Here is a file of macros, CASS.TEX, for producing nicely formatted labels
for audio cassette boxes.  The input consists of lines of text for the
cassette title, side A, and side B.  The four macros to accomplish this are
\title, \sideA, \sideB, and \finish.  The input file has the following form:

\input cass

   0-3 lines

   lines (songs)

   lines (songs)


All four macro references should be in the file, even if some of the text is

The macros use \obeylines, so carriage returns start new lines.  Also, there
are two internal macros: 

1. The symbol > is basically \hfill.  Use this to push the remainder of the
line flush right (use for song times, for example.)

2. The symbol | is basically \hfill\break and then indent the next line.
Use this to break lines manually, which is the preferred method here.  I
think that for long song titles manual breaks are more logical.  This also
avoids attempts to hyphenate, and additionally it indents the next line to
show it is part of the line above.

The defined fonts are \rm,\bf,\it, and \sl.  These are cm__9.  The default
font for the title is \bf and for the songs is \rm.

The output has four small vrules near the four corners of the label to aid
in cutting it out of the paper with a paper cutter:

1. Make a horizontal cut through the top pair, and a cut through the bottom

2. Turn the paper 90 degrees, and line up the two left vrules (what's left
of them after the first cut) on the cutting edge and cut.  Do the same for
the two right vrules.

3. Turn the paper 90 degrees, and line up the top hrule with the cutting
edge and cut, likewise for the bottom hrule.  Actually, I cut just behind
these hrules so they remain on the label.  It looks nice.

4. Finally, fold along each of the two remaining hrules.  Place it in the
cassette box and use the cardboard label that came with the cassette to keep
it in place.

Included are CASS.TEX and two sample files, SAMPLE1.TEX and SAMPLE2.TEX.

Morgan Besson
Villanova University
Villanova, Pennsylvania USA