Abstracts from files in info-mac/comm/inet/mail as of Sun 21 Nov 2004 #### LINK _Eudora **** #### BINHEX attachment-glue-20.hqx **** From: "Jason M. Sutton" <jason.sutton@thoughtfoundry.com> Subject: Attachment Glue 2.0 Attachment Glue (TM) ensures that the attachments you intend to include with emails actually are attached. Attachment Glue is a patent-pending plug-in for email applications developed by Thought Foundry. #### BINHEX automail.hqx **** From: Andy Rincon <andy@kagi.com> Subject: automail2.hqx - merge databases with email templates AutoMail is a program designed to create and send on the Internet customized messages to a large number of recipients. It's integrated: you don't have to use many different applications to send the messages, and It's fast: AutoMail can send your messages faster than any other shareware mailer. #### BINHEX autoshare-422.hqx **** From: Mikael Hansen <meh@dnai.com> Subject: AutoShare 4.2.2, a freeware list server AutoShare is a robust and speedy list server and auto-responder for the Macintosh with EIMS or SIMS. Available for both 68K and Power Macs, requiring little memory and tested with Mac OS 9.1, AutoShare can handle hundreds of mailing lists and thousands of subscribers for each list. Full scriptability is supported, and an Admin application with balloon help makes it easy to configure the richly featured server application. Version 4.2.2 offers many bug fixes and various improvements. AutoShare now also compiles and executes AppleScript text and executes compiled AppleScript. #### BINHEX be-mailer-15.hqx **** From: NathanJ@BDD.com Subject: BeMailer 1.5 BeMailer 1.5 ‹ the simple application that allows you to easily send batch (multiple) e-mail messages from Claris Emailer, Eudora, Outlook Express, or even your America Online account! This application is shareware and will only allow you to send five (5) messages at a time until it has been properly registered. Once registered, there is no limit to the number of messages you can send. #### BINHEX bottlemail-20.hqx **** From: Michiko Futaba <moss@isr.recruit.co.jp> Subject: BottlileMail Ver2.0 for macOS Title: BottleMail Ver2.0 for MacOS Version: 2.0 Category: Internet License: Shareware File Size:3,700KB Price: $5(10Bottles for trial) Release date: 05/28/1999 < Description > BottleMail is the software that creates "unexpected encounter" with the people over the world. User throw messages in Bottles into the big ocean, namely the net that spread over the world, Internet. No one knows that who wrote the message, and who would receive the message. With the sounds of the ripple and pretty scene from the beach, BottleMail reminds you the unalloyed and exciting emotion. < Requirements > OS :MacOS 8.0 or later CPU :PowerPC Memory :24MB HD :at least 10MB Monitor: at least Thousands of colors(higher resolution and color depth recommended) Company name: Recruit Co.,Ltd. Contact email addres : bmail@kids.recruit.co.jp Company home page URL: http://www.kids.recruit.co.jp/bmail-e/index.html #### BINHEX cef-esm.hqx **** From: morrisoj@drexel.edu Subject: Two Utilities for Eudora Curmudgeon's Eudora Fixer and Eudora Sound Mover: Enhancement utilities for Qualcomm's Eudora email client. CEF allows changing the Status column of Eudora Pro 4.0 or later to your choice of the icons or the characters. Selectable font, size, and style are used to create icons which are then installed into Eudora; you can also change the characters which will be used to indicate message status. ESM allows adding and removing sounds to Eudora (Pro or Light, v3.1 or later), which can then be used as alert sounds for mail arrival or problems. Sample sounds are included. Shareware; $1 each. http://www.dusers.drexel.edu/~stjohn/mac.html#CEF #### BINHEX combadge-11.hqx **** From: peter@stairways.com.au Subject: Combadge 1.1 Combadge is a real time email companion, perhaps best described as a cross between a talk, chat and email. Combadge will let you chat in real time with other Combadge users without needing to know where they are - you simply use their email address and Combadge finds them. If they are not running Combadge, then Combadge will send your message to them using email so you do not even need to know if they have Combadge. Version 1.1 uses your email client to send offline messages instead of handling email sending internally. Features * Easy User Interface. * Real time chatting if both parties have Combadge. * Email messages if they do not have Combadge. * Connect using email address. * Log conversations to email. * Automatic configuration. * Answering machine facility. Combadge requires a Macintosh with Internet connectivity. Combadge is US$25 shareware. Site and organisation-wide licenses are also available for US$500 and US$2000 respectively. For more information, see our web site at <http://www.stairways.com/>. Hope it proves useful, Peter & Andrew. Combadge v1.1 Copyright 1998 Stairways Software, written by Andrew Tomazos -- <http://www.stairways.com/> <ftp://ftp.stairways.com/stairways/> #### BINHEX con-mail-131b0.hqx **** From: gziemski <gziemski@home.com> Subject: ConMail 1.3.1b0 ConMail is a simple POP3 email client that will periodically check whether you have waiting email. In case you do, you can use it to launch your email client. ConMail supports an unlimted number of email accounts. I have written ConMail because I liked some of the already existing Macintosh programs that feature similar functionality. Unfortunately, I do not like the way they display information. Moreover, I could not use them as they were shareware and I did not feel like paying for them. Therefore, I decided to write my own program and after some work I came up with ConMail. In order to run ConMail you need a PPC Macintosh with Appearance, Open Transport and Navigation Services installed. If you are running Mac OS 8.5 (Mac OS 7.1?) or later, ConMail should run without any problems. ConMail is released as public domain. The source code is included. No virus infections were found - checked with Disinfectant 3.7.1. To find out more about ConMail go here: <http://members.home.net/gziemski/pages/projects/ConMail.html> #### BINHEX cool-mail-105.hqx **** From: rj.stelling@bigfoot.com Subject: Cool Mail 1.0.5 Cool Mail 1.0.5 - is an Apple Script. It will open your default mail application when run. Cool Mail can also open your default mail application at startup, keep a log and prevent use with a password. System Requirements: System 7.5.x or better MacOS 8 recomended. AppleScript 1.1.2 or better, 75 MHz PowerPC or better recomended. #### BINHEX e-query-10.hqx **** From: George Clark <gaclark@kagi.com> Subject: eQuery v1.0 - "Data_Management" - create data merge source files for Word eQuery v1.0 for Microsoft Entourage & Microsoft Word is used to create data merge source files, based on your Office Address Book, that contain just the contacts you want, and the precise merge fields you need, to perform mail merges in Word's Data Merge Manager. Unlike using the Address Book directly as a data source, you can use the DMM's Query Options to further refine and organize the data file. Obviously, eQuery requires Microsoft Entourage 2001 and Microsoft Word 2001. It should work with Mac OS versions 8.5 through 9.x, and possibly with earlier versions of the Mac OS as well. eQuery is ShareWare and only costs $10.00 (US); it can be registered through Kagi.com's secure server. The latest version of eQuery can be obtained at: <http://gaclark.home.sprynet.com/equery/> For more information, please contact George Clark <mailto:gaclark@kagi.com> #### BINHEX eac-11.hqx **** From: olivier.robert@capway.com Subject: EAC 1.1 What is EAC? As I heard that Emailer2 wouldn't be upgraded, I switched to Eudora 4.1 Pro. But I had to transfer my Emailer adress book into Eudora :-( So I decided to write a little application which would do the work for me. EAC is fast and very easy to use. Just launch it and follow the instructions: 2 little steps, a few seconds to wait, ..., and you can launch Eudora with your brand new adress book! What's new? - faster conversion - the name field of the Eudora Pro adress book is filled now - the folder created when the button "Open & Save converted Files" is chosen is now named "Nicknames Folder". You just have to drag & drop it in the "Eudora Folder" folder in the system folder. - conversion progress window added N.B. if you encounter problems converting your Emailer adresse book, try to increase EAC's memory (Finder: "File" menu -> "Get Info") System requierements: 68K or PowerPC Macintosh. System 7.5 up to 8.5.x Freeware: Emailer Adress book Converter is Freeware and can be freely distributed over the Net and on CDs, but only in its original state, i.e. like you've downloaded it. Contact the author: I you have questions,suggestions, or bugs to report, you may contact me at: My Web Site: http://www.multimania/robby/ E-mail: MacManiac-Software@kagi.com Phone: 06 14 99 70 40 Or Olivier Robert 5, impasse des Colibris F-57150 Creutzwald France #### BINHEX easy-mail-25.hqx **** From:arvid <arvid@bildbolaget-vastervik.se> Subject:E(asy)-mail E(asy)-mail is a powerful and easy to use application for sending mail via the SMTP protocol and read mail via the POP3 protocol online. This might sound regular but E(asy)-mail doesn't have its own preferences, it uses Internet Config or the Internet control-panel for its setup. That means that E(asy)-mail uses the setup you already have in Internet Config and puts that information in the fields where it's necessary. So no hard setup. -- a.r.v.i.d . a.n.d.e.r.s.s.o.n http://surf.to/macs http://surf.to/aap #### DIRECTORY edr **** #### BINHEX email-cgi-50.hqx **** From: eric_morgan@ncsu.edu Subject: email.cgi version 5.0 Try email.cgi version 5.0, an AppleScript CGI extracting the contents of HTML forms and sending the results to one or more email addresses: http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/staff/morgan/email-cgi.html Email.cgi supports carbon copied and well as blind carbon copied messages. It allows for required fields giving Webmasters to ability to mandate data-entry for specific inputs before processing will be completed. Email.cgi has two types of output: output to an email address and output in the form of HTML documents. Both types are highly customizable. No configuration is necessary to the program itself; all customizations are done through the creation of HTML forms. Email.cgi captures and optionally returns the bits of information sent by Web browsers (environment variables) describing their operating environment. The source code for email.cgi is freely available so you can make changes as you see fit. Using email.cgi writers of HTML documents can create things such as but not limited to: surveys, order forms, requests for more information, front-ends to mailing list commands, comment forms, purchase requests, votes and polls, etc. Combined with your desktop email program's filtering functions you will be able to use email.cgi to automatically update databases, process mailing list requests, or return automated email replies to specific questions. Email.cgi should be completely backwards compatible with older versions of the program. The forms you created using the older versions of email.cgi should work just fine with this newer version. The only difference you will see is the format of the program's output files. If you know how or want to learn how to write HTML forms, and you can meet the simple hardware and software of the application, then you can use email.cgi. "Email.cgi, since 1994. One of the older, if not the oldest, continually supported CGI scripts for the Macintosh. Still free." -- Eric "At Home" Lease Morgan Digital Library Initiatives Department, NCSU Libraries http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/staff/morgan/ #### BINHEX email-checker.hqx **** From: richlove@att.net Subject: Email Checker 2.5.5 Tuesday, May 19, 1998 Carnation Software releases Email Checker 2.5.5 with support for Bare Bones Software's Mailsmith email program. Email Checker checks your email at specified time intervals using your email program, AppleScript and OpenTransport/PPP. Email programs supported are: Claris Emailer and Claris Emailer Lite, Eudora, Eudora Pro or Eudora Light, Mailsmith and Outlook Express. Email Checker will keep a running total of the hours you spend online and automatically reset the hours to zero each month at the beginning of your billing cycle. It will even work if another application makes the PPP connection for you (as long as Email Checker is running). Works with System 7 as well as OS 8. Flexible options let you check mail at a specified time interval in different ways: 1. Connect to the Internet, get mail and then hang up. 2. Connect to the Internet, get mail and don't hang up. 3. Get mail only when already connected to the Internet. 4. Get mail when your Mac starts up and continue checking for mail throughout the day. If you choose to automatically connect when checking for mail, PPP will dial and connect in the background so you can continue working. Easy to set up. Uses your existing email accounts from your email program. Status window has a progress bar showing how much time is left until mail is checked again. Also shows the PPP connection status (open or closed), baud rate, minutes connected and accumulated hours online. Email checker is available from the Carnation Software web site at: <http://www.carnation-software.com> $25.00 Shareware Rich Love - Carnation Software, Inc. Terminal emulation for Macintosh. Email Checker Desktop Pictures for OS 8 http://www.carnation-software.com #### BINHEX email-cleaner-184.hqx **** From: Theo <delete@softhome.net> Subject: emailcleaner.sit.hqx Convenient cleaning on emails and newsgroups posts Email Cleaner 1.84 Convenient line re-wrapping on emails and NewsGroup posts. <http://www.thsmith.dircon.co.uk/emailcleaner/> Email Cleaner does line re-wrapping on badly wrapped emails and NewsGroup-posts. Badly wrapped lines is a problem every Internet User comes across, Email Cleaner solves it! Email Cleaner has other features: Wrapping to any width, adding / removing quotes, adding spaces before each line, turning HTML to text, extensive AppleScriptability. * Why Email Cleaner is good Email Cleaner has a "floater", that floats above all of your other windows, making it easily accessible anytime you are using your Mac Put the insertion point anywhere inside the text that you want cleaned, press "Clean" on the floater, and the whole text is cleaned. Overall it is an intuitive, useful and flexible program. * Also features HTML file shrinking Email Cleaner batch shrinks folders of HTML files, removing un-needed lines and spaces. It knows to avoid pictures, programs and other non-text files. * Who else thinks Email Cleaner is good Email Cleaner got a 5 out of 5 rating from Tucows, a large shareware distributor. Email Cleaner has a lot of support for AppleScript. It needs any PowerMac at all, and MacOS 7.5 or later. -- This email was probably cleaned with Email Cleaner, by: Theodore H. Smith - <www.thsmith.dircon.co.uk/> co.uk/> Status: U ilored version for CD's is available from our web site. Status: U system requirements: MacOS 8.1+, QuickTime 4 version number: 0.9.3, 09 Nov 2000 contact email: info@acruxsoft.com web site: http://www.acruxsoft.com info-mac directory: dev #### BINHEX email-client-to-emailer.hqx **** From: <delete@softhome.net> Subject: Email Client to Claris Emailer Converter This just converts archived files from a format, that many (but not all) email clients use, into Claris Emailer format. Its useful for when you want to switch email clients. #### BINHEX email-effects-166.hqx **** From: Gideon Greenspan <gdg@sigsoftware.com> Subject: Email Effects 1.6.6 - ASCII art for email Email Effects is a program for the Mac OS for getting the most out of email. With it, you can send pictures and drawings with simple plain text. It is also the world's premier ASCII art creator and great for creating vivid comments in source code. Email Effects converts pictures or tables instantly to text, can create text using standard Figlet fonts or exploded "big text" using fonts on your computer, allows drawing freehand, with lines, circles rectangles and much more! Email Effects works directly with Entourage, Eudora, Emailer, Outlook Express, Mailsmith or PowerMail. Clip art and full help is included. Version 1.6.6 adds support for Microsoft Entourage. Sig Software - http://www.sigsoftware.com/ #### BINHEX email-magician-20.hqx **** From: Christopher Yavelow <Christopher@yav.com> Subject: 2.0 UPDATE of Email Magician.sit (abstract and file) This is a Stuffit archive of Email Magician 2.0 for Eudora (Mac). Email Magician, the popular utility for Eudora Mac, has arrived at version 2.0. This one-click solution to managing your email is from YAV Interactive Media, the company that produced the internet power-tool MetaTag Manager, and developed LEGO's award-winning first CD-ROM. The new version includes a powerful Setup Wizard with 37 screens designed to teach you the program's features while you configure the software for your unique email habits. The new price is $36. The upgrade is free for registered users. The program checks for around 1,500 spam characteristics when it generates hundreds of spam filters and "possible spam" filters customized to your individual needs. But this veritable "Swiss Army Knife" for Eudora is more than a solution to your spam problems. By detecting with whom you regularly correspond, Email Magician automatically creates filters, mailboxes, and address book entries. And it doesn't stop there. Email Magician also automates many tasks related to optimizing your email activities, including one-click archiving of email messages, with options to export to FileMaker and strip html from messages. The program provides an "intelligent" Urgent Filter note-pad, where you jot down phrases and email addresses that tell the program to override existing filters and, for example, gather all your "to do" items into a single mailbox for quick disposition. Automatic deletion of empty mailboxes and "orphan-filters," meaning filters targeting missing mailboxes, streamlines your email correspondence even further. So do options to create of filters and/or mailboxes for all nicknames in your address books, easy creation of "group" addresses, filter naming, and much more. Never make filters, mailboxes, or nicknames in Eudora again! Put spam in its proper place. Let Email Magician keep all your mailboxes clean. Email Magician can create hundreds of filters, mailboxes, and nicknames in the time it takes to manually construct a single filter. View screenshots, listen to the official Email Magician Song, or download a trial copy of Email Magician at http://www.yav.com/emailmagician.html You can download the program directly from: http://www.yav.com/files/EmailMagician.sea.hqx or http://www.yavelow.com/ftp/pub/EmailMagician.sea.hqx ---------------------------- This file may be included on the commercially available CD-ROM of the archiv= es. #### BINHEX email-merge-201.hqx **** From: Gideon Greenspan <gdg@sigsoftware.com> Subject: Email Merge 2.0.1 - Easy customized email merging Email Merge is an intuitive program for creating mailings of individualized email messages. It takes a database and a message template, and merges the two to rapidly create customized email messages. It works in conjuction with any one of these email programs: Microsoft Outlook Express, Microsoft Entourage, Qualcomm Eudora, Claris Emailer, Bare Bones Mailsmith, CTM Development PowerMail and CE Software QuickMail. Email Merge can import databases directly from text files or FileMaker Pro and includes many of its own database features such as sorting and finding duplications. It supports attachments and allows each message to be sent using a different email account in the chosen email client. Version 2.0.x adds an option to specify the account to send each message from, support for CE Software QuickMail and several other minor improvements. Sig Software - http://www.sigsoftware.com/ #### BINHEX email-verifier-11-x.hqx **** From: Max Programming LLC <support@maxprog.com> Subject: eMail Verifier-X (v1.1) Max Programming, LLC - eMail Verifier v1.1 June, 18 2002 ________________________________________________________________________ Max Programming is proud to present a new release of Mail Verifier, the very first tool available on the Macintosh platform for batch e-mail validity checking. (Classic and Mac OS X) Product Home Page: http://www.maxprog.com/EmailVerifier.html > Overview ........................................................................ If your database contains incorrect e-mail addresses, this disadvantages you in two ways. First, you have to put up with annoying 'undeliverable' messages. And second, you lose the ability to communicate by e-mail with your contacts. Email Verifier checks the validity of your e-mail addresses without actually sending e-mails. You can use the list of failed addresses to build a list for a 'please update' campaign. Email Verifier is a very effective piece of software that can verify over 10 e-mails per second . It can verify single e-mails or huge lists. (eMail Verifier is multithreaded, providing high speed verifying) eMail Verifier is your powerful solution for the standard "message delivery error." Email Verifier verifies every e-mail address from a given mailing list, allows to determine 80-90% of "dead" email addresses. eMail Verifier works on the same algorithm as ISP mail systems do. Addresses for e-mail are extracted from a Domain Naming Server (DNS) and eMail Verifier tries to connect with SMTP-servers and simulates the sending of a message. It does not send the message though - eMail Verifier disconnects as soon as the mail server informs the program whether the address exists or not. eMail Verifier can save time and money for businesses who send newsletters to their clients, nonprofit organizations who send bulletins to their members, or any person or business that needs to maintain a clean e-mail contact list. eMail Verifier is dedicated for system administrators, webmasters, programmers as well as for those advanced users who have their own mailing lists and would like to keep them up-to-date. > Key features ........................................................................ - Batch verify big amounts of e-mail addresses. - Check e-mail addresses for a valid Mail Exchanger. - Check each e-mail address validity with its MX server. - Sort all e-mail addresses by domain to speed all tests. - Fast multi-threaded engine. (Speed depends on your connection) - Native version for Mac OS Classic and Mac OS X. > Price ........................................................................ eMail Verifier is a $24.90 only shareware! > Trial version download ........................................................................ You can get eMail Verifier from: Classic: http://www.maxprog.com/shareware/eMailVerifier.sit MacOS X: http://www.maxprog.com/shareware/eMailVerifier_X.sit > What's new ........................................................................ [New] Verifier is now Mac OS Classic compatible. [New] Preferences panel. Almost everything can be set: - Bandwidth - Threads from 1 to 10 - Connection Time-out from 10s to 60s - Retries from 1 to 10 - UserID for 'HELO' command - MX Lookup system - RCPT on VRFY failure - Sender e-mail for RCPT test [New] Support for Mac OS X Address Book address drops. [New] Support for Entourge '.VCF' file drops. [New] Internal MX look-up system. [New] RCPT command sent when VRFY unimplemented. [New] Lookup get all MX records and sort them by preferences. [New] Different MX server used on retry (when available). [New] Each verifier connection batch verify same domain addresses. [New] Status bar shows progress and retries. [Upg] New SMTP errors handlers when VRFY command not available. [Upg] 550 SMTP error enhanced handler. [Upg] Better time-out management. General application time-out. [Upg] Multiple file drop support. [Upg] Status field updated according to process. [Upg] Domain sorting progress. [Upg] Drag'n'drop supported between list and single entry. [Upg] List entries can be removed with the delete key. [Upg] New application icon. [Bug] Double SMTP commands sent on 550 error. Keys: [New] = New Feature [Opt] = Optimization [Bug] = Bug Fix [Chg] = Changes Previous Functionality [Upg] = Enhancement See enclosed documentation to find out more about what eMail Verifier can do for you ! Thanks for supporting eMail Verifier. #### BINHEX email-verifier-11.hqx **** From: Max Programming LLC <support@maxprog.com> Subject: eMail Verifier (v1.1) Max Programming, LLC - eMail Verifier v1.1 June, 18 2002 ________________________________________________________________________ Max Programming is proud to present a new release of Mail Verifier, the very first tool available on the Macintosh platform for batch e-mail validity checking. (Classic and Mac OS X) Product Home Page: http://www.maxprog.com/EmailVerifier.html > Overview ........................................................................ If your database contains incorrect e-mail addresses, this disadvantages you in two ways. First, you have to put up with annoying 'undeliverable' messages. And second, you lose the ability to communicate by e-mail with your contacts. Email Verifier checks the validity of your e-mail addresses without actually sending e-mails. You can use the list of failed addresses to build a list for a 'please update' campaign. Email Verifier is a very effective piece of software that can verify over 10 e-mails per second . It can verify single e-mails or huge lists. (eMail Verifier is multithreaded, providing high speed verifying) eMail Verifier is your powerful solution for the standard "message delivery error." Email Verifier verifies every e-mail address from a given mailing list, allows to determine 80-90% of "dead" email addresses. eMail Verifier works on the same algorithm as ISP mail systems do. Addresses for e-mail are extracted from a Domain Naming Server (DNS) and eMail Verifier tries to connect with SMTP-servers and simulates the sending of a message. It does not send the message though - eMail Verifier disconnects as soon as the mail server informs the program whether the address exists or not. eMail Verifier can save time and money for businesses who send newsletters to their clients, nonprofit organizations who send bulletins to their members, or any person or business that needs to maintain a clean e-mail contact list. eMail Verifier is dedicated for system administrators, webmasters, programmers as well as for those advanced users who have their own mailing lists and would like to keep them up-to-date. > Key features ........................................................................ - Batch verify big amounts of e-mail addresses. - Check e-mail addresses for a valid Mail Exchanger. - Check each e-mail address validity with its MX server. - Sort all e-mail addresses by domain to speed all tests. - Fast multi-threaded engine. (Speed depends on your connection) - Native version for Mac OS Classic and Mac OS X. > Price ........................................................................ eMail Verifier is a $24.90 only shareware! > Trial version download ........................................................................ You can get eMail Verifier from: Classic: http://www.maxprog.com/shareware/eMailVerifier.sit MacOS X: http://www.maxprog.com/shareware/eMailVerifier_X.sit > What's new ........................................................................ [New] Verifier is now Mac OS Classic compatible. [New] Preferences panel. Almost everything can be set: - Bandwidth - Threads from 1 to 10 - Connection Time-out from 10s to 60s - Retries from 1 to 10 - UserID for 'HELO' command - MX Lookup system - RCPT on VRFY failure - Sender e-mail for RCPT test [New] Support for Mac OS X Address Book address drops. [New] Support for Entourge '.VCF' file drops. [New] Internal MX look-up system. [New] RCPT command sent when VRFY unimplemented. [New] Lookup get all MX records and sort them by preferences. [New] Different MX server used on retry (when available). [New] Each verifier connection batch verify same domain addresses. [New] Status bar shows progress and retries. [Upg] New SMTP errors handlers when VRFY command not available. [Upg] 550 SMTP error enhanced handler. [Upg] Better time-out management. General application time-out. [Upg] Multiple file drop support. [Upg] Status field updated according to process. [Upg] Domain sorting progress. [Upg] Drag'n'drop supported between list and single entry. [Upg] List entries can be removed with the delete key. [Upg] New application icon. [Bug] Double SMTP commands sent on 550 error. Keys: [New] = New Feature [Opt] = Optimization [Bug] = Bug Fix [Chg] = Changes Previous Functionality [Upg] = Enhancement See enclosed documentation to find out more about what eMail Verifier can do for you ! Thanks for supporting eMail Verifier. #### BINHEX emailer-autoforward-b10.hqx **** From: wvommen@kuipers.nl Subject: Emailer Autoforward ß1.0 Emailer Autoforward ß1.0 Emailer Autoforward is an Application which searches for a folder within Claris Emailer 2.0 called forward. For it to work you should create that !! Every mail you put in that folder is automaticaly Forwarder to the person you specify. That means you can and have to specify the name of the person the email address and the adresstype (Internet etc.) I created an application with Facespan that can create three files in you preferences folder that are called afemail.prefs this contains the email address e.g. xommen@dds.nl afrec1.prefs the name of the recipient e.g. Wim van Ommen aftp1.prefs the type of connection e.g. Internet. If the application doesn't run on your machine you can create these files manually. Be sure to save them as plain text. Emailer AutoForward Setup ß1.0 This is the application that should do some tricks but doesn't seem to run on powermacs with system 8.1 i've tried it on a Quadra asswell and it worked fine. For a bypass see above text. I've put the three files in the pakkage asswell Maybe this is something you like to use. I don't support this but for any question you can still mail me the address is xommen@dds.nl Kind Regards, Wim van Ommen #### BINHEX emailer-autoresponder-101.hqx **** From: akua@bluewin.ch Subject: Emailer Autoresponder V1.01 (AppleScript) This is an example AppleScript for Claris Emailer 2 to autogenerate returns to mail. It can be chosen as a filter script, or run on the current selection in the browser to test it. You just edit the "myResponse" function to create the response you wish to have sent. I looked around and could not find anything to do this on the web... The last version was in Script Debugger format which confused a lot of downloaders. ----- Public Domain Ware by AKUA interactive media AG - January 23, 1998. submitted by Gregory Lemperle-Kerr #### BINHEX emerge-165.hqx **** From: Roy Schulze <roy@galleon.com> Subject: eMerge 1.6.5 -- Customerize your e-mail Galleon Software has just put the final touches on version 1.6.5 of eMerge, our dead-easy, Mac-only, e-mail merge application. This release fixes problems found in earlier versions and introduces some new features and improvements described below. http://www.galleon.com/emerge With this new version of eMerge, we have laid the groundwork for the long-awaited jump to eMerge 2.0. We are currently testing an AppleScriptable version of eMerge 1.6.5 and are looking for customers who are interested in using this to automate common eMerge tasks. If you are interested in joining this program, please send a message to beta@galleon.com. Regards, Roy Schulze Galleon Software ---------------- New features and changes in version 1.6.5 -- You can now import contact information from Palm Desktop exports. -- The new Export Selected option in the Export dialog allows you to export just those records you’ve selected in your mailing list, including discontinuous selections. -- For each of your campaigns, eMerge now remembers the field order you used when you last imported data to that campaign. -- You can now use the variable menus to insert a variable into the message header fields. -- eMerge now allows you to import the message Status field. -- Clicking Substitute Variable Names during an import now correctly assigns those names to the Custom Variable menu. -- Variable names used within variables are no longer case sensitive. #### BINHEX emerge.hqx **** From: Roy Schulze <roy@galleon.com> Subject: eMerge 1.6.2 -- Customerize your e-mail You've got to work hard these days to find your customers, and you've got to work even harder to hold onto them. Especially now with your competition just a click away on the Internet. Sure, you've got your website broadcasting to anyone who wanders into range, and you probably send the odd announcement out to everyone on your mailing list, but what are you doing about the personal service that gives everyone exactly what they need and keeps your customers coming back? Customerize your e-mail eMerge lets you move beyond sluggish e-mail clients, cumbersome distribution lists, and impersonal list servers by combining the power of bulk e-mail with the sophistication of e-mail merge. Product announcements. Passwords. Invoices. eMerge sends its messages directly to each customer, one at a time, personally and privately...and fast! Import any mailing list And with eMerge 1.6, Galleon Software has made the transition to "customerized" e-mail easier than ever with an improved import function that allows you to use the mailing lists from every major Macintosh e-mail client and list server. In fact, now it's dead easy to import just about any data file into eMerge, change the order of your fields, and even assign new form-letter variables on the fly. Drag-and-drop addressing eMerge 1.6 also introduces drag-and-drop addressing that lets you drag any addresses you find right into your eMerge mailing list, from a regular text file or directly from an e-mail message header, if your client supports it. All this allows eMerge to handle a single form letter as easily as it sends off a general announcement. Keep a collection of letters on file for a quick and personal response to all of your customers' common questions. It's easy, it's fast, and it's probably the only way you'll ever stay on top of all that e-mail you're getting. Stuff your attachments And so you don't clog up your customers' mailboxes, eMerge 1.6 now works with Aladdin System's StuffIt Engine to automatically compress message attachments before sending them out. To make the customization of your message even easier, eMerge 1.6 also includes a collection of new variable crunching functions that allow you to move values around in a customer's record, define and modify specific fields, or even generate unique serial numbers for everyone you specify. Download the demo This demo allows you to use all the features of the full version of eMerge, except that you can only send ten messages in any one session, and you can only save the first ten people on your list. For more information, read the documentation included in the eMerge archive, or visit our website at <http://www.galleon.com/emerge> #### BINHEX epimail-10.hqx **** From: tibbetts@epigroove.com Subject: EpiMail 1.0 CHICAGO, October 20th, 1998 -- Epigroove today announced the immediate availability of EpiMail 1.0, a powerful and easy-to-use email merge application for the Macintosh. KEEPING YOUR CUSTOMERS UP-TO-DATE JUST GOT EASIER! EpiMail allows you to use dozens of customer fields to help personalize the emails you send out. EpiMail works with Claris Emailer and Qualcomm Eudora so all your email is kept in the same central location. EpiMail also comes with full searching, listing and printing features. EPIMAIL IS PACKED WITH USEFUL FEATURES! Contact Database: EpiMail comes with a full-featured contact database that allows you to store personal, business and custom information on all your customers. Profiles: Profiles allows you to send emails that incorporate different sets of your personal information such as email signatures, phone numbers, and addresses. Filters: Filters give you an extra level of control over sending email. By "filtering" email, you can tell EpiMail to only send email to Macintosh users, or customers who have purchased a certain product. Messages: EpiMail's Message feature cuts down on repetitive typing by allowing you to store frequently used emails. DOWNLOADING AND ORDERING For a limited time only EpiMail 1.0 is only $49.95 and is available for purchase directly from the Epigroove website at: <http://www.epigroove.com/epimail/> You can also download a fully-functional trial version of EpiMail at: <http://www.epigroove.com/epimail/> #### BINHEX etd-30.hqx **** #### BINHEX eudora-2-fmp.hqx **** From: MK Consulting <eudora2fmp@mkconsult.com> Subject: Eudora2FMP Eudora2FMP by MK Consulting is a set of templates for FileMaker Pro 5 which allow users to archive their Eudora mailboxes. The templates extract the data from the Eudora mailbox, and then parse it into the Email Archive database in FileMaker Pro. From there, users can save, store, reply, edit the mail and also export it in any format FileMaker Pro supports. Additional features include process queueing and a feature to remove HTML from the text of a message.-- MK Consulting http://www.mkconsult.com/ http://www.mkconsult.com/eudora2fmp/ eudora2fmp@mkconsult.com #### BINHEX eudora-batch-find-101.hqx **** From: m.frischknecht@ucl.ac.uk Subject: eudora-batch-find-101.hqx this is a small update to Eudora Batch Find, a little utility written in AppleScript that offers batch search for the email program Eudora (versions 1.5 and above). It lets you search for a string within a subset or all of your mailboxes in one go and will display all matches in a list. A click on a match will then show the start of the message, open that message's window in Eudora or create a new message with a reply. Note that you need to install some Scripting Additions before you can run this AppleScript (apart from the one included); a html file with download addresses is part of the distribution. All the necessary Scripting Additions are free. They are: Dialog Director v0.7, Jon's Commands and GTQ Library (from which only the Sort command is needed). This utility is free; AppleScript source is included (as text file). What's new in version 1.0.1 (changes since version 1.0) - The package also includes a version that should run on System 7.0. It doesn't show its dialogs floating above all Eudora windows; if you prefer it this way, you can run this version under Systems later than 7.0. - For the AppleScript versions with floating dialogs: it's now possible to close the Batch Find application even when its dialogs are no longer visible because Eudora is not open anymore (or when the Batch Find application is in front while its dialogs are displayed above Eudora's windows). Just press Command-Period to close Batch Find. If you have Eudora 3.1 or later, you can use the plug-in "Quit Batch Find" included in this archive. - The AppleScripts applications are now compiled as read-only, which has several advantages: - less memory required to run (500 KB on 68k Macs, 600 KB for Power Macs) - closing the script is much faster - opening seems to be slightly faster as well - file sizes are much smaller (about 60 KB) - The "Reply" button in the result dialog will now close the message that is replied to if its window was open. - Since AppleScript stores global variables in the script file itself, antivirus programs might be triggered if they note changed file size or modification date after you run Batch Find. This is now mentioned in the documentation. - Several small changes (see beginning of the file "Read Me First" for a complete list). The size of the archive is 198 KB (StuffIt archive). It contains the following documents and folders: Read Me First Batch Find Manual Technical Information Lab set-up for multiple users Download links.html Quit Batch Find Batch Find application, a folder containing: Batch Find Batch Find Sys 7.0 Batch Find Sys 7.1 Batch Find OSAX, a folder containing: Batch Find OSAX.68k Batch Find OSAX.PPC Batch Find scripts as text, a folder containing: Batch Find Sys 7.0.txt Batch Find Sys 7.1.txt Batch Find.txt This should replace the earlier version 1.0 in the Eudora subfolder of the info-mac archive, comm/inet/mail/edr and it should be called "eudora-batch-find-101.hqx" All files were checked for viruses with Virex 5.8.1 (definition file of 29/7/98); no virus infections were found. Regards, Markus -- Markus Frischknecht <m.frischknecht@ucl.ac.uk> Dept Biology, University College London, U.K. #### BINHEX eudora-thing-16.hqx **** From: arlo@rcontinuum.com Subject: Eudora Thing 1.6 The popular quote coloring utility has had its internals rewritten once again to provide for the two most asked for features: - The ability to add your own quote characters. and - Smart quote level detection that ignores extra spaces. For those of you that don't know what Eudora thing is... Eudora Thing is a System Extension that watches the way the Eudora mail application draws its text, and when it sees an a quote character (>, :, |, ), or any user defined character) it colorizes that line of text. It also weaves around colored text and URLs (and spelling errors in Eudora 4.1). But doesn't 4.1 do that already? Eudora 4.1 introduces colorized quotes, but they only use one color to colorize all levels of quotes. Eudora Thing will colorize up to six levels of quotes with different colors, and uses characters other than ">". Eudora Thing also works on all versions of Eudora and Eudora Lite. Arlo Rose #### BINHEX fastemailcheck-pro-102.hqx **** From: mats@cedinpro.com Subject: FastEmailCheck Pro 1.0.2 With FastEmailCheck Pro, you can quickly and easily check up to ten accounts for new email. The program uses multitasking to check all accounts simultaneously, which renders it faster than a regular client when you just check for new mail. You can also view the subjects and other email information before downloading them to your regular email client. The unregistered version is limited to three accounts, and you can only get info about the first mail in every account. In addition, there is no autocheck. Minimum reqs. System 7, 2MB disk space, 2MB RAM, Open Transport 1.2 Mats Cedergren CedInPro Development (development@cedinpro.com) http://www.cedinpro.com/fastemailcheck #### BINHEX fedex-bill-track.hqx **** From: markj@macconnect.com Subject: Emailer 2.0 FedEx Tracking Script This script will create an email message prompting you for the shipping date and tracking number. It will track up to 20 airbills (FedEx limit) per message. There may be no more updates to Claris Emailer; however as long as it works and Scripts are available, why stop using it. This script may be placed on an Info-mac CD-rom. Shareware If this saves you some time, send me $5.00 or an Email saying you use it. Mark Johnson markj@macconnect.com P.O. Box 801934 markj25@aol.com Houston, Tx. 77280-1934 #### BINHEX form-convert-20-68k.hqx **** From: np55eb@mail.telepac.pt Subject: FormConvert 2.0 68k FormConvert 2.0 FormConvert is a Mac OS application designed to interpret and format email that is generated from a HTML form and sent via a world wide web (WWW) browser. HTML forms that use the "mailto" action method to post can arrive as a single text string that is imbedded with various symbols and ascii hex codes making it very difficult to read. FormConvert will interpret and format these email responses, making them legible. For webmasters and internet users who do not have Common Gateway Interface (cgi) capabilities on their web servers, this program will allow them greater access to the use of forms on their web pages. FormConvert is shareware and may be used free of charge for a 30 day trial period. Features -------- € Very fast; € Supports both "Iso Latin-1" and "BinHex" encoding formats; € Supports multiple field delimiters; € Supports multiple field terminators; € Supports the inclusion or omission of the field titles; Requirements ------------ € Mac OS 7.0 or greater; € 68030 Macintosh or greater € 2 Mb of free RAM. Contact Information For additional information on FormConvert, please contact ABC Software: Email: abcsoftware@kagi.com WWW: http://www.kagi.com/abcsoftware/ #### BINHEX form-convert-20-ppc.hqx **** From: np55eb@mail.telepac.pt Subject: FormConvert 2.0 PPC FormConvert 2.0 FormConvert is a Mac OS application designed to interpret and format email that is generated from a HTML form and sent via a world wide web (WWW) browser. HTML forms that use the "mailto" action method to post can arrive as a single text string that is imbedded with various symbols and ascii hex codes making it very difficult to read. FormConvert will interpret and format these email responses, making them legible. For webmasters and internet users who do not have Common Gateway Interface (cgi) capabilities on their web servers, this program will allow them greater access to the use of forms on their web pages. FormConvert is shareware and may be used free of charge for a 30 day trial period. Features -------- € Very fast; € Supports both "Iso Latin-1" and "BinHex" encoding formats; € Supports multiple field delimiters; € Supports multiple field terminators; € Supports the inclusion or omission of the field titles; Requirements ------------ € Mac OS 7.0 or greater; € PowerPC € 2 Mb of free RAM. Contact Information For additional information on FormConvert, please contact ABC Software: Email: abcsoftware@kagi.com WWW: http://www.kagi.com/abcsoftware/ #### BINHEX jokemail.hqx **** From: "Wil Parrish" <tungsten33@hotmail.com> Subject: Jokemail v1.0--a java-based email sender Attached is the abstract for Jokemail v1.0. This is a java-based email sender that gives the sender more control over the email fields. It probably belongs in the "communication" folder. The uploaded file is named "jokemail-v100.sit.hqx-2" It had to be retried after an aborted transfer attempt. URL:http://homepage.mac.com/macjokemail email:macjokemail@mac.com #### BINHEX just-mail-promo.hqx **** From: lance@mstay.com Subject: JustMailPromo.sit JustMail is a quick and modern client that gives you access to your email anytime, anywhere -- right in any Web browser. It's ideal for a person who travels and for anyone who uses more than one computer. JustMail is not an email service but rather utilizes your existing email account. This approach results in increased privacy and security compared to Web-based email services. Your personal data is never requested and your email name and password are never stored or entrusted to a third party! JustMail is a Java applet that resides on a Web page and offers a snappy application-type email interface similar to Microsoft Outlook Express(tm) and other popular email applications. There is no page refresh between messages or any of the other limitations of a clumsy HTML-based interface. JustMail displays email in a free-floating window allowing continued Web browsing while reading and sending email. JustMail is fast and responsive. Reading a series of messages is quickly done by simply selecting from an email message list or by using the up or down arrow keys. The Just Mail applet is only 29 KB in size and downloads quickly, even on relatively slow modems. #### BINHEX logtransporter-12.hqx **** From: hal@campsoftware.com Subject: LogTransporter 1.2 Hal Gumbert, <hal@campsoftware.com> LogTransporter 1.2 has been released. LogTransporter transmits text files via email on a regular schedule that you specify. If you have a server of any type, you can have your log files sent to your favorite email address. Brief description: LogTransporter schedules the transmission of text files via email. Shareware $20. <http://www.campsoftware.com> Thanks, Hal Gumbert #### BINHEX mac-mail-purger-15.hqx **** From: Frederick Cheung <fred.cheung@wanadoo.fr> Subject: Mac Mail Purger v1.5.3 Stop wasting time if you have been mailbombed ! If you have been trawling through hundreds or thousands of unwanted mails, Mac Mail Purger will allow to eliminate them in record time Requires any PPC mac with Open Transport, OS 8 and a POP mailbox (ie not web-based accounts such as hotmail) Version 1.5.3 incorporates a number of bug fixes (some of them serious) New features in version 1.5 include: -Ability to select which mails will be deleted -Almost total rewrite of the network portion -Many bugs flatened -More helpful error messages -Major speed increase. In Purge Mode, Mac Mail Purger 1.5 is over twice as fast as Mac Mail Purger 1.1 #### BINHEX mac-responder-151.hqx **** From: contact@brunoblondeau.com Subject: MacResponder v1.5.1 - Automated email responder for when you're unavailable Have you ever wanted to have an automated email responder for your Macintosh? You would like to warn your relatives you're in vacation? Or to make your customers have patience when you're unavailable? MacResponder is the perfect application to send automated replies to people who are writting to you while you're away. MacResponder is fully customizable, works with multiple email accounts, and features rule-based settings to customize what is sent. ******************************************************* WHAT'S NEW ---------- 1.5.1 - New preference option to make MacResponder automatically check email accounts after launch - Creating a new rule/message/account automatically displays the edit sheet ******************************************************* #### BINHEX magellan-19.hqx **** From: "MAKI Enterprise Inc." <makienterprise@crosswinds.net> Subject: Magellan 1.9.0 New Features: *View cache Action of View has greatly improved. Even thousands of mail messages can be shown in a second. *Saving result of whole search as View When you find mail using whole search, result can be saved as View. *Hide mails in other Views If this option is selected, mails of the View will never appear in other Views. You can handle message from mailing list more easily. You can download Magellan and try it free for 20 days. For details about Magellan, please visit: http://www.makienterprise.com #### BINHEX maigret-10b2.hqx **** From: giuseppe@hyperbolicsoftware.com Subject: Maigret 1.0b2 Maigret is a plugin-based application that allows for rapid searches. The actual release comes Mail Search: a plugin that allows you to search the contents of any e-mail stored in the commonly-used canonical mbox format. Automatically, Mail Search manages the mailboxes of the most widely used e-mails applications, like Mail, Eudora and Mozilla. Mail Search is very simple to use, open the application, type the word to search for and click on the search button. That's it! If you use another e-mail application that does not handle e-mail directly in the mbox format, you must export them in the right format first and then add them in the list to search. Mail Search also allows you to search using regular expressions patterns. What's new First public release. Home page http://www.hyperbolicsoftware.com #### BINHEX mail-armor-os9-112.hqx **** From: MailArmor Support <support@mailarmor.nl> Subject: MailArmor OS 9 1.1.2 MailArmor is an application that helps to keep your electronic mailbox free of spam: it looks at the relevant parts of your email before it leaves the mail server, and lets the legitimate messages pass through undisturbed, while leaving suspect messages on the server, making them "invisible" for the e-mail client, to be reexamined later or just deleted after a while. It works as a POP email proxy, with support for POP, APOP and IMAP mail servers, that makes it compatible with every e-mail client. The logic behind the filtering has a high level of sophistication, using local black- and white-lists of senders, an advanced engine that can use pattern matching, sender verification techniques and SpamCop and ORDB blacklisting services to automatically pinpoint junk mail with a extremely high level of accuracy. A proved set of filters is included, and can easily be adapted by the user to its individual interests. Complete documentation, FAQs and an help system in multiple languages (at the moment English, French, Spanish and Italian) are also included in the download. Requires MRJ 2.2.5 w/ Swing 1.1.1 (downloadable from Sun site) #### BINHEX mail-armor-osx-112.hqx **** From: MailArmor Support <support@mailarmor.nl> Subject: MailArmor OS X 1.1.2 MailArmor is an application that helps to keep your electronic mailbox free of spam: it looks at the relevant parts of your email before it leaves the mail server, and lets the legitimate messages pass through undisturbed, while leaving suspect messages on the server, making them "invisible" for the e-mail client, to be reexamined later or just deleted after a while. It works as a POP email proxy, with support for POP, APOP and IMAP mail servers, that makes it compatible with every e-mail client. The logic behind the filtering has a high level of sophistication, using local black- and white-lists of senders, an advanced engine that can use pattern matching, sender verification techniques and SpamCop and ORDB blacklisting services to automatically pinpoint junk mail with a extremely high level of accuracy. A proved set of filters is included, and can easily be adapted by the user to its individual interests. Complete documentation, FAQs and an help system in multiple languages (at the moment English, French, Spanish and Italian) are also included in the download. Requires Mac OS X 10.1 #### BINHEX mail-charm-11.hqx **** From: k_grant@lineone.net Subject: Mailcharm 1.1 Mailcharm 1.1 is an easy and powerful mac email (POP/SMTP) client for MAC OS 8.6 and above. Features new to this version include fuzzy searches for several words with ranking of results by relevance and previews of message headers before download. Other features supported include multiple accounts as set in the internet control panel, reply level colouring, drag and drop, auto-addressing, clickable urls, support for multiple users, hierarchical folders and decoding of common encodings. Setup of internet accounts is via internet config/ the Internet control panel so you can try it straight away if you have already set up your accounts. #### BINHEX mail-convert-21.hqx **** From: Greg Nye <gnye@maccentric.com> Subject: Mail Convert 2.1 Mail Convert is a small application to convert form data received in email into usable data in a tab-delimited text file. This update features a field editor, drag and drop support, basic AppleScript support (including the ability to fully automate the conversion process included sample scripts) as well as a number of bug fixes. #### BINHEX mail-converter-224.hqx **** From: Matti Haveri <matti.haveri@sjoki.uta.fi> Subject: MailConverter 2.2.4: converts mail-like files MailConverter by R Shapiro is an utility which converts mail and mail-like files of various sorts into Eudora or Z-Mail mailboxes. It can also be used in conjunction with Eumorpha to import files into Claris Emailer. In addition it can be used to generate rfc934 digests and to import a few kinds of nicknames into Eudora. MailConverter works on several kinds of input files: Claris Emailer, mmdf, babyl, America Online, LeeMail, Pine, Elm, MacEMail, PopMail, eWorld, Genie, PC Eudora, Ricemail; files saved from several news programs (NewsWatcher, nn, gnus); files saved from Eudora or Z-Mail; and any other text files that have typical mail headers at the beginning. Folders of files (recursively) can also be converted. Files which appear to be digests will automatically be burst. MailConverter will, of course, also inter-convert between Eudora and Z-Mail. Finally, it will import (only into Eudora) three sorts of address books (Pine, MacEMail, Emailer), and it will generate rfc934 digests out of Eudora/Z-Mail mailboxes. In addition, MailConverter has limited support for conversion of files from other mail programs, but in these cases you must first generate a text file, using that mail program itself. Don't bother trying to convert the raw binary data. Conversion of these formats is not "officially" supported: it may work for your examples, it may not. Some mail programs for which this very limited conversion applies: cc:Mail, vmsMail, MSMail, and CompuServe mail. I regularly print mailing lists and newsgroup messages (saved and appended to a file with MT-NewsWatcher) with "Save A Tree". MailConverter can strip off redundant headers from newsgroup messages making the file considerably smaller. #### BINHEX mail-forward-11.hqx **** From: "System Support Products, Inc." <support@sspi-software.com> Subject: Mail Forward 1.1 for Macintosh Mail Forward 1.1 (c) Copyright 2000 System Support Products, Inc. Written by Lou Forlini Mail Forward allows you to forward mail from up to 20 Microsoft Hotmail or standard POP e-mail accounts to any e-mail address. Mail Forward works by accessing your Microsoft Hotmail In Box or POP mailbox and forwarding each piece of mail through your SMTP mail server. As each message is successfully forwarded, it is cleared from the Hotmail In Box or POP mailbox. The Hotmail or POP account e-mail address is used as the return address for the forwarded mail, so if the mail is undeliverable it will be bounced back to the original account. LIMITATIONS This application requires the use of a standard SMTP mail server to forward mail. It does not currently support SMTP servers that require POP authentication before sending. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Mail Forward requires an Apple Macintosh or compatible with a PowerPC, 68030 or greater processor, using Mac OS 7.6.1 or later. #### BINHEX mail-kanji-fixer-131.hqx **** From: hide@soon.com Subject: MailKanjiFixer 1.31 MailKanjiFixer is a small utility program which can fix and convert corrupted (and unreadbale) Japanese Kanji characters in the e-mail or in the normal text file into readable Shift-JIS kanji characters. Because of the nature of this program, it's only useful for those who can read/write Japanese. System Requirements: * Any system and any Macintosh * System 7.0 or later For more information, please read the documents enclosed. - What's new with v1.31 - v1.31 has added the capability of fixing undecoded Japanese MIME header which is encoded with "Shit_JIS" charset. Also, now MailKanjiFixer is FAT binary application. #### BINHEX mail-monitor.hqx **** From: Michael Piatek <macgnome@sgi.net> Subject: Mail Monitor This handy utility checks an unlimited number of POP3 or IMAP mail accounts at a specified interval for new mail. It's small memory and disk footprint make it an excellent replacement for a bulky mail client's scheduled mail checking. Requirements: Appearance Manager, Open Transport. Internet Config, POP3/IMAP mail account, Applescript -Michael Piatek MacGnome@kagi.com #### BINHEX mail-notify-20.hqx **** From: niessen_f@geocities.com Subject: MailNotify 2.0 This is MailNotify 2.0 It is based on MailNotify 1.5 but it is completly rewritten. It also includes a dutch and a german part. This is a little, simple tool, that will look from time to time on your emailserver to see if new mails arrived. It use pop3 as described in rfc 1939 Including APOP-support. It needs OpenTransport (OT v1.1 or better should work fine) and the Appearance Manager 1.0.1 It is freeware under the gnu-licence and it is provided "as-is". see MailNotify.doc for more details. Frank Niessen Niessen_F@geocities.com http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Network/6961 June 1998 ________________________________________ Frank Nießen niessen_f@geocities.com http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Network/6961/ _________________________________________ #### BINHEX mail-retriever-10b7.hqx **** From: jeff@video2.tiac.net Subject: MailRetreiver 1.0B7 Mail Retriever allows you to run a local mail server with multiple users, even if you have a dialup connection, dynamic IP address, and single mail account. It's useful for home offices, families, and schools. Mail Retriever fetches mail on a schedule, and forwards it to local mail accounts. You can optionally check on the status of Mail Retriever from any web browser. Mail Retriever can forward mail based upon either the from or to address, and can also forward mail to an archive file. Mail Retriever is currently a 68K application, and has been tested with both dialup and cable modems. #### BINHEX mail-router-110t.hqx **** From: holst@pegasus.ping.dk Subject: Avalonia MailRouter 1.10 trial Name of software: Avalonia MailRouter Version: 1.10 (trial version) Author: Bo Holst-Christensen, Cutisan Laboratorium A/S Category: Internet software, server extension Function: Extension to Apples Internet Mail Server. Used for forwarding and redirecting electronic mail. License payment: 1 copy - US$30, 1 site - US$75, world wide - US$150. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Avalonia MailRouter is an extension to mail servers such as Apples Internet Mail Server (AIMS), Eudora Internet Mail Server (EIMS) or Stalker Internet Mail Server (SIMS). It is supposed to be running in the background on the same machine as the mail server, without taking more of the CPU and memory than absolutely needed. By using Avalonia the mail server is extended with functionality to handle many domains on one single machine. Apart from assigning mailboxes to each user on the different domains, MailRouter can also redirect mail based on account or domain names, handle subdomains, divide users on a big domain to a set of servers and handle unregistered addresses. This package contains a trial version of the application that will allow you to try out all features. To obtain a full version of the Avalonia MailRouter a license fee must be payed: - To run a single copy of MailRouter on a single machine, the fee is US$30. - To run an unlimited amount of copies of MailRouter on machines placed at a single physical location, the fee is US$75. - To run an unlimited amount of copies of MailRouter on machines inside the same organisation, placed anywhere in the world, the fee is US$150. To run MailRouter, you need a copy of AIMS (preferably version 1.1.1 or newer), EIMS or SIMS running on a machine with at least a 68030 or a PowerPC. For best results the machine should be running MacOS System 7.5.5 or newer. Memory usage, depending on the amount of addresses handled: 110-500 KB. #### BINHEX mail-url-241.hqx **** From: Sander Tekelenburg <santek@euronet.nl> Subject: MailURL 2.1.4 Auto-mail URL+title of current WWW page. "MailURL" offers a quick and easy way to tell a friend (or enemy ;)) about the page you're currently watching in your web browser (works with iCab, Opera, Internet Explorer, or Netscape's Navigator/Communicator). It creates a new message in Eudora, Claris Emailer or Outlook Express, placing the title of the page in the "Subject: " header, and the URL of it in the body. All you need to do then is fill in the "To: " header and queue it. What's new: - Added support for Outlook Express - Minor workaround to avoid conflict with Satimage OSAX System Requirements: - AppleScript - OSA Menu and/or FinderPop and/or OtherMenu - Eudora, Claris Emailer or Outlook Express - iCab and/or Opera and/or Internet Explorer and/or Navigator/Communicator - Works under Mac OS 7.0 through 9.x Legalese: MailURL is freeware. Do with it whatever you like, except sell it or present it as yours!-- Sander Tekelenburg #### BINHEX mailbeacon-142.hqx **** From: "Navdeep Bains" <bains@mac.com> Subject: Mail Beacon v1.4.2 Mail Beacon alerts you when new messages arrive and/or when messages are deleted. It can also filter email without downloading it, and acts as an online email client. Mail Beacon supports both POP3 & IMAP4. Release Notes: 1.4.2 Notes: Fixed some bugs in v1.4.1. Someone reported a bug that caused Mail Beacon to endlessly check accounts, forcing the user to quit. I've been unable to track this one down, so if you encounter it, email me ASAP: bains@mac.com. Changes: - Fixed a bug related to the Programs feature. - Fixed an IMAP bug. - Fixed a bug related to account preferences. 1.4.1 Notes: Minor update. Your current preferences will be moved to the trash because of a format change. That means you'll have to reenter your serial number, as well as your account information. I apologize for the inconvenience. Changes: - Fixed two bugs that caused Mail Beacon to quit with an error type 2. - You can now print messages. - Fixed a longstanding SMTP bug. - The icon in the "View Button" now changes to an "Opened Envelope" when the selected message has yet to be viewed. - Minor interface changes. - Rebuilt Mail Beacon with REALBasic 3.5.2 - Other small changes - Finally finished the new docs, http://www.bainsware.com/mb/docs/ #### BINHEX max-bulk-mailer-212r5-osx.hqx **** From: Stanley Roche <support@maxprog.com> Subject: MaxBulk Mailer v2.1.2r5 for MacOS X (Maintenance release) *Permanent X-Mailer SMTP Header to avoid spamming uses. Maxprog is proud to present a new release of Maxbulk Mailer, new version 2.1.2r5, available now on Maxprog website with several important bug fixes. MaxBulk Mailer is a full featured mail-merge and bulk mailer for Macintosh. MaxBulk Mailer is able to send commercial mailings to up to several thousands of emails address using a complete customizable tags set. MaxBulk Mailer is fast, fully customizable and very easy to use. It uses mailings as documents with configuration data, mailing text and mailing list built-in. MaxBulk Mailer handles both plain text and HTML documents. Maxbulk is perfect for sending: - Newsletters - Customer mailings ...etc... We value your feedback and we'd love to hear what you have to say. Please e-mail us at dev@maxprog.com with your comments and suggestions. (Be as descriptive as posible). MaxBulk Standard key features : ------------------------------- - Able to send Text or HTML mails in a way mail client software always shows the format it supports (Multipart MIME). - Full ISO-8859 support for international characters. - Multiple customizable easy-to-use mail accounts. - Full POP3 and ESMTP Authentication. - Permanent X-Mailer SMTP Header to avoid spamming uses. - Drag and drop support for mailing text and address list. - Easy importation of mailing lists with advanced parser and duplicates checking, including from clipboard. - SMTP log control (Commands and responses). - Mails can be sent all at once, in groups or one by one. - Custom Tags 'Fullname', 'Firstname', 'Surname', 'Company' and 'Date' for mail-merge. - Mail server setup with Internet Config control panel. - File attachments support (Base64, UUEncode, MacBinary, BinHex, AppleSingle and AppleDouble). - Mail delivery now can be scheduled. (Delayed mail delivery). - Easy-to-use installer (Aladdin). #### BINHEX max-bulk-mailer-212r5.hqx **** From: Stanley Roche <support@maxprog.com> Subject: MaxBulk Mailer v2.1.2r5 (Maintenance release) *Permanent X-Mailer SMTP Header to avoid spamming uses. Maxprog is proud to present a new release of Maxbulk Mailer, new version 2.1.2r5, available now on Maxprog website with several important bug fixes. MaxBulk Mailer is a full featured mail-merge and bulk mailer for Macintosh. MaxBulk Mailer is able to send commercial mailings to up to several thousands of emails address using a complete customizable tags set. MaxBulk Mailer is fast, fully customizable and very easy to use. It uses mailings as documents with configuration data, mailing text and mailing list built-in. MaxBulk Mailer handles both plain text and HTML documents. Maxbulk is perfect for sending: - Newsletters - Customer mailings ...etc... We value your feedback and we'd love to hear what you have to say. Please e-mail us at dev@maxprog.com with your comments and suggestions. (Be as descriptive as posible). MaxBulk Standard key features : ------------------------------- - Able to send Text or HTML mails in a way mail client software always shows the format it supports (Multipart MIME). - Full ISO-8859 support for international characters. - Multiple customizable easy-to-use mail accounts. - Full POP3 and ESMTP Authentication. - Permanent X-Mailer SMTP Header to avoid spamming uses. - Drag and drop support for mailing text and address list. - Easy importation of mailing lists with advanced parser and duplicates checking, including from clipboard. - SMTP log control (Commands and responses). - Mails can be sent all at once, in groups or one by one. - Custom Tags 'Fullname', 'Firstname', 'Surname', 'Company' and 'Date' for mail-merge. - Mail server setup with Internet Config control panel. - File attachments support (Base64, UUEncode, MacBinary, BinHex, AppleSingle and AppleDouble). - Mail delivery now can be scheduled. (Delayed mail delivery). - Easy-to-use installer (Aladdin). #### BINHEX mega-antispam.hqx **** From: inserimento@usa.net Subject: Anti MegSPAM 1.2 - Mail Action form Emailer Anti MegSPAM 1.2. Anti MegaSPAM is a Mail Action for Claris Emailer that help you to individuate and divide the email spam. This software il Freeware :-) Distribution Info These creations can be freely distributed, either online or on CD-ROM without restrictions, provided that the original package is included. ------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks and have a great day! Charlie Jhons #### BINHEX midnight-mail-111.hqx **** From: sobue@newjapan.nucl.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp Subject: Midnight Express & Midnight Download Hi. I submitted my software few weeks ago. I notice that the installers contain incompatibilities. So please replace my old submissions with new ones in <ftp://macgifts:macgifts@info-mac.org/>. My software that need to be replaced are: Midnight Express 1.1.1 Midnight Download 1.1.1 Thank you very much. Sorry for bothering you. Best regards. Koichiro Sobue sobue@kagi.com http://www.kagi.com/sobue/ #### BINHEX pop-thing-16.hqx **** From: Navdeep Bains <bains@mac.com> Subject: POPThing 1.6 POPThing lets you browse through your mailbox. Basically, it lets you check your mail without being forced to download every single message. 1.6 - Large messages are now buffered to disk - POPThing now disconnects properly before closing connections on quit, some users(1 user) reported problems - A sound is played when no messages are found instead of a dialog - Fixed a bug with the list view - Fixed a bug that sometimes caused an empty message window to appear - Fixed one of my spelling errors - Fixed a MIME processing bug(POPThing had problems with really really long forwards, like chain letters) - Dates are now formatted in the official format - Added Signatures - The Favorites window isn't modal anymore - "New Message" windows are now centered - Relevant header fields are now shown at the top of messages - Made some changes to the POP3 socket(POPThing screwed up a message, but I couldn't get it to do it again, so I decided to fiddle around with the socket anyway) NOTE: POPThing does not support the AppleDouble & AppleSingle encodings 1.5 - Extended Trial Period to 30 launches - Registered with Kagi - ISO Text Encodings are now converted into ASCII(when available, OS8 and higher) - The Quoted-Printable format is now supported - Added a Highlight URLs option(before POPThing did it without asking) - Monaco is now used to display messages, rather than Mishawaka #### BINHEX power-mail-421.hqx **** From: info@ctmdev.com Subject: PowerMail 4.2.1 Designed as a robust and sustainable alternative to ordinary Macintosh e- mail applications, PowerMail 4.2.1 is based on the PowerMail Engine(tm), a robust foundation for cross-platform e-mail clients encompassing 10 years of mail and directory experience. Benefits for users include: - Ultra-fast searching of e-mail archives using FoxTrot(tm) technology - Migration tools for importing message databases and address books with groups from Claris Emailer, Eudora, Netscape, Outlook Express 4.5, AppleShare IP, Unix mailbox, Apple Mail, LDIF and more - Ability to export and archive and messages and addresses in stan- dard formats (Eudora, Netscape, Unix Mbox, LDIF, Apple Mail, tab text) - Multi-language text display abilities based on Unicode (English, Japanese, Swedish, French, Hebrew, Russian, Arabic, Thai and 55 other) - Modern, responsive and Mac-like (OS X and OS 9) user-interface PowerMail 4 is available immediately on-line as a 30 day demo version. - Degressive licensing prices start at US$ 49 per seat - Upgrades from PowerMail 4 are US$ 29 Try the PowerMail demo : http://www.ctmdev.com/download.shtml More information on PM : http://www.ctmdev.com/powermail4.shtml Buy PM (secure) from : https://www.ctmdev.com/sales.shtml Upgrade from PM 2/3 to 4 : https://www.ctmdev.com/buy_pm3/start What's new in PowerMail 4.2.1 (from 4.1.3): * Entirely new CTM FoxTrot? high-speed search technology - much more search flexibility with performance increases between 300% and 500% * Increased responsiveness - now launches and draws large lists even faster * Enhanced filtering - now includes fast filtering by message content * Ability to search on cached IMAP information - brings high-speed local searching functionality while connected to IMAP servers * Improved error handling and data recovery - recovering therefore made easier. * Over 10 other usability and reliability improvements, plus 8 other more 4.2 to 4.2.1 * Mac OS X 10.3 (Panther) compatibility, while maintaining Mac OS X 10.2.x, OS 9 and 8 as well #### BINHEX qd-migration-tool.hqx **** From: Adrian Ruigrok <adrianr@rapidedge.ca> Subject: QDMail Migration Tool This tool will take mail from any Quarterdeck, Starnine or Microsoft Mail for Appletalk Networks account and transfer it either to an IMAP server, or an MBOX format text file. For more information go to http://www.rapidedge.ca/consulting/Index.html #### BINHEX quick-survey-10.hqx **** From: QuickSurvey <quicksurvey@eastmail.com> Subject: QuickSurvey 1.0 QuickSurvey is the email software to conduct email basis survey. You can get the survey data just with three steps, 1) Create questionnaires, 2) send those questionnaires via email, and 3) receive replies. Then, QuickSurvey calculate the data replied and give you the result with numbers and graph. See below pages for quick view. http://members.dencity.com/quicksurvey/ http://pages.about.com/quicksurvey/ #### BINHEX random-sig.hqx **** From: mchevalier@WELLESLEY.EDU Subject: Random Sig Random Sig v1.0b - a random signature generator for the Macintosh. Should go in /comm/inet/mail #### BINHEX robs-pager-107.hqx **** From: machead@black-hole.com Subject: Rob's Pager 1.0.7 Rob's Pager was written so that my wife and kids could reliably send text page messages via e-mail to my pager which has a 170 character limit. Rob's Pager displays the character count as you type and automatically formats the text page message into individual 170 character pages. The text page can span 4 message fields with a 676 character limit. When the 676 character limit is reached, Rob's Pager turns red and a message appears to alert you to send the page. Shareware Price $10.00 #### BINHEX sig-quote-101.hqx **** From: Peter Brigham <pmbrig@mediaone.net> Subject: SigQuote 1.0.1 SigQuote is a Hypercard stack that makes it easy to append a signature (a 'sig') to your email messages. The feature that makes SigQuote unique is that your sig can contain a different quote each time you use it. You can use a random quote from the list, or you can select a specific quote. With one mouse click, your sig is put on the clipboard for pasting into an email message. Run SigQuote in the background when you are composing email messages and have your sig available instantly! Design your own sig, edit your own list of quotes. Freeware. Copyright 2001 by Peter M. Brigham pmbrig@mediaone.net http://people.ne.mediaone.net/pmbrig/hypercard.html Requires Hypercard 2.3+, System 7.0+ #### BINHEX sims-guide.hqx **** From: vladimir_butenko@stalker.com Subject: SIMS Guide SIMS Guide This is the copy of the Stalker Internet Mail Server Guide available at <http://www.stalker.com/SIMS/> #### BINHEX snap-mail-30.hqx **** From: Adam King <adam@glassbead.com> Subject: SnapMail 3.0 SnapMail is the complete chat, messaging and communication application for your Mac office. Using peer-to-peer technology on your local network, SnapMail keeps all of your messages and documents safely in-house. It doesn't require a mail server, Internet connection, or any administration. Send messages, files, and voice mail instantly. Combining an intuitive user interface with trouble-free installation and maintenance, SnapMail offers a dynamic and friendly mail system for Macintosh networks. ** Easy to Install and Use ** SnapMail is plug and play software. It installs in a minute and is immediately usable. SnapMail configures itself and finds other users on the network. No system administration is ever needed. ** Powerful and Flexible ** SnapMail features include The Essentials... * Send attachments with your mail (including files, folders, and the clipboard). * Search for old mail items with find. * Use multiple addressing options including To, cc, and bcc. * Request return receipts to find out when your mail is read. * Reply to mail sent to you or forward it to others. * Customize SnapMail with many preferences. * Add optional Internet connectivity using InterSnapTM. * Restrict access to your mail with various levels of password security. * Create folders to organize your mail. * Track mail that you have sent with a delivery log and a delivery log window. * Keep track of people and give them nicknames using your address book. * Create groups, which allow you to send mail to a number of people with one easy selection ... And Much More #### BINHEX spam-scripts.hqx **** From: dbronson@rny.com Subject: SpamScripts for Emailer This archive contains two AppleScripts for use with Claris Emailer 2. I wrote them as quick little hacks to save me time, with no intention of releasing them to the general public. They are neither sophisticated, nor particularly flexible, so don't expect much. "Recycle Spam" takes a multiple selection of messages, repackages them all as forwards with full header info and sends them to the address of the Spam Recycling Center. "Spam Cop Automator" takes your spam one message at a time, again including full header info, and semi-automate the process of entering the spam into SpamCop. #### BINHEX spam-sieve-223.hqx **** From: spamsieve@c-command.com Subject: SpamSieve 2.2.3 SpamSieve gives you back your inbox by bringing powerful Bayesian spam filtering to popular e-mail clients. It learns what your spam looks like, so it can block nearly all of it. It looks at your address book and learns what your good messages look like, so it won't confuse them with spam. Other spam filters get worse over time as spammers adapt to their rules; SpamSieve actually gets better over time as you train it with more messages. SpamSieve doesn't delete any messages--it only marks them in your e-mail client--so you'll never lose any mail. SpamSieve works with any number of mail accounts, of whatever types are supported by your e-mail software (e.g. POP, IMAP, Hotmail, AOL). Complete Change List: <http://www.c-command.com/spamsieve/manual.shtml#version-history> Requirements: Mac OS X 10.2.6 or later (10.3.6 recommended) Price: $25; free update for owners of previous versions More Info: <http://www.c-command.com/spamsieve/> #### BINHEX spam-trasher.hqx **** From: macmake@iname.com Subject: Macmake Spam Trasher 1.0- Mail Action anti Spam Ebglish Description: Spam (also called UCE, or Unsolicited Commercial Email) is all the fastidious unsolicited emails that refill yor mail box. The unique way to eliminate the spam messages is to delete it. Macmake Spam Trasher is a Mail Action for the program Claris Emailer that automatically move the new spam messages to the "Deleted Mail" folder of Claris Emailer. Macmake Spam Trasher is shareware, if you use it for more than a week or two, please register your copy. Once you have registered, you are considered registered for all future versions of Macmake Spam Trasher, so you do not need to pay any additional fees when you upgrade to a new version. Macmake Spam Trasher costs US $5. Distribution Info These creations can be freely distributed, either online or on CD-ROM without restrictions, provided that the original package is included. #### BINHEX spamtrasher-ita.hqx **** From: macmake@iname.com Subject: Macmake Spam Trasher 1.0 Italiano - Mail Action anti Spam "Macmake Spam Trasher 1.0 Italiano" - Ebglish Description: Spam (also called UCE, or Unsolicited Commercial Email) is all the fastidious unsolicited emails that refill yor mail box. The unique way to eliminate the spam messages is to delete it. Macmake Spam Trasher is a Mail Action for the program Claris Emailer that automatically move the new spam messages to the "Deleted Mail" folder of Claris Emailer. Macmake Spam Trasher is shareware, if you use it for more than a week or two, please register your copy. Once you have registered, you are considered registered for all future versions of Macmake Spam Trasher, so you do not need to pay any additional fees when you upgrade to a new version. Macmake Spam Trasher costs US $5. Distribution Info These creations can be freely distributed, either online or on CD-ROM without restrictions, provided that the original package is included. - Descrizione in Italiano: Macmake Spam Trasher č una azione (Mail Action) per Claris Em@iler che aiuta gli utenti a eliminare facilmente le email dette SPAM, ossia le lettere pubblicitarie e promozionali che si ricevono seppur non rishieste. Questa azione si basa su criteri standard dello spamming e su degli indirizzi email di aziende che utilizzano lo spam per promuovere servizi e prodotti di qualsiasi genere, come ad esempio patenti automobilistiche americane, riviste a luci rosse, siti internet, software e hardware a presunti prezzi eccezionali. Macmake Spam Trasher sposta automaticamente i presunti messaggi spam in arrivo nella cartella chiamata "Deleted Mail" permettendo cosě all'utente di controllare questi messaggi per poi cancellarli definitivamente, cosě da evitare qualsiasi cancellazione accidentale. Macmake Spam Trasher č un programma shareware, se lo usi per piů di una o due settimane, dovresti registrarti, potrai cosi' utilizzare anche le future versioni senza nessun costo aggiuntivo. La quota di registrazione di Macmake Spam Trasher e di: 5 $ (circa 8.000 Lit). #### BINHEX submission-2.hqx **** From: bren@subnet.co.uk Subject: Submission E-mail Utility Please find attached a copy of 'Submission 2' an e-mail utility for Eudora. The application, written in Applescript with Facespan 3, allows you to compile and store mailing lists. The message, subject and from address can all be set from inside the Submission application. E-mail addresses can be imported from a text file or added from within the application. All queing and sending is done from within Submission. System requirements: Mac OS 7.6 Applescript Eudora Full readme file included. This version is freeware. Brendan Dawes - Art Director. The Gary Lineker of New Media Subnet New media (www.subnet.co.uk) bren@subnet.co.uk (www.subnet.co.uk/brendan/) Voice: +44 (0)1282 616000 Fax: +44(0)1282 708091 URL: www.subnet.co.uk #### BINHEX sweetmail-22r2.hqx **** From: SUGIURA <sweetmail@mac.com> Subject: SweetMail 2.2r2 SweetMail is an internet e-mail client for Macintosh that provides most powerful features with sweet interface. SweetMail has multiple POP3 accounts, very fast searching, threading-view, filtering, templates, auto-wrap and many useful functions. System Requirements: * System 7.1 or later. (PPC/68K, including MacOSX) * 4MB of Memory. #### BINHEX veggie-mail-osx.hqx **** From: Leif Wright <leif@conservatives.net> Subject: VeggieMail OS X Why VeggieMail? I wrote VeggieMail to serve a need I had. I get a gazillion e-mails every day. I hate nothing more than being forced to sit as my computer downloads attachments from some #$@%!!*%$!@ spammer. Even with my DSL connection, I have to wait as these completely unsolicited e-mails flood into my inbox. I could set up a rule in my main e-mail client (Microsoft Entourage X), but then I have to wait for its bloated self to load, and as you might be able to tell by now, I'm impatient. Time spent waiting could be time I'm earning money. Therefore, I wanted an e-mail client that could: * view my e-mails without downloading them * delete the spam without opening it * send a quick e-mail if I'm in a hurry so I don't have to load Entourage * reply quickly to e-mails VeggieMail was born. I'm largely happy with Entourage, so I didn't want to reinvent the wheel -- VeggieMail is NOT a replacement for a full-featured e-mail program. Instead, it's supposed to be a quick and dirty, bare-bones e-mail client for when I'm in a rush. Why the goofy name? Well, mainly because I'm goofy. But here was my thought process: Since this is a bare-bones product, and since "Bare Bones" has already been taken as a software name, I tried to think of a way of communicating that there was no meat on the bones of this software product. If there's no meat on your plate, what are you left with? Veggies. Stop laughing. I know it's corny. What VeggieMail can do As mentioned above, VeggieMail is intended to be quick, and not that polished. As such, it can: * check your e-mail box * read e-mails (see "What VeggieMail CAN'T do" below) * reply to e-mails * delete e-mails * send a quick e-mail * save your e-mail account information so you don't have to enter it every time you check your e-mails * entertain you and your friends for hours (Fun at parties!) #### BINHEX veggie-mail.hqx **** From: Leif Wright <leif@conservatives.net> Subject: VeggieMail Why VeggieMail? I wrote VeggieMail to serve a need I had. I get a gazillion e-mails every day. I hate nothing more than being forced to sit as my computer downloads attachments from some #$@%!!*%$!@ spammer. Even with my DSL connection, I have to wait as these completely unsolicited e-mails flood into my inbox. I could set up a rule in my main e-mail client (Microsoft Entourage X), but then I have to wait for its bloated self to load, and as you might be able to tell by now, I'm impatient. Time spent waiting could be time I'm earning money. Therefore, I wanted an e-mail client that could: * view my e-mails without downloading them * delete the spam without opening it * send a quick e-mail if I'm in a hurry so I don't have to load Entourage * reply quickly to e-mails VeggieMail was born. I'm largely happy with Entourage, so I didn't want to reinvent the wheel -- VeggieMail is NOT a replacement for a full-featured e-mail program. Instead, it's supposed to be a quick and dirty, bare-bones e-mail client for when I'm in a rush. Why the goofy name? Well, mainly because I'm goofy. But here was my thought process: Since this is a bare-bones product, and since "Bare Bones" has already been taken as a software name, I tried to think of a way of communicating that there was no meat on the bones of this software product. If there's no meat on your plate, what are you left with? Veggies. Stop laughing. I know it's corny. What VeggieMail can do As mentioned above, VeggieMail is intended to be quick, and not that polished. As such, it can: * check your e-mail box * read e-mails (see "What VeggieMail CAN'T do" below) * reply to e-mails * delete e-mails * send a quick e-mail * save your e-mail account information so you don't have to enter it every time you check your e-mails * entertain you and your friends for hours (Fun at parties!) #### BINHEX yahoo-mailto-handler-12.hqx **** From: "Daniel A. Shockley" <yahoomailtohandler@danshockley.com> Subject: Yahoo Mailto Handler 1.2 New in version 1.2 full -- contains both a Mac OS Classic and Mac OS X applet. You'll need CarbonLib for it to run in Classic. This little AppleScript applet can be used to handle mailto URLs. So, when you click on an email address on a web page, it goes to the Yahoo web mail Send Message page, with the email address filled in. If there are other parts, they will also be filled in (subject, cc, bcc, body, and perhaps other) You will need to open the Internet control panel and select this as your Email Application at the bottom of the Email tab. I plan on extending it to work with other major webmail sites, as long as they support sending mail by adding text to a URL. Let me know if you'd like to work on it. Most useful utilities out there only help people who use stand-alone POP/SMTP clients, not us web-mail users. I got some information that was helpful about this from: Kirk Klingbiel - the "open location" part of AppleScript Cory S. Moll - the webPath for Yahoo that works independently of which us.f**.mail.yahoo.com server you are on