#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/
\lyxformat 221
\textclass paper
%% RCS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% $Id: lyx_article.lyx,v 1.4 2005/02/19 00:29:22 gerrit Exp $
%% $Log: lyx_article.lyx,v $
%% Revision 1.4  2005/02/19 00:29:22  gerrit
%% now I am starting the conversion into html
%% Revision 1.3  2005/02/18 00:51:48  gerrit
%% typed most of the article. Several sections, such as roll your own layout or prosper are still missing
%% Revision 1.2  2005/02/09 22:26:38  gerrit
%% set the title
%% Revision 1.1  2005/02/09 22:23:06  gerrit
%% Initial revision
%% hyperref (deactivated)
\language english
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\papersize Default
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\use_natbib 0
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\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
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\layout Title

Professional Tex(t) authoring with LyX
\layout Abstract

This text is aimed at people who have a lot of text editing/authoring to
 do and who are primarily interested in getting a text edited in a fast,
 reliable, well-formatted way without having to put in (a) lots of wordprocessor
 skills or (b) guru-level LateX knowledge.
 The main tool that this article describes is LyX, an extremely robust and
 powerful LaTeX frontend based on a client-server architecture.
\layout Abstract

This article is not so much an application overview, but rather concentrates
 on the writing process and summarizes experiences of using LyX on a day-to-day
 basis for five years.
 Other issues, such as versioning or which graphics to use, are also discussed,
 as well as additional tools that are helpful for document preparation.
\layout Section

\layout Standard

Imagine you have to hand in two texts until some close date in the very
 near future, a report describing your recent work progress and a small
 user manual for a piece of software which has just matured.
 There won't be extra credits for using cute layouts and flashy special
 fonts, in fact you are not worried about such issues.
 All you want is to get over with writing the text, once it is done one
 could maybe jazz up the layout a bit, but that is not of primary importance.
\layout Standard

There are usually two choices, either one uses a GUI-based word processor
 or one resorts to source-level LaTeX editing.
 The first has the advantage of direct control on the layout process --
 in fact it is more of a layout program than an editing tool, which lead
 to the acronym WYSIWYG (
\emph on 
what you see is what you get
\emph default 
 The second is very robust software with an incredible print quality.
 It however follows a different paradigm, WYSIS (
\emph on 
what you see is source
\emph default 
) and has some learning curve, especially for newcomers.
 As little as you would care about fancy headings when writing a text, you
 are not likely to be enthusiastic about having to dig into source code
 when the primary focus is the text itself, not its embellishments or markup.
 I was precisely in this situation four years ago, I didn't know any LaTeX,
 got production-ready within half a day and had a big document with lots
 of illustrations and references ready quite soon afterwards.
\layout Standard

LyX is exactly in the middle of the above two paradigms, it is called WYSIWYM
\emph on 
what you see is what you mean
\emph default 
), quoting 
\begin_inset LatexCommand \cite{lyx-intro}


\begin_inset Quotes eld

\emph on 
LyX is a program that provides a modern approach to writing documents with
 a computer by using a markup language paradigm, an approach that breaks
 with the obsolete tradition of the `typewriter concept.' It is designed
 for authors who want professional output quickly with a minimum of effort
 without becoming specialists in typesetting.
 The job of typesetting is done mostly by the computer, not the author;
 with LyX, the author can concentrate on the contents of her writing.
\emph default 

\begin_inset Quotes erd

\layout Standard

Editing in LyX is done in a GUI environment, no source code is needed (but
 can be inserted in extra blocks when required).
 Have a look here which shows this article text at an early stage.
 The gray box that you see is a cross-reference, you can click on it and
 edit the reference.
 This edit window is not to be confused with the output, LyX generates a
 text file which can then be translated into LaTeX, you can view the complete
 output by pressing ALT-d, which pops up a DVI window (DVI=device-independent-fo
rmat is an intermediate file format used by LaTeX), ALT-t does the same
 for postscript.
 The capitalised variants ALT-D, ALT-T are used when you want to update
 changes you made in the editor window.
\layout Standard

The procedure is thus similar to the typical LaTeX-editing process, with
 the advantage that you have the structure of the text sitting in front
 of you, not cluttered by source code tags.
 With pure LaTeX-editing the temptation is often, comparable to word processors,
 to increase a little font size here, change a little environment setting
 there and in summary do lots of things that have only remote relevance
 for the text itself.
\layout Standard

In summary, when you need a reliable text authoring tool and want to concentrate
 on the text itself, LyX is a strong recommendation.
 Its clear strengths are managing large documents (which can be split into
 pieces), its integration with other software detailed below and its incredible
 Since less main memory is spent on the cycle of actualising the current
 layout, there is much less of a slow-down when editing large documents.
 I have heard about word processor programs crashing under large files (and
 producing irreparable binary garbage).
 LyX is text-based and when forcefully aborted (e.g.
 power-down) leaves an emergency file; even with the most bizarre settings
 and huge text lengths I could not witness a decrease in performance.
 I have been using it during the last five years almost on a day-to-day
 basis and out of nearly 800 pages of authored text, some huge, I have not
 lost more than half a paragraph.
 As a bonus, LaTeX code can be sourced into LyX via the reLyX(1) script.
\layout Standard

If you really would prefer to do source-level editing of LaTeX, a look at
 kile may be of interest, it is a KDE editor especially for LaTeX with additiona
l features, 
\begin_inset LatexCommand \htmlurl{http://kile.sourceforge.net/}


\layout Section

Getting started
\layout Standard

This article differs from the earlier one in March 1998 (
\begin_inset LatexCommand \htmlurl{http://linuxfocus.open.ac.uk/English/March1998/article31.html}


) in that it provides less general introduction, instead I will just point
 where to get the information and summarize how to get there.
 Instead of doing a graphical walk-through here (as initially planned),
 if you have not seen LyX before, I highly recommend to do the following
 tour through the editing process, it also describes how to get your hand
 on the first document in a very nice manner: 
\begin_inset LatexCommand \htmlurl{http://www.lyx.org/LGT/ }


\layout Subsection

\layout Standard

The first thing to do is to check whether Latex is already fully installed
 on your system.
 In RedHat/Fedora systems this is quite conveniently possible via the graphical
 package installer which has a single tick-box for the entire latex distribution.
 You can manually check via
\layout Standard

\family typewriter 
rpm -qa | grep tex
\layout Standard
which should list the following packages (assuming you are using the TeTeX
 implementation of latex):
\layout Itemize

tetex and tetex-latex (base packages)
\layout Itemize

tetex-afm (a PostScript font converter for TeX)
\layout Itemize

tetex-xdvi (for previewing .dvi files) 
\layout Itemize

\layout Standard

The last is very useful if you want to check out different packages, the
 documentation resides in /usr/share/texmf/doc/index.html.
 As further prerequisites, check for aiksaurus (a thesaurus to be used while
 editing) and, more importantly, for the spell-checker aspell.
 Aspell also has packages for several non-English languages.
 In LyX this spell-checker is activated via F7.
\layout Subsection

\layout Standard

LyX comes in two flavours now, the older x-forms variant (which at times
 was a little tricky to build) and the modern Qt variant which I'd say is
 RPMs for both variants are available, under debian the installation is
 as easy as
\layout Standard

\family typewriter 
apt-get install lyx lyx-common lyx-qt \SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
## or lyx-xforms if you prefer
\layout Standard
If you would like to build the sources yourself, these are at 
\begin_inset LatexCommand \url{www.lyx.org}


 You might find the following build script useful.LaLyX is a small coding
 masterpiece, everything is written in C++ and compiled from scratch, the
 build process takes longer than building a kernel.
\layout Subsection

\layout Standard

LyX needs to check your installation first.
 Upon first editing, run Edit -> Reconfigure, which updates the internal
 When changing anything to your LaTeX installation, this step should also
 be re-run.
 The results of this step can conveniently be browsed under Help -> LaTeX
 configuration which also tells you how to get potentially missing packages.
 It pays to enable autosave under Edit -> Preferences, it really is not
 an expensive but rather very useful option to take.
\layout Section

Editing and producing output
\layout Standard

Writing costs (i) inspiration (creativity) and (ii) transpiration (simply
 manual work).
 I found that it really pays off to put in the effort and learn 10-finger
\begin_inset Quotes eld

\begin_inset Quotes erd

 There are cheap books out with some exercises and after a couple of weeks
 one is able to write without all these terrible two-finger search system
 To make hard work a fun game, check out ktouch which is made exactly for
 learning touch-typing.
 It starts, like playstation, with an easy level and you can go on to higher
 and higher levels.
 It is really nicely made, ships with the kdeedu package or can be found
\begin_inset LatexCommand \htmlurl{http://ktouch.sourceforge.net/}


\layout Standard

For the inspirational part of getting a structure together before starting
 with the transpiration, there is a very helpful article about text outliners
 (I use the vim outliner) and mind-mapping tools in 
\begin_inset LatexCommand \cite{key-1}


\layout Subsection

Basic editing
\layout Standard

There is not much to say here since the interface is fairly self-explanatory,
 if you get stuck check out the graphical tour mentioned above.
 Let's say you have some preliminary notes which sit in some textfile created
 on your favourite hand-held.
 This can be imported via File->Import (either line by line or as block)
 and so there is a rough structure.
 This can now be converted into text segments, the listbox on the toolbar
 presents the options allowed by the chosen style file.
 Usually one can set standard via ALT-p s and headings via ALT-p n where
 n is a number from 1..6, the smaller the number the bigger the heading.
 For things you don't want to see in the output, you can use notes via ALT-i
 n, shown in the following figure as the blue area.
 Once the text is ready you can use View and check it or export it (Latex,
 PDF, Ascii, HTML (see notes further down), \SpecialChar \ldots{}
) via File->Export.
\layout Subsection

\layout Standard

LaTeX fun starts with the excessive choices of section, subsection, page,
 image, table crossreferences plus the external bibliographical data.
 To be able to reference something in the text, first a 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 needs to be created via ALT-i.
 Any text can be used for labelling, but spaces within are to be avoided.
 Having done that, this label can be back (and forward) referenced anywhere
 in the text by simply inserting it via ALT-i r (for reference), which gives
 you a choice of referencing modes.
 For quoting URLs within the text, use ALT-i u instead.
 With regard to 
\emph on 
bibliographical references
\emph default 
 there are two choices:
\layout Enumerate

Create a 
\emph on 
bibliography section
\emph default 
 manually at the end of the document by selecting `Bibliography' from the
 style selector.
\layout Enumerate

Use an external 
\emph on 
BiBteX database
\emph default 
, which is referenced by putting in Insert -> Lists&TOC -> BibTeX Reference
 (as many as you want).
\layout Standard

For the first option you can check the first version of this article here.
 If you have never seen a BibTex database before, here is an example.
 It is simply a standardised text-markup of bibliographical data.
 And it is not necessary to mess with that, since there is a wonderful database
 tool called pybliographer (
\begin_inset LatexCommand \url{http://www.pybliographer.org}


 It allows the complete management of all such databases including incremental
 text search and conversion into other formats such as e.g.
 Here is a screenshot showing such an incremental search.
 When you have set up one of the two alternatives, you can use the bibliographic
al references anywhere in the text via ALT-i c (for citation).
 But there is an even smarter way which shows the flexibility of lyx.
 Pybliographer, as well as some other tools, can interface with the lyx
 server process.
 This happens via the $HOME/.lyx/lyxpipe.in (and lyxpipe.out) pipes.
 The server protocol is described in detail in the LyX documentation, here
 it suffices to say that you can simply hit `Cite' on pybliographer to insert
 the reference that you have just rediscovered as part of an incremental
 search of your database.
 For other applications, this communication protocol opens ways such as
 automatically generating text from scripts and \SpecialChar \ldots{}
 you choose.
\layout Subsection

Version control
\layout Standard

This is especially useful when the text is longer and changed several times.
 Lyx comes RCS-ready, it is simple to set up.
\layout Enumerate

create a directory named RCS in the same directory where you keep the LyX
\layout Enumerate

edit the lyx file and go to File -> Version Control -> Check In Changes
\layout Enumerate

next time you open the file, lyx will ask you whether you want to retrieve
 the document via RCS
\layout Standard

You can use all the usual RCS commands from the commandline (man rcs or
 I usually just use rcs -l to create a lock, co -l when I want to lock upon
 checkout and rcsclean to remove all unchanged files.
 If you are the only author, disable strict locking via rcs -U <file> which
 considerably simplifies the procedure.
\layout Subsection

Math stuff 
\layout Standard

If you need many formulae then LyX/LaTeX provides one of the best facilities
 of documenting mathematical text.
 To check out math mode, enter it via ALT-m m (yes twice) and then you can
 pick any symbol from Insert->Math->Math Panel.
 Lyx recognizes when you type in latex math commands -- try for instance
 ALT-m m and then the sequence 
mathcal P then space then 
frac (n-1) TAB 2.
\layout Subsection

\layout Standard

A variety of graphics formats can be used.
 Encapsulated postscript (.eps) is often the best option when producing PS
 output, but .png, .jpg and .gif also work.
 You can put in images directly via ALT-i g (graphics), but it is better
 for the layouting to use so-called
\emph on 
\emph default 
, which are just a wrapper and allow several placement options as well as
 a caption underneath.
 To produce a float, use ALT-i a and then `Figure'; when right-clicking
 the outer frame you can force the position (to some extent, this is latex,
 not a layouting program).
\layout Subsection

Document settings and layout formats
\layout Standard

I haven't spoken much about the output format of the document, which is
 set via Layout->Document.
 Depending on what lyx has found during its test-run, there is normally
 a standard selection of formats such as article, report, letter, book etc.
 By choosing one of these, the layout of the entire document is changed.
 This directly affects the list of styles available on the left of the menu.
 Internally, these choices are lyx-layout wrappers around the latex document
 Further below, I give a small example how to hack such a layout (which
 is not too hard).
 But for the most purposes, one of the given formats should more than do,
 there are also individual choices possible.
\layout Standard

An interesting feature are the use of templates, in particular the letter
 Try File -> New from Template.
 This opens the templates in /usr/share/lyx/templates.
 These are just text files which can be modified, e.g.
 for your own letter format.
 Very nice is for instance the g-brief (German 
\begin_inset Quotes eld

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\begin_inset Quotes erd

 = business letter) which works for those envelopes which have a little
 transparent address window on the left.
 The blue stuff in a template is invisible for the output and just hints
 where to fill in.
\layout Subsection

Generating output
\layout Standard

LyX hides the internals of LaTeX compilation away from you, it creates a
 temporary directory in /tmp which you can look at by
\layout Standard

ls -l /tmp/lyx_tmpdir*/lyx_tmpbuf[0-9]/*
\layout Standard
This is useful to know when exporting to HTML.
 In all other formats (PS, PDF, Ascii, LaTeX, DVI), LyX simply creates the
 desired file in your current directory.
 With HTML, it copies the HTML page, but not the images and stylefiles that
 come with it and are generated by latex2html -- these can simply be copied
 from the temporary compilation directory.
 Lastly, to produce output you don't even need the GUI, lyx(1) has a number
 of commandline options, for instance to generate a PDF file from a given
 source file, simply type
\layout Standard

lyx -e pdf my_lyx_source_file.lyx
\layout Standard
which produces a fresh PDF file.
 I use this for a larger repository of documentations where PS and PDF files
 are generated automatically by a script from LyX code.
\layout Section

Internals and general tips
\layout Subsection

Errors, the preamble and hyperlinks
\layout Standard

If the latex compilation fails, an error box is produced like the one below.
 Usually, context-sensitive error location is quite good and you can jump
 to the error, which is marked in your document by a red Error box, via
 If that does not help, try to look at the stderror output (assuming you
 have started lyx from some xterm) or try View -> Latex Logfile.
 In some occasions you may be in trouble because a certain document style
 was not included (e.g.
 `package xyz not found').
 This can easily be fixed by adding it in the Latex preamble, which serves
 the same purpose for Latex documents as the <head> section does for HTML
 -- declaration of global style files, inclusion etc.
 To access the Preamble, select Layout -> Document -> Preamble.
 For instance, you can add 
\layout Standard

\family typewriter 

usepackage{url} \SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
%% for URLs (also in Bibtex) 
\layout Standard

\family typewriter 

usepackage{ae,aecompl} %% generates nicer PDF output (better fonts) 
\layout Standard

\family typewriter 

usepackage{hyperref} \SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
%% best at the end, generates PDF with hyperlinks 
\layout Standard
The last one is well worth checking out.
 You probably know these PDF documents which have clickable, coloured links
 in them and a bookmarks section where you can choose the section you want
 to jump to.
 Such documents are created using this package.
 Just be sure to add it last in the list since it overrides settings from
 other packages (can be tricky but works smoothly in almost all cases).
\layout Subsection

Useful paths 
\layout Standard

Apart from making emergency backups and auto-saving files, lyx also keeps
 a backup of every file in $HOME/.lyx/backups.
 If you have accidentally deleted a lyx file, you can find the latest copy
 This is also the place where user-defined style-files are kept ($HOME/.lyx/layou
 If you create one or more style files for yourself, put them here rather
 than in /usr/share/lyx/layouts, since the directory contents get erased
 on every new installation or update of RPMs.
 I found it a good habit to back $HOME/.lyx/ up on a regular basis.
\layout Subsection

Adding LaTeX styles 
\layout Standard

If you need to add new style-files for lyx (and latex) to use, there is
 a two way process.
 First the style file needs to be placed in a directory where latex can
 find it.
 Usually, you can use any subdirectory of /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/.
 To avoid that an RPM update clears these areas, it is a good idea to create
 a subdirectory (e.g.
 my_style_files) and to back it up regularly.
 Once the new style file resides in that directory, the latex configuration
 needs to be updated, which is as simple as running
\layout Standard

\layout Standard
(as root).
 If you are curious, you can also try `texconfig'.
 Required style files can in almost all cases be found on 
\begin_inset LatexCommand \url{http://www.ctan.org}


 The second step involves to run Edit->Reconfigure under LyX and then restart
\layout Subsection

Roll your own layout 
\layout Standard

Okay, this is the sixty second tutorial to defining your own document flavour.
 Since we are under Lunix, we can exercise the classical virtues of software
 reuse and make something new.
 Why write everything from scratch when there is so much out there which
 invites to modify it to taste.
 Suppose you are a professional tourist and want to write an article about
 interesting holiday experiences.
 You would like to have something which starts a new section with bold-face
 words like 
\begin_inset Quotes eld

my funny holiday experience number ...
\begin_inset Quotes erd

 -- you get the idea.
 Lyx expects a text file which tells it (a) which Latex packages to use
 (here we will simple use the article package which is standard) and (b)
 what you want to support environment-wise in your document.
 The first bit of important information are the first two second lines which
 should read like this
\layout Standard

\family typewriter 
#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
\layout Standard

\family typewriter 
DeclareLaTeXClass[article]{article -- about holiday stuff }
\layout Standard
The argument in square brackets gives the latex package to use, you can
 insert several separeted by commata.
 The second argument tells Lyx how to label this style, after you have saved
 the file in $HOME/.lyx/layouts and run Edit->Reconfigure, you will actually
 read the string 
\begin_inset Quotes eld

article -- about holiday stuff
\begin_inset Quotes erd

 (or whatever you choose to call it) under Layout -> Document -> Layout
 -> Document Class.
 But we are not finished yet.
 First we are lazy and simply import an existing layout called article.layout
 (no paths necessary, Lyx searches its layout directory or $HOME/.lyx/layouts)
\layout Standard

\family typewriter 
## This is called modification by extension
\layout Standard

\family typewriter 
Input article.layout 
\layout Standard
Next we construct a suitable latex command which has to go into the preamble
 (document header).
 To put something into the preamble we use the Preamble environment.
\layout Standard

\family typewriter 
## this adds the new environment to the LaTeX preamble.
\layout Standard

\family typewriter 
\layout Standard

\family typewriter 
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~

newtheorem{holiday}{My funniest holiday experience Nr.
\layout Standard

\family typewriter 
\layout Standard
\added_space_top smallskip \added_space_bottom smallskip \noindent 
Last we need to tell lyx how to use this command
\layout Standard

\family typewriter 
Style My_Holiday
\layout Standard

\family typewriter 
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
Margin First_Dynamic 
\layout Standard

\family typewriter 
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
LatexType Environment 
\layout Standard

\family typewriter 
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
LatexName holiday ## this issues the Latex command 
\layout Standard

\family typewriter 
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
AlignPossible Block, Left 
\layout Standard

\family typewriter 
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
LabelType Static 
\layout Standard

\family typewriter 
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
\SpecialChar ~
LabelString "Holiday Experience #.
\layout Standard

\family typewriter 
\layout Standard
After editing this file, store it in $HOME/.lyx/layouts, reconfigure, restart
 and voila -- you now find an environment called 
\begin_inset Quotes eld

My Holiday
\begin_inset Quotes erd

 in the style selector.
 Here is an example document.
\layout Section

\layout Standard
Certainly, if you only have to write your shopping list or a two-paragraph
 memo using LyX is somehow overkill.
 But if you are looking at texts of more than 500 words where working with
 structure and crossreferences is a must, you should check out LyX which
 excels for this kind of task.
\layout Itemize

Lyx wiki: 
\begin_inset LatexCommand \htmlurl{http://wiki.lyx.org/}


\layout Itemize

Lyx Mailing list: 
\begin_inset LatexCommand \url{http://www.lyx.org/internet/mailing.php3}


\layout Itemize

Tips & Tricks 
\begin_inset LatexCommand \htmlurl{http://www.texnik.de/}


\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {lyx-intro}

\emph on 

\begin_inset Quotes eld

Introduction to LyX
\emph default 

\begin_inset Quotes erd

 By the LyX Team.
 Available under Help -> Introduction.
\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {key-1}

\emph on 
Outliners and Mind Mapping
\emph default 
 By Jimmy O'Regan.
 Linux Gazette Nr.
 108, November 2004.
\begin_inset LatexCommand \url{http://linux.open.ac.uk/108/oregan.html}

