en; // enabled
bool _mcap; // multicast capable
bool _loop; // Is a loopback address
bool _bcast; // _oaddr refers to a broadcast addr
bool _p2p; // _oaddr refers to a point-to-point address
IPv4 _oaddr; // Other address [bcast|p2p]
* @short IPv6 configuration atom.
* Represents an address associated with a virtual interface in XORP's model
* of forwarding h/w.
class IfMgrIPv6Atom {
inline IfMgrIPv6Atom(const IPv6& addr)
: _addr(addr)
inline const IPv6& addr() const { return _addr; }
inline bool enabled() const { return _en; }
inline void set_enabled(bool en) { _en = en; }
inline uint32_t prefix() const { return _prefix; }
inline void set_prefix(uint32_t p) { _prefix = p; }
inline bool multicast_capable() const { return _mcap; }
inline void set_multicast_capable(bool cap) { _mcap = cap; }
inline bool loopback() const { return _loop; }
inline void set_loopback(bool l) { _loop = l; }
inline bool has_endpoint() const { return _p2p; }
inline void remove_endpoint() { _p2p = false; }
inline void set_endpoint_addr(const IPv6& endpoint);
inline const IPv6& endpoint_addr() const;
bool operator==(const IfMgrIPv6Atom& o) const;
IfMgrIPv6Atom(); // not implemented
IPv6 _addr;
uint32_t _prefix; // network prefix
bool _en; // enabled
bool _mcap; // multicast capable
bool _loop; // Is a loopback address
bool _p2p; // _oaddr refers to a point-to-point address
IPv6 _oaddr;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Inline IfMgrIfTree methods
inline void
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Inline IfMgrIfAtom methods
IfMgrIfAtom::IfMgrIfAtom(const string& name)
: _name(name)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Inline IfMgrVifAtom methods
IfMgrVifAtom::IfMgrVifAtom(const string& name)
: _name(name)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Inline IfMgrIPv4Atom methods
inline void
IfMgrIPv4Atom::set_broadcast_addr(const IPv4 oaddr)
if (oaddr == IPv4::ZERO()) {
_bcast = false;
} else {
_bcast = true;
_p2p = false;
_oaddr = oaddr;
inline IPv4
IfMgrIPv4Atom::broadcast_addr() const
return _bcast ? _oaddr : IPv4::ZERO();
inline void
IfMgrIPv4Atom::set_endpoint_addr(const IPv4 oaddr)
if (oaddr == IPv4::ZERO()) {
_p2p = false;
} else {
_p2p = true;
_bcast = false;
_oaddr = oaddr;
inline IPv4
IfMgrIPv4Atom::endpoint_addr() const
return _p2p ? _oaddr : IPv4::ZERO();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Inline IfMgrIPv6Atom methods
inline void
IfMgrIPv6Atom::set_endpoint_addr(const IPv6& oaddr)
if (oaddr == IPv6::ZERO()) {
_p2p = false;
} else {
_p2p = true;
_oaddr = oaddr;
inline const IPv6&
IfMgrIPv6Atom::endpoint_addr() const
return _p2p ? _oaddr : IPv6::ZERO();
Generated by: pavlin on on Thu Aug 28 12:52:11 2003, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP. |