Abstracts from files in info-mac/per/macz as of Sun 20 Mar 2005 #### BINHEX maczine-002-it.hqx **** From: "Aaron Ghirardelli" <dreamland@tin.it> Subject: MacZine #2 Hello, here it is the second issue of MacZine, the first italian ezine dedicated to the shareware world of Macintosh. In every issue you will find a lot of interesting reviews about the best shareware and freeware software available on the net. In this issue we have reviewed: DP Autochanger ThumbPlus Disk Recall MacAmp DirtBike Brickles Deluxe Sim Cinema Royal Flush Ircle Musashi iCab Go get it and good reading! MacZine is written in italian. If you don't understand italian, please download our english version: MacZine International (available on our site). Aaron Ghirardelli MacZine Coordinator http://members.tripod.com/~maczine/ #### BINHEX maczine-003.hqx **** From: ghirard@micronet.it (Aaron Ghirardelli) Subject: MacZine International #3 - FANTASTIC Hello, here is the third fantastic issue of MacZine International, the first italian e-zine dedicated to the shareware world of Macintosh, NOW IN ENGLISH ! MacZine International is produced with DocMaker. In every issue you will find a lot of reviews of the best shareware and freeware programs for your Mac. In this issue you will read the reviews of: Graphic Converter Apollo Romi Address Book My Battery Battery Amnesia Startup Frills Every review has full color pictures of the program tested! Download it and ENJOY! Ciao! Aaron Ghirardelli MacZine Coordinator #### BINHEX maczine-004.hqx **** From: (Federico Giacanelli) GIACANELLI@to.infn.i Subject: MacZine International #4 - an incredible e-zine Here is the #4 issue of MacZine International, the english version of MacZine Classic, the Italian Mac Shareware e-zine. In this issue you will find a wonderful brand new section, "Hidden Treasures", dedicated to small (size) but great (quality) shareware programs. This section has been created by our fantastic translator, Irene Bensinger. Programs reviewed in this issue: Aaron OtherMenu Ingemar's Skiing Game Mac Sokoban HoverBar DefaultFolder E-Press Disk Tools Collection ...and the Hidden Treasures! We hope you will enjoy MacZine International and we look forward to receive your comments/letters/kisses etc. :-) Download and enjoy! Ciao! Federico Giacanelli, MacZine Staff MacZine address: botolo@mbox.vol.it #### BINHEX maczine-005.hqx **** From: (Aaron Ghirardelli) botolo@mbox.vol.it Subject: MacZine International #5 - an incredible e-zine Hello and welcome to the fifth issue of MacZine International, the first italian e-zine dedicated to the shareware world of Macintosh, now in english! In every issue of MacZine International you will find reviews of the best shareware and freeware programs for your computer, with color pictures and graphics. In this issue we have reviewed: Organicer ZTerm Dirt Bike ScrapIt Pro Christmas Time And in this issue you will find an interview with the most famous shareware italian programmer, Alessandro Levi Montalcini! MacZine is produced with DocMaker and is completely free. Happy reading! Aaron Ghirardelli MacZine Coordinator #### BINHEX maczine-006.hqx **** From: lpantano@iol.it (Luca Pantano) Subject: MacZine International 6 Hello, here it is finally a new issue of MacZine International, the first italian e-zine dedicated to the shareware world of Macintosh. A lot of time has passed from the last issue but we are sure we have produced a very big and interesting issue. In MacZine International you will find reviews of the best shareware and freeware software for your Mac. MacZine International is produced with DocMaker and it is completely FREE. Good reading, Aaron Ghirardelli MacZine Coordinator #### BINHEX maczine-007-it.hqx **** From: ghirard@micronet.it (Aaron Ghirardelli) Subject: MacZine #7 - an incredible e-zine Hello everybody, here is the seventh issue of MacZine, the first italian e-zine dedicated to the shareware world of Macintosh. In every issue you will find incredible reviews of the best shareware programs for the Mac. In this issue we are proud to offer an interview with Alessandro Levi Montalcini, the most famous and the best italian shareware programmer. Download MacZine and ENJOY! Ciao! Aaron Ghirardelli MacZine Coordinator #### BINHEX maczine-008-it.hqx **** From: Aaron Ghirardelli, botolo@mbox.vol.it Subject: MacZine #8-an incredible e-zine ! Hello, here is issue number eight of MacZine, the first italian e-zine dedicated to the shareware world of Macintosh. In every issue you will find reviews and articles about the best shareware and freeware programs for Macintosh. In this issue you will find the reviews of: Easy Incredible Magic Short Circuit Clouds Jade Symbionts StuffIt Lite Best Fit MacZine is freeware and is produced with DocMaker so you will need no other program to read it. Download, read and ENJOY! Ciao! Aaron Ghirardelli MacZine Coordinator #### BINHEX maczine-009-it.hqx **** From: (Aaron Ghirardelli) botolo@mbox.vol.it Subject: MacZine #9 - a FANTASTIC e-zine Hello, here is the ninth issue of MacZine, the first italian e-zine dedicated to the shareware world of Macintosh. In every issue you will find reviews of the best shareware programs for your Mac! MacZine is a must for every Mac user. MacZine is produced with DocMaker so you will not need anything to run it: just double click and enjoy! This is the first issue of MacZine that uses the new fantastic features of the new version of DocMaker. MacZine is published in italian; if you don't understand it don't worry. In the /per/macz directory of every Info-Mac mirror you will find all the issues of MacZine International, the english version of MacZine. Ciao, Aaron Ghirardelli MacZine Coordinator #### BINHEX maczine-010-it.hqx **** From: (Aaron Ghirardelli), botolo@mbox.vol.it Subject: MacZine #10 - an incredible e-zine MacZine is the first italian e-zine dedicated to the shareware world of Macintosh. Inside every issue you will find reviews of the best shareware and freeware programs for your Macintosh. MacZine is in Italian. But if you don't understand Italian, don't worry, you will find in the /per/macz directory of any info-mac mirror issues of MacZine International, the english version of MacZine. MacZine is produced with DocMaker and it is totally free !! In this issue we have reviewed: Eliza Barrack Escape Velocity SCS Connect Four Décor Church Windows Happy reading, Aaron Ghirardelli MacZine Coordinator #### BINHEX maczine-011-it.hqx **** From: (Aaron Ghirardelli) botolo@mbox.vol.it Subject: MacZine #11 - an incredible e-zine Hello and welcome to the eleventh issue of MacZine, the first italian e-zine dedicated to the shareware world of Macintosh. In every issue of MacZine you will find reviews of the best shareware and freeware software for your computer. In this issue there is the first time of the new column dedicated to Realmz and the rpg world of Macintosh!! If you don't understand italian don't worry, you can find MacZine International (the english version of MacZine) in every Info-Mac mirror in the /per/macz directory. MacZine is produced with DocMaker and it is FREE ! Happy reading and...enjoy! Aaron Ghirardelli MacZine Coordinator #### BINHEX maczine-012-it.hqx **** From: lpantano@mbox.vol.it (Luca Pantano) Subject: MacZine 12 Hello, here it is issue #12 of MacZine, the first italian e-zine dedicated to the shareware and freeware world of Macintosh. In every issue you will find fantastic reviews of the best shareware and freeware programs for your Mac. MacZine is written in italian (but in the /per/macz directory of every Info-Mac mirror you will be able to find the english version too), it is produced wih DocMaker and it is absolutely FREE !! Download it and enjoy! Ciao, Aaron Ghirardelli MacZine Coordinator #### BINHEX maczine-013-it.hqx **** From: lpantano@iol.it (Luca Pantano) Subject: MacZine Classic 13 Here we are again. Welcome to issue number 13 of MacZine, the first italian e-zine dedicated to the shareware and freeware world of Macintosh. In every issue you will find reviews of the best shareware and freeware software for your Mac. In this issue you will find the new column dedicated to the news from the shareware world, the second part of the article about Shareware Screensavers, an interesting article about Netscape's plug-ins and the usual reviews! MacZine is produced with DocMaker and it is absolutely FREE. Good reading, Aaron Ghirardelli MacZine Coordinator #### BINHEX maczine-014.hqx **** From: spidey@iol.it Subject: MacZine #14 Hi everybody, here it is the latest issue of MacZine, the first italian e-zine dedicated to the shareware and freeware world of Macintosh. In every issue of MacZine you will find articles, reviews and interviews in full color pages! In this issue we feature: The latest news about Realmz and RPG games for your Mac - Twilight: a great screensaver - The second instalment of the article about Plug-Ins for your web browser - Review of Birthdays and Such, a great software to remind you special events - Guru: THE program to know how and what to install on your Mac to upgrade your RAM - Review of Cadintosh, a great CAD application - Review of NS-Tower, beautiful game directly from a japanese programmer - Review of Hotline, the new way to connect to BBS in Internet - Our usual appointment with your letters MacZine is great, funny, interesting and it is completely FREE! Please download it, read it and let us know if you enjoyed it :-) ATTENTION: MacZine is written in italian. If you don't understand this language don't worry: try to download an issue of MacZine International, the english version of our e-zine. You can find it in every Info-Mac mirror in the /per/macz directory. Happy reading, Aaron Ghirardelli MacZine Coordinator #### BINHEX maczine-15.hqx **** From: aaghirar@tin.it Subject: MacZine #15 - an incredible e-zine here it is the latest issue of MacZine, the first italian e-zine dedicated to the shareware and freeware world of Macintosh. In every issue of MacZine you will find articles, reviews and interviews in full color pages! In this issue we feature: - An incredible interview with Ambrosia's Andrew Welch - Kaleidoscope: a myth - English Italian: and incredible translator - UltraFind - The third installment of a column dedicated to plug-ins - Plug-Master: a special software that allows you to manage all your plug-ins - MaCthugha - Starry Night: an interplanetary voyage MacZine is great, funny, interesting and it is completely FREE! Please download it, read it and let us know if you enjoyed it :-) ATTENTION: MacZine is written in italian. If you don't understand this language don't worry: try to download an issue of MacZine International, the english version of our e-zine. You can find it in every Info-Mac mirror in the /per/macz directory. Happy reading, Aaron Ghirardelli MacZine Coordinator