#use wmi::stunnel area=examples page=ldap-to-xml #depends 'snb' Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 13:47:54 -0700 From: "Jeremy Jones" <jeremy@samnjack.com> Subject: howto: ldaps, dsmltools, stunnel Hey all, Here's a little document I wrote for my boss to get xml dumps of our ldap directory using dmsltools and stunnel from a winders box. A little exotic, perhaps, but maybe a useful doc for the "examples" page... The Quick and Dirty HowTo for Dumping your SSL-Enabled LDAP Directory to an XML File From a Winders Box Written 2/14/03 by Jeremy Jones Steal this document ******************************************* 1. Install the j2sdk 1.3 or higher (you probably already have this) 2. Download unix2dos: ftp://ftp.gammon.com.au/pennmush/unix2dos.zip extract to %SYSTEMROOT%\system32 3. Download stunnel binaries: http://www.stunnel.org/download/stunnel/win32/stunnel-4.04.exe Rename it stunnel.exe and place it in %SYSTEMROOT%\system32 4. Download openssl zip file: http://www.stunnel.org/download/stunnel/win32/openssl-0.9.7/openssl.zip and unzip to %SYSTEMROOT%\system32 5. Download dsmltools: http://www.dsmltools.org/binaries/dsmltools-bin-1.1.zip extract to c:\ 6. Edit (or create) your CLASSPATH variable: -right click "My Computer" and select Properties -select Advanced tab -click Environmental variables button -edit (or add) the user variable CLASSPATH -insert the following string: c:\Binary\DSMLTools\dsmltools.jar;c:\Binary\DSMLTools\ldapjdk.jar;c:\Binary\ DSMLTools\xercesImpl.jar;c:Binary\DSMLTools\xmlParserAPIs.jar That's all one line... 7. Create a text file called stunnel.conf in %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\ with the following contents: client = yes verify = 0 [ldaps] accept = connect = <your_ldap_server>636 8. Create a batch file called get-people.bat in %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\ with the following contents: rem BEGIN XML DUMP OF PEOPLE stunnel.exe java org.dsmltools.LDAP2DSML c:\people.xml -h -u cn=<your_username>ou=<your_unit>o=<your_org> -w <your_password> -f "(objectclass=person)" -a cn,mail,fullName,title,telephoneNumber -q unix2dos c:\people.xml rem END XML DUMP OF PEOPLE Replace the string following "-u" in the LDAP2DSML line above with whatever the standard is at your organization. And the password, too... NOTE: If you're viewing this with notepad, or anything else that wraps lines, unwrap them! The line beginning "java org..." should end with "-q", and the next line begins "unix2dos..." 9. Run from a command line: "get-people.bat" *********************************************** This will give you an xml file in your c:\ drive called people.xml. There are lots of different options to filter on (the -f switch with the LDAP2DSML filters entries which match a given ldap attribute) and that can be returned as output in the xml file (the -a switch defines what attiributes are dumped to the file). Other possibly useful attributes might be: givenName (first name) sn (last name) ou (organizational unit) facsimileTelephoneNumber (well...) etc. You can use an ldap browser to look at available attributes. The command "java org.dsmltools.DSML2LDAP" will do the same stuff in the other direction -- i.e. take the input from your xml file and update the ldap directory. Be careful. You've been warned. And, of course, you can actually put the files referenced in this document wherever you like, as long as you remember how to get to them, and your system knows as well.