#!/usr/bin/perl -w # vim: set sw=4 ts=4 si et: # use strict; # global variables: use vars qw($opt_h); my %htab; use Getopt::Std; # &getopts("h")||die "ERROR: No such option. -h for help\n"; &help if ($opt_h); # open(FD,"abb.txt")||die "ERROR: can not read file abb.txt\n"; print "Abbreviations with several meanings in file abb.txt:\n"; while(<FD>){ if (m/^(\S+)\s/){ # we use the first word as index to the hash: if ($htab{$1}){ # again this abbrev: if ($htab{$1} eq "_repeated_"){ print; # same as print "$_"; }else{ # this is the first duplicate we print first # occurance of this abbreviation: print $htab{$1}; # print the abbreviation line that we are currently reading: print; # mark as repeated (= appears at least twice) $htab{$1}="_repeated_"; } }else{ # the first time we load the whole line: $htab{$1}=$_; } } } close FD; # #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- sub help{ print "finddup -- Find abbreviations with several meanins in the file abb.txt. The lines in this file must have the format: abrev meaning \n"; exit; } #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- __END__