
Protecting Oracle connections

The webmaster has no idea if Oracle can be tunneled over SSL or not. The mailing list has seen many contradictory results. Here are a few....

Date: Mon, 21 May 2001 11:15:10 +0000
From: Grzegorz Cempla <>
Subject: Re: Stunnel & oracle


So I've tested connecting oracle with stunnel. And I must say it doesn't work
like we would like it to.

Oracle connections work like ftp. As far as I know Oracle server listener
negotiates separate port for sending queries/results and obviously there is
no way to predict this port and tunnel it. The only thing you can do is to
tunnel the listener connection. So if you have the client and server on one
network it should work fine (as far as I know Oracle implements some kind of
encryption to the active connections) but if you want to hide the server in
some kind of private network it will NOT work at all. Unfortunately that was
what I needed to do.

Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 12:08:28 +0300 From: eth <> Subject: Re: multiple ports simultaneously? wrote: Adrian Dascalu tells me that you *CAN* forward Oracle through stunnel. That's how it works in our app: we stunnel jdbc to an Oracle server which is behind a firewall... the cheat code is: USE_SHARED_SOCKET; it's a string in "hkey_local_machine/Oracle, All Homes"... wherever you find Oracle; this will trick Oracle into switching from FTP-like to standard connection. Do not use it on NT SP2 or early; tested on NT SP6 and 2000 AS with Oracle 8. Perhaps someone should update the examples page...

Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2002 12:48:48 +0100 From: "Peter de Groot" <> Subject: Re (message on Stunnel & oracle I read the message about stunnel and Oracle on the website, and noticed that it's not entirely accurate. Actually, the message explains why it's not possible to stunnel Oracle Networking, while in fact I've used it a number of times without any major problems. According to the message, Oracle network traffic is not possible over stunnel, as the Oracle listener allocates a random port for the connection between the Oracle client and the database. The Oracle listener on Windows servers usually listens on ports 1521 and 1526. When a connection is made from a client, the listener opens different port, to which the client is allowed a dedicated connection. The listener tells the client to connect to that port, and the client will use that port for the rest of the connection to the database. This is true for Oracle on Windows servers, not for Oracle on UNIX servers. If an Oracle client connects to an Oracle listener on a UNIX host, the connection with the database is established right away over that first connection, no redirects to different ports will be made. The Net8 'feature' on Windows was created because of bugs in the TCP/IP implementation in earlier version of WindowsNT (prior to NT4SP3 if I'm correct). The buggy TCP/IP implementation somehow didn't allow port sharing, so connections hadd to be redirected to a dedicated port per client connection. The redirection of Oracle traffic on Windows servers can be disabled in WindowsNT4SP3 and above (including Windows2000), by entering the registry entry 'USE_SHARED_SOCKET = TRUE', in the Windows registry under HKLM\Software\Oracle\. This will cause the listener to act the way it acts on UNIX servers, allowing multiple connections on the default ports 1521 and/or 1526. You'll have to restart the TNSListener service after adding USE_SHARED_SOCKET to the registry. There could be a few reasons why you should consider not to implement the USE_SHARED_SOCKET method. First of all, if there are a lot of client connections to the database, directing them all through the same port could cause some loss of performance. You should be aware of this if your database has to handle more that 50 active connections at a time. Second, it only works for Oracle 8 and higher database software. If you're using Oracle7, consider upgrading. This solution doesn't work in MTS (Multi Threaded Server) environments as far as I know. Now for the example part. This will assume that your Oracle server is running on oracleserver.domain.tld, and that the listener is configured to listen to ports 1521 and 1526. Stunnel client will be listening on ports 10001 and 10006, stunnel server will be listening to 11521 and 11526. First, you'll have to adjust your tnsnames.ora on the client machine, to make the Oracle client connect to localhost instead of the Oracle server. You'll find the tnsnames.ora in %ORACLE_HOME%\network\admin\ or %ORACLE_HOME%\net80\admin\, or in the directory the TNS_ADMIN environment variable or registry value points at. ### Example tnsnames.ora before change ### ORCL.WORLD = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = oracleserver.domain.tld)(PORT = 1521)) (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = oracleserver.domain.tld)(PORT = 1526)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = ORCL) ) ) ### Example tnsnames.ora for use with stunnel ### ORCL.WORLD = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 10001)) (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 10006)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = ORCL) ) ) ################################################### The stunnel configuration, using stunnel-4 configuration files: ### client config file for stunnel-4 ### client=yes [oracle1521] accept= connect=oracleserver.domain.tld:11521 [oracle1526] accept= connect=oracleserver.domain.tld:11526 ################################################### ### server config file for stunnel-4, running on oracleserver.domain.tld ### client=no cert=c:\stunnel\stunnel.pem [oracle1521] accept=11521 connect=1521 [oracle1526] accept=11526 connect=1526 ########################################