Source: ../../rip/route_entry.hh
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// Copyright (c) 2001-2003 International Computer Science Institute
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// $XORP: xorp/rip/route_entry.hh,v 1.1 2003/04/10 00:27:43 hodson Exp $
#ifndef __RIP_ROUTE_ENTRY_HH__
#define __RIP_ROUTE_ENTRY_HH__
#include "config.h"
#include "libxorp/ipnet.hh"
#include "libxorp/timer.hh"
template<typename A> class RouteEntryOrigin;
* RIP Route Entry Class.
* This class is used for storing RIPv2 and RIPng route entries. It is
* a template class taking an address family type as a template argument.
* Only IPv4 and IPv6 types may be supplied.
template<typename A>
class RouteEntry {
typedef A Addr;
typedef IPNet<A> Net;
typedef RouteEntryOrigin<A> Origin;
* Constructor.
* The constructor set the internal state according to the parameters and
* if the Origin is non-null makes the appropriate call to tell the
* Origin of it's existence.
RouteEntry(const Net& n,
const Addr& nh,
uint32_t cost,
Origin*& o,
uint32_t tag);
* Destructor.
* Cleans up state associated with RouteEntry. If the Origin associated
* with the RouteEntry is not-null, the Origin is informed of the
* destruction.
* Get network.
inline const IPNet<A>& net() const { return _net; }
* Set next hop.
* @param nh the new nexthop to be associated with Route Entry.
* @return true if the stored nexthop changed, false otherwise.
bool set_nexthop(const A& nh);
* Get next hop.
* @return nexthop address associated with the route entry.
inline const A& nexthop() const { return _nh; }
* Set the cost metric.
* @param cost the new cost to be associated with the Route Entry.
* @return true if stored cost changed, false otherwise.
bool set_cost(uint32_t cost);
* Get the cost metric.
* @return the cost associated with the route entry.
uint32_t cost() const { return _cost; }
* Set the origin. If the origin is different from the stored origin,
* the RouteEntry dissociates itself from the current origin and
* informs the new origin of it's existence.
* @param origin the new origin to be associated with the route entry.
* @return true if the stored origin changed, false otherwise.
bool set_origin(Origin* origin);
* Get the origin.
* @return a pointer to the origin associated with the route entry.
inline const Origin* origin() const { return _origin; }
* Get the origin.
* @return a pointer to the origin associated with the route entry.
inline Origin* origin() { return _origin; }
* Set the tag value.
* @param tag the tag value to be associated with the route entry.
* @return true if the stored tag changed, false otherwise.
bool set_tag(uint16_t tag);
* Get the tag.
* @return tag value associated with the route entry.
inline uint16_t tag() const { return _tag; }
* Set a Timer Event associated with this route.
inline void set_timer(const XorpTimer& t) { _timer = t; }
* Get Timer associated with route.
inline const XorpTimer& timer() const { return _timer; }
RouteEntry(const RouteEntry&); // Not implemented.
RouteEntry& operator=(const RouteEntry&); // Not implemented.
inline void dissociate();
inline void associate(Origin* o);
Net _net;
Addr _nh;
uint32_t _cost;
Origin* _origin;
uint16_t _tag;
XorpTimer _timer;
* Base class for originators of RIP route entires.
* This class is used for storing RIPv2 and RIPng route entries. It is
* a template class taking an address family type as a template argument.
* Only IPv4 and IPv6 types may be supplied.
template <typename A>
class RouteEntryOrigin {
typedef RouteEntry<A> Route;
struct RouteEntryStore;
virtual ~RouteEntryOrigin();
bool associate(const Route* r);
bool dissociate(const Route* r);
size_t route_count() const;
void dump_routes(vector<const Route*>& routes) const;
RouteEntryOrigin(const RouteEntryOrigin& reo); // Not impl
RouteEntryOrigin& operator=(const RouteEntryOrigin&); // Not impl
struct RouteEntryStore* _rtstore;
* A comparitor for the purposes of sorting containers of RouteEntry objects.
* It examines the data rather than using the address of pointers. The
* latter approach makes testing difficult on different platforms since the
* tests may inadvertantly make assumptions about the memory layout. The
* comparison is arbitrary, it just has to be consistent and reversible.
* IFF speed proves to be an issue, RouteEntry can be changed to be an element
* in an intrusive linked list that has a sentinel embedded in the
* RouteEntryOrigin.
template <typename A>
struct RtPtrComparitor {
bool operator() (const RouteEntry<A>* a, const RouteEntry<A>* b) const
const A& ma = a->net().masked_addr();
const A& mb = b->net().masked_addr();
if (ma < mb) {
return -1;
} else if (ma > mb) {
return +1;
size_t pla = a->net().prefix_len();
size_t plb = b->net().prefix_len();
if (pla < plb) {
return -1;
} else if (pla > plb) {
return +1;
return 0;
#endif // __RIP_ROUTE_ENTRY_HH__
Generated by: pavlin on on Mon Jun 9 13:24:02 2003, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP. |