Source: ../../libxorp/nexthop.hh
// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
// Copyright (c) 2001,2002 International Computer Science Institute
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software")
// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
// listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
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// The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This
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// $XORP: xorp/libxorp/nexthop.hh,v 2002/12/11 23:56:05 hodson Exp $
#include "xorp.h"
#include "ipv4.hh"
#include "ipv6.hh"
#include "ipvx.hh"
// NextHop is a generic next hop object.
// PeerNextHop is for next hops that are local peers.
// EncapsNextHop is for "next hops" that are non-local, and require
// encapsulation to reach. Eg. PIM Register Encaps.
// ExternalNextHop An IP nexthop that is not an intermediate neighbor.
// DiscardNextHop is a discard interface.
// there will probably be more needed at some point
#define PEER_NEXTHOP 1
* @short Generic class for next-hop information.
* NextHop is the generic class for holding information about routing
* next hops. NextHops can be of many types, including immediate
* neighbors, remote routers (with IBGP), discard interfaces,
* encapsulation endpoints, etc. NextHop itself doesn't really do
* anything useful, except to provide a generic handle for the
* specialized subclasses.
class NextHop {
* Default constructor
NextHop() {}
* Destructor
virtual ~NextHop() {}
* Get the nexthop type.
* @return the type of the nexthop. One of:
virtual int type() = 0;
* Convert this nexthop from binary form to presentation format.
* @return C++ string with the human-readable ASCII representation
* of the nexthop.
virtual string str() const = 0;
* @short Template class for nexthop information.
* The information contained is the nexthop address.
template<class A>
class IPNextHop : public NextHop {
* Constructor from an address.
* @param from_ipaddr @ref IPv4 or @ref IPv6 or @ref IPvX address
* to initialize nexthop.
IPNextHop(const A &from_ipaddr);
* Get the address of the nexthop.
* @return the address of the nexthop.
inline const A& addr() { return _addr; }
A _addr;
typedef IPNextHop<IPv4> IPv4NextHop;
typedef IPNextHop<IPv6> IPv6NextHop;
typedef IPNextHop<IPvX> IPvXNextHop;
* @short A nexthop that is an immediate neighbor.
* Specialization of @ref IPNextHop for gateways that are the immediate
* neighbors of this router. Most IGP nexthops should be PeerNextHops.
template<class A>
class IPPeerNextHop : public IPNextHop<A> {
* Constructor from an address.
* @param ipv4 @ref IPv4 or @ref IPv6 or @ref IPvX address
* to initialize nexthop.
IPPeerNextHop(const A &from_addr);
* Get the type of the nexthop.
* @return the nexthop type. In this case, it is PEER_NEXTHOP.
int type() { return PEER_NEXTHOP; }
* Convert this nexthop from binary form to presentation format.
* @return C++ string with the human-readable ASCII representation
* of the nexthop.
string str() const;
typedef IPPeerNextHop<IPv4> IPv4PeerNextHop;
typedef IPPeerNextHop<IPv6> IPv6PeerNextHop;
typedef IPPeerNextHop<IPvX> IPvXPeerNextHop;
* @short An IP nexthop that is an encapsulation tunnel.
* Specialization of @ref IPNextHop for gateways that are encapsulation
* tunnels.
template<class A>
class IPEncapsNextHop : public IPNextHop<A> {
* Constructor from an address.
* @param from_addr @ref IPv4 or @ref IPv6 or @ref IPvX address
* to initialize nexthop.
IPEncapsNextHop(const A &from_addr);
* Get the type of the nexthop.
* @return the nexthop type. In this case, it is ENCAPS_NEXTHOP.
int type() { return ENCAPS_NEXTHOP; }
* Convert this nexthop from binary form to presentation format.
* @return C++ string with the human-readable ASCII representation
* of the nexthop.
string str() const;
//_cached_peer is the cached copy of the local peer we send the
//encapsulated packet to.
IPPeerNextHop<A> *_cached_peer;
typedef IPEncapsNextHop<IPv4> IPv4EncapsNextHop;
typedef IPEncapsNextHop<IPv6> IPv6EncapsNextHop;
typedef IPEncapsNextHop<IPvX> IPvXEncapsNextHop;
* @short An IP nexthop that is not an intermediate neighbor.
* The nexthop that is a regular router's address, but the router
* is not one of our immediate neighbors.
* Specialization of @ref IPNextHop for a regular router's address, but
* the router is not one of our immediate neighbors. The normal case
* when this will happen is with IBGP, where the nexthop is either the
* exit router from the AS, or the entry router to the next AS.
template<class A>
class IPExternalNextHop : public IPNextHop<A> {
* Constructor from an address.
* @param from_addr @ref IPv4 or @ref IPv6 or @ref IPvX address
* to initialize nexthop.
IPExternalNextHop(const A &from_addr);
* Get the type of the nexthop.
* @return the nexthop type. In this case, it is EXTERNAL_NEXTHOP.
int type() { return EXTERNAL_NEXTHOP; }
* Convert this nexthop from binary form to presentation format.
* @return C++ string with the human-readable ASCII representation
* of the nexthop.
string str() const;
typedef IPExternalNextHop<IPv4> IPv4ExternalNextHop;
typedef IPExternalNextHop<IPv6> IPv6ExternalNextHop;
typedef IPExternalNextHop<IPvX> IPvXExternalNextHop;
* @short A nexthop that is the discard interface.
* Specialization of @ref NextHop for blackholing traffic efficiently.
class DiscardNextHop : public NextHop {
* Default constructor
* Get the type of the nexthop.
* @return the nexthop type. In this case, it is DISCARD_NEXTHOP.
int type() { return DISCARD_NEXTHOP; }
* Convert this nexthop from binary form to presentation format.
* @return C++ string with the human-readable ASCII representation
* of the nexthop.
string str() const;
#endif // __LIBXORP_NEXTHOP_HH__
Generated by: pavlin on on Wed Dec 11 16:50:31 2002, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP. |