Date: Thu, 5 Nov 92 14:55 WET From: "Alun J. Carr" <> Subject: [*] FORTRAN compiler report Here is the collection of responses I received in response to my query about the 'best' (most VAX-compatible, fastest) FORTRAN compiler for the Mac. It looks like the Language Systems compiler is the most often recommended. Many thanks to all those who responded, especially to those who I didn't manage to reply to individually. Dr Alun J. Carr Mechanical Engineering Department University College Dublin Belfield Dublin 4 Ireland Internet: Phone: +353-1-7061989/2693244 Fax: +353-1-7061756/2830534 ====== Report Begins =========================================== Date: Sat, 31 Oct 92 20:50:09 CST From: (Gary L. Gray) Subject: FORTRAN compilers (A) I have been using Language Systems FORTRAN for almost a year and I couldn't be happier. It has a compiler invocation option called "-vax" which sets up several options that mimic the VAX environment (it has similar options for Cray and Microsoft PC FORTRAN). LS Fortran runs under MPW and is, as far as I can tell, virtually bug-free. The compiled code is VERY fast and the are dozens of compile-time options for running in the background under System 7.x or MultiFinder, having a nice Mac interface and many other things. I also know that it is compatible with the Daystar PowerCache. I believe the educational price is $375 ($595 retail), but that includes the latest version of MPW and all the manuals for MPW. I have also used Absoft's version of FORTRAN (both 020 and the MPW versions) and find the error diagnostics to be much less satisfactory and the interface to be less easy to use. The compiled code runs at about the same speed in the top-of-the- line Absoft FORTRAN as with LS FORTRAN, but you must get the most expensive Absoft product. The technical support is excellent with both companies, but Language Systems has help available via Internet both through AppleLink and America Online (Absoft may also, but I know LS does). Language Systems has also been great about keeping their products current and compatible. I think it is the way to go. Good luck. Gary L. Gray * Engineering Mechanics & Astronautics * University of Wisconsin-Madison ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1992 22:09:05 EST From: Subject: Fortran for the Macintosh (A & C) The question of what fortran compiler to use on the Mac has come up again, so I would like to repeat my strong endorsement of the Language Systems Fortran that runs under MPW. Bug free, fast compiles, compact code, fast execution, good debugging, full toolbox support, good tech support, full VAX extension support, I *love* it. The worst thing I can say about it is that you have to run MPW, which is Unix in hiding on the Mac. It is a powerful environment, but really confusing and needlessly complex at times. For large projects, though, which is what old fortran codes tend to be, it is quite a powerful environment. I maintain and use 50,000+ lines of fortran code that formerly ran on VAX and PDP/11, and the conversion wasn't too arduous. Equal time for opposing views: Absoft also sells a fortran for MPW. It may be a little faster on execution, though I doubt it for anything but benchmarks. They may also be a better choice if you will later move to Unix or elsewhere, since they are a multi-platform fortran; LSF is only Mac. Finally, you might consider useing the F2C translator, if you really like C. I don't and I am also not aware of an implementation of F2C for the Mac. Anyone know?? ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 31 Oct 92 11:00 CST From: "randy k. hayashi" <> Subject: fortran stuff Date: Fri, 10 Apr 92 13:04 N From: <HEWAT%FRILL52.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU> (HEWAT@FRILL.BITNET FAX FRANC E[33] 76-48-39...) Subject: Best FORTRAN compiler for Mac (answer to recent questions) Distribution-File: >Recently someone asked about existing FORTRAN compilers for the Mac. >I do not recall seeing any replies written to the digest. Is there >such a compiler, or at least a good FORTRAN code editor available. I have used various versions of 3 different compilers: Language Systems, Absoft and MicroSoft (its OK, the later was really written by Absoft, and Absoft still market an updated version). Each has its advantages. 1) MacFortran 2.1 (MS-absoft) has a debugger built in, that allows you to step through the code, display the contents of variables etc. (cf The advantages of THINK Pascal over MPW Pascal). However it has a non-standard way of accessing the Mac tool box, and it is getting rather old, and not a high priority with absoft for updates. Even so, it produces fast code that even runs under system 7 and the new Macs including the Quadra ! (amazing !) It can compile for non-fpu Macs. And it is less expensive than the others. 2) MacFortan-II (absoft). Completely different beast. Produces the fastest code, especially for the Quadra, many Fortran-90 extensions, compatible with most Vax and IBM extensions, source compatible with other absoft compilers for a wide range of workstations, uses Fortran-90/Pascal structures etc. A professional compiler, but not completely happy with old spaghetti type code produced by amatures. No in-built debugger, runs under MPW only, and only on fpu equiped Macs. Produces code only for fpu-Macs. Standard Pascal type toolbox calls, and elementary Mac interface (menus, windows) produced automatically if required. 3) Language Systems. Code almost as fast as MacFortran-II, not quite as fast for the Quadra, but maybe faster at compiling. Fewer options and easier to use. Produces slightly better automatic Mac interface. Again an MPW compiler using Fortran-90/Pascal structures, making tool box calling as easy as from Pascal. No in-built debugger. Produces code for non-fpu Macs as well as for fpu. Compatible with most Vax and IBM extensions. CONCLUSION: It depends on what you want and who you are. For amatures developing programs without a Mac interface, Macfortran 2.1 is fine. If you want the fastest code, especially on the Quadra, and you don't care about lower class Macs without fpu, you will upgrade to MacFortran-II. If the difference between 1.7 megaflops and 1.3 on a Quadra is not important, you will go for Language Systems. Modern Fortran is still the way to go for numeric calculation, but you may want to write the Mac interface in THINK Pascal, (a really friendly engine) avoiding their extensions so that it will also compile with MPW-Pascal, in which case you can easily link in the Fortran routines for number crunching. Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, France (email Hewat@FRILL.bitnet) ------------------------------ Date: 12 Apr 92 19:07:00 EDT From: "Charles E. Bouldin" <> Subject: Fortran Compiler Opinion Since there have been several requests for info about fortran compilers: I highly recommend Language Systems Fortran. This excellent compiler is almost totally VAX compatible, bug free, compiles fast, and produces code that executes quickly. Using it, I have freed myself from relying on an ancient PDP-11 for data collection and from a (almost as ancient) VAX for data analysis. Something like 60,000 lines of PDP and VAX fortran was entirely moved over to the Mac using the Lang. Sys. fortran. I concur that the Absoft MPW fortran is slightly better for 040 machines, but the Lang. Systems is faster (in my tests) on real code on my 030 machines than Absoft is. Absoft does win the standard benchmarks: Sieve and Whetstone, but loses on my "real world" test cases. Absoft also takes a *lot* longer to compile than LSF. I also find the LSF much simpler to use. The only case where Absoft is substantially faster than LSF is code that has double precision complex arithmetic. For those of you who are really committed to fortran, there is an add-on product called AppMaker (similar to Prototyper) that will let you do point-and-click design of an application shell and then generate the fortran source for it. Then add the numeric code as subroutines tied to your menus and you have a 100% fortran program with a Mac interface. I strongly discourage any use of MacFortran/020; that compiler is LOADED WITH BUGS!! Some of the bugs produce code that executes INCORRECTLY!!! Avoid it. LSF is at (703) 478-0781. I *do* beta test for them, but they don't pay me (too bad!); I just really like the product ------------------------------ Date: 1 November 1992 16:57:41 CST From: Stephen Kawalko <U40857@UICVM.BITNET> Subject: RE: FORTRAN compilers for the Mac (Q) I don't want to start a flame war but there are a significant number of scientific programmers using Fortran. Most of the major numerical libraries LAPACK, IMSL, NAG, etc. are still written in Fortran. More important is the fact that on most vector-based high performance computers (e.g. Cray Y-MP) Fortran compilers do a better job of vectorizing code than a C compiler. But that is not what you wanted. Language Systems produces a MPW-based Fortran compiler. It was recommended to me when I was looking for a Fortran compiler. However, I never did buy it due to a lack of sufficient funds. Language Systems Corp. 441 Carlisle Drive Herndon, VA 22070 phone: 703-478-0181 fax: 703-689-9593 price: $495 for Fortran compiler and MPW $400 for Fortran compiler (without MPW) Stephen Kawalko ( ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 2 Nov 1992 14:25:20 UTC+0100 From: Javier Modrego <> Subject: Fortran for Mac (A) I have been using Language System Fortran only for short time, but I think it is a very good choice. Porting Fortran programs from Vax is very straightforward, you can have your program running almost inmediatelly with minor modifications. It has an open(n,file=*) option which brings the standard dialog box to the screen allowing you to connect any mac file to the n fortran unit. Just modifying the open sentences in that way you can use almost any vax fortran source without further changes. The compiler understands most vax-fortran extensions although it ignores some of them. Of course, if you want to build a complete mac application things are more complicated. It works inside MPW, the problem with that is that MPW is a complex system (very UNIX-like). The good point is that you can easily link the object files from different languages. This allow you to write your numerical routines in fortran and you mac-interface routines in mpw-c or pascal. You can also use LS-Fortran to access the Mac-OS routines because the compiler comes with all the libraries you need so you can write a complete mac application using just LS-Fortran The academic price is $375, including MPW and its set of manuals. The manual for the compiler itself is very good, form my point of view. If you have already MPW the price must lower. Javier Modrego University of Zaragoza Spain ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Nov 92 04:52:04 CST From: (Gary L. Gray) Subject: f2c for Think C on the Mac After a little digging I was able to find where I obtained f2c. Just ftp to: and the rest should be pretty clear. It looks like they have put a newer version than the one I previously had (the current version appears to be dated May 1992). It is 797767 bytes in a file called f2c_5_92.cpt_hqx. Good luck. Gary L. Gray * Engineering Mechanics & Astronautics * University of Wisconsin-Madison ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 2 Nov 92 11:57 MET From: KEES.RAPPOLDT@IB.AGRO.NL Subject: Fortran compiler question Hallo Ajun Carr, Some experience from me, a physicist working in soil physics with physical and biological models from agriculture and biology. During the last years I have used The Absoft compiler on the Mac. In short: don't buy it. The Absoft compiler is fast ... and byggy. It works for perfect FORTRAN programs, but even simple syntactical errors tend to lead to curropt code and a hanging machine. So, although I am good in Fortran, I sometimes needed the VAX compiler or the Microsoft Fortran compiler on a DOS machine to get my code right. Recently I decided to finish this story and to buy the MPW Fortran compiler from Language systems, regularly advertised in MacWorld. After a little getting used to MPW, I compiled about 10000 lines of code in standard Fortran-77 without a single problem leading to a working program. Moreover, there are a lot of options build in, VAX fortran extensions, CRAY fortran extensions !! So when you get programs from other people, usually NOT free from language extensions, you will usually be able to compile woth the LS compiler. The LS compiler generates a window for the application that can be left open in the background without anything to arrange for it in the Fortran code. After years with the Absoft thing this was nice to see. A final word about 'C'. There is no doubt this is the best choice for everthing that has to do with the machine and the operating system. Scientist, however, have to survive machines and operating systems and need a perfectly standardized language which runs flawlessly on different platforms. Fancy and machine dependent user interfaces have to be written ABOVE models and not IN models. Large programs which model natural systems should be 100% (and not 99%) machine independent. I admit, this could probably be achieved with C as well, but who will translate and test the huge base of existing code ? An advise on Fortran on the MAC: many Fortran users work on VAX and PC with the VAX Fortran and the Microsoft compiler. These compilers generate code with so-called static memory use. Variables are initialized zero and retain there value between successive subroutine calls. This, however is NOT standard Fortran. With the absoft compiler you need to add a SAVE statement in each routine in order to achieve static memory use and you have to check carefully for initialization errors in the program. The MPW compiler can be instructed to do so without SAVE's and I think can also be instructed to set everything at 0 initially. say that the MPW-Language Systems compiler is much better than Absoft's product. Good luck with the chrystals, Kees Rappoldt, Groningen, The Netherlands. RAPPOLDT@IB.AGRO.NL ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Nov 92 23:37:32 CST From: GA0095@SIUCVMB.SIU.EDU Subject: RE: Fortran compilers for Mac I don't know whether you got any reponses by now or not (I am a bit behind with reading Info-Mac), but here it goes just in case. The choice is really limited to Language Systems Fortran and MacFortran II from Absoft. Both run under MPW and produce a similar performance on average. LS Fortran seems to be a bit more friendly to many people, but Absoft's product can be tweaked more for faster calcs. Absoft's product requires FPU, though. LS Fortran is, at least was last time I checked, somewhat cheaper and they offer edu discounts. Robert ====== Report Ends =============================================