What TTSSH Is TTSSH is a free SSH client for Windows. It is implemented as an extension DLL for Teraterm Pro. Teraterm Pro is a superb free terminal emulator/telnet client for Windows, and its source is available. TTSSH adds SSH capabilities to Teraterm Pro without sacrificing any of Teraterm's existing functionality. TTSSH is also free and its source is available too. Furthermore, TTSSH has been developed entirely in Australia, and can be exported from here to anywhere in the world (apart from places where people aren't allowed to own cryptographic software at all :-( ). URL: http://www.zip.com.au/~roca/ttssh.html URL: http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA002416/teraterm.html Currently TTSSH is only available for Win32 platforms (Windows 95 and NT). Support for Windows 3.1 is plausible but I don't have the tools to build it. Perhaps someone will be able to help with this. Furthermore, it's only available for Intel platforms. Again, I don't have the tools to compile it anywhere else, and someone else may be able to help. 1.Download the software package. ttermp23.zip teraterm version 2.3 ttssh.zip teraterm ssh addon version 1.2 (ttsshsrc.zip teraterm ssh aadon sourcecode) 2.Unzip it into a directory where you've already installed Teraterm 2.3. This will create files LIBEAY32.DLL, TTXSSH.DLL and TTSSH.EXE. 3.Run "TTSSH.EXE" and the extension should be available. You should see a new "SSH" option in the "New Connection" dialog box and new menu items "Setup / SSH...", "Setup / SSH Authentication..." and "Help / About TTSSH...". 4.IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are in a country where the RSA patent applies (such as the USA), then you may need to obtain a special version of LIBEAY32.DLL that has been modified to use their implementation, if you want to be legally squeaky clean. There may be a site in the US where this can be obtained, and if I can find one, I'll list it here. For now, Darrell Kindred may be able to provide you with a copy (if you are a US citizen). Note that the DLL provided will work perfectly well, this issue is for the lawyers.