Date: Tue, 27 Oct 92 16:25 BST From: Raza Rizvi x320 <RIZVI@CITI.CRANFIELD.AC.UK> Subject: (Summary) Smalltalk on MAC This is a summary of the *excellent* response I received about Smalltalk on Macintosh which I thought I should post back to INFO-MAC. I have also individually posted the people who actually sent the replies. All replies have been edited by me for clarity, so I take responsibility for errors etc. Opinions expressed belong to the original author. Between posting and getting the replies back, I contacted Xerox EuroParc and Xerox Parc to find out whether the 'inventor' of Smalltalk (Adele Goldberg) still worked for them. They pointed me to her new company, ParcPlace Systems. Below are some comments about ParcPlace Systems version of smalltalk, including a reply direct from a ParcPlace Systems employee (good to know they are on the net!) Raza Rizvi Cranfield IT Institute, Milton Keynes, England End of note: Long attachment follows... From: I saw your query about smalltalk on the mac. I presume you are looking for freeware, as otherwise there is Digitalk ST/V at (I think) about 80 pounds, and ParcPlace ST80 at very much more. From: Charles C. Allen UTexas-Austin Physics {One of two choices is } Objectworks\Smalltalk (ParcPlace). The ParcPlace product lists for US$3500, but any faculty or staff can get it for 10% of that price as long as its for educational use. Contact: From: Dan Walkowski Univ. of Illinois And there is ParcPlace ObjectWorks for Mac, which is excellent (it is the _original_ Smalltalk, by the people who used to be at Xerox) but it is expensive. But they have an educational price of about $300 or so. From: Michael Khaw ParcPlace Systems, Sunnyvale, CA There are 2 commercial implementations of Smalltalk for the Mac: {for the other one, see Digitalk section) ParcPlace Systems, Inc. develops and sells Objectworks\Smalltalk and VisualWorks. VisualWorks is a new product based on Objectworks\Smalltalk that includes interactive user-interface construction tools and connection capabilities to relational database systems. ParcPlace was founded by the team that developed Smalltalk at Xerox PARC. ParcPlace bought the rights to the Smalltalk language from Xerox. There is no ownership relationship between Xerox and ParcPlace. PRODUCT INFO: In the UK, Artificial Intelligence International, Ltd., is ParcPlace's distributor: Raymond Lee AIIL 1 Park View Road Berkhamstead Herts HP4 3EY voice: 44 442 87 6722 fax: 44 442 87 7997 email: From: Brian Bechtel Note: "My opinion, not Apple's" Parc Place Systems sells standard Smalltalk-80. Digitalk sells Smalltalk/V. From: There are two implementations, both commercial. One is from the decendant of the Xerox PARC lab: ParcPlace Systems 999 E Arques Ave Sunnyvale California 94086-4593 Tel. +1 (408) 481-9090 *********** Information on an implementation from Digitalk came from the following: *********** From: I presume you are looking for freeware, as otherwise there is Digitalk ST/V at (I think) about 80 pounds. From: Ron Burns,Dept of Computing & Cognition Bournemouth University, POOLE,BH12 5BB,UK Tel:+(44) 202 524111;(Fax) 513293 SmallTalk V Mac is a Macintosh version of Digitalk SmallTalk/V available from APDA (or at least it used to be...) for $199.95 (that's dollars). Catalogue number was T0179LL/A From: Rob Griffith The Open University, Milton Keynes, England Telephone: +44 (0)908 652350 Try Smalltalk/V by Digitalk for a "small" Smalltalk Impressions: Smalltalk/V is really simple to use. From: Charles C. Allen UTexas-Austin Physics {One of two choices is } Smalltalk/V Mac (Digitalk) St/V costs about US$130 mail order in the US. It's OK, but definitely due for an upgrade to bring it in line with their Windows & OS/2 versions. Contact: From: Dan Walkowski Univ. of Illinois There's DigiTalk Smalltalk/Mac, which is cheap, but not very good. From: Michael Khaw ParcPlace Systems, Sunnyvale, CA Digitalk, Inc. develops and sells Smalltalk/V on the Mac. I'm not familiar with Digitalk's products, but there has been some discussion in Usenet's comp.lang.smalltalk regarding the Mac version being neglected in favor of Digitalk's MS-Windows and OS/2 versions. Digitalk holds a license from ParcPlace Systems for the Smalltalk system. From: Graeme Forbes You want Smalltalk/V Mac from Digitalk. You can get it quite inexpensively (about $150, I think) from the usual mail order places. Or call 310-645-1082 (fax 1306) and ask them about academic discounts (I think that's how I got it but forget the price. Maybe it was $99?) From: There are two implementations, both commercial. One is from the decendant of the Xerox PARC lab: {see ParcPlace systems section} There is another from a company called Digitech (I think)... I don't have the info handy. I'll see if I can dig it up. *********** Information on Freeware implementations of Smalltalk came from the following: *********** From: There is also Tim Budds 'little smalltalk' which does run on a mac apparently. This is certainly free, but (at least in the PC version I have) very non-standard in the way instances are created, and the library structure. I think there is also a free GNU smalltalk, but this would presumably be only for Unix machines. From: Brian Bechtel Note: "My opinion, not Apple's" Tim Budd at University of Oregon has a minimal smalltalk without graphics available for anonymous ftp somewhere. A message on comp.lang.smalltalk would probably yield results.