
Since there are many version of Yamaha PCI Audio LSIs, 
you need to take care about treating different versions. 

It is required to download data to LSI when initializing the LSI. 
The data described in "hwcode.h" is depending on the chip version. 
Please use attached "724hwmcode.h" to YMF724A-F and YMF740A-C. 
Zipped "hwmcode.h" must be used to YMF744 and YMF754. 

Below is the Yamaha PCI Audio chip matrix with the download data. 


YMF724  / 0x1073 / 0x0004 / 0x1073 / 0x0004 / CntrlInst[]
YMF724B / 0x1073 / 0x0004 / 0x1073 / 0x0004 / CntrlInst[]
YMF724C / 0x1073 / 0x0004 / 0x1073 / 0x0004 / CntrlInst[]
YMF724D / 0x1073 / 0x0004 / 0x1073 / 0x0004 / CntrlInst[]
YMF724E / 0x1073 / 0x0004 / 0x1073 / 0x0004 / CntrlInst[]
YMF724F / 0x1073 / 0x000D / 0x1073 / 0x000D / CntrlInst1E[]

YMF740  / 0x1073 / 0x000A / 0x1073 / 0x0004 / CntrlInst[]
YMF740B / 0x1073 / 0x000A / 0x1073 / 0x000A / CntrlInst[]
YMF740C / 0x1073 / 0x000C / 0x1073 / 0x000C / CntrlInst1E[]

YMF744  / 0x1073 / 0x0010 / 0x1073 / 0x0010 / original

YMF754  / 0x1073 / 0x0012 / 0x1073 / 0x0012 / original