Reported by Karen Roubicek/BBN


  1. Review Charter, Objectives, Goals.
  2. Review current version of bibliography, assign remaining tasks.
  3. Discuss remaining issues (appropriateness of categories, keywords,
     RFC format)
  4. Determine publication schedule.
  5. Discuss maintenance of bibliography, update procedures
  6. Discuss distribution.
  7. Determine action items for next meeting, future projects.


The meeting began with a review of the charter of the USER-DOC Working
Group, and a check to see if the group was meeting its goals.  A draft
of the bibliography was successfully generated in December, thanks
particularly to the efforts of the "Editorial Board".  The Board met
twice since the last IETF using the videoteleconferencing facilities at

The current draft of the bibliography is significantly more complete
than the previous version.  The group went through the individual
entries and made comments.  There is still a small amount of additional
research as well as some additions and corrections that are required
before the bibliography is complete.  These specific assignments will be
done by members of the Editorial Board.  The question of multiple
repositories for RFCs was discussed.  Although there are collections of
RFCs available on several hosts in the Internet, the group decided that
in the interest of centralizing access and ensuring that readers would
be able to find all the RFCs mentioned in the "basic beige" list, only
the main collection at SRI would be listed in the RFC section (Section
12).  However, the Introduction to the bibliography will be revised to
state that RFCs are available elsewhere (e.g., Merit, CSNET)

In discussing which items should be included or excluded from certain
sections, the group decided that some form of disclaimer should be put
into the Introduction.  The concern is that an organization or author
might complain if their entry were not included and the group wanted to
state up front that the bibliography is not all-inclusive but rather a
sampling of what resources are available.  Karen Armstrong will write
the disclaimer.  On a similar topic, Jack Hahn expressed concern that
even though the bibliography covers selected "basic materials", there is
still a need for a short list, of perhaps 4 or 5 entries, for those
users who don't have the time to go through the entire bibliography.
Jack Hahn will provide Karen Bowers with a suggested list and she will
change the Introduction accordingly.


All the attendees concurred on the value and need for an online,
searchable version of the bibliography.  However, the more pressing need
is to make the document available as soon as possible, so the group
agreed that a refer and formatted version will be available first, while
a small group (Lee Oattes and Mary Stahl) will pursue the options for an
online searchable form.

The current draft of the bibliography contains keywords, but there were
strong feelings that those keywords are not effective and should not be
included in this hardcopy version.  Mary Stahl and Berlin Moore, as
members of the Keyword Committee, will spend some time looking for the
correct set of keywords.

For the correct formatting of the bibliography for submission as an RFC
in the FYI series, Joyce Reynolds referred the Editorial Committee to
RFC 1111, Request for Comments on Request for Comments.

Some organizational issues were raised, including the need to break up
the Introduction for clarity's sake.  Chapter 10, Online Files, was
viewed as misleading, because several of the other documents listed
throughout the bibliography are available online.  This chapter was
intended to refer to documents that were exclusively online.  As an
alternative, the items listed in Chapter 10 will be merged into the
other chapters according to category and a separate appendix will list
all online documents.

The publication schedule is as follows:

   o March 7 - research/writing assignments due
   o March 21 - Formatted version of bibliography to be put into
     Internet Drafts Directory
   o March-May IETF - Comment period
   o May IETF - Submission as formal FYI RFC

Mary Stahl, Tracy LaQuey and Karen Roubicek will be responsible for
maintaining the bibliography.  As was decided at the last IETF meeting,
the bibliography will be updated annually.

In addition to the bibliography's availability online in the RFC
repositories (at the NIC and in the shadow directories elsewhere on the
Internet), the group brought up the option of additional hardcopy
distribution.  Mary Stahl will pursue the possibility of SRI providing
and distributing paper copies and will let the group know what price the
NIC would charge.

Final points in the discussion led into topics to be taken up in the
User Services Working Group, including an RFC about distribution
procedures for documents and information, standards for document
formatting and retrieval, and the need for other networking documents
(e.g.  comprehensive glossary of networking terms) in the future.



       Armstrong, Karen    
       Bowers, Karen L.    
       Enger, Robert M.    
       Hahn, Jack          
       Jacobsen, Ole       
       Moore, Berlin       
       Oattes, Lee         
       Reynolds, Joyce K.  
       Roubicek, Karen     
       Smith, Pat          
       Stahl, Mary         
       Sturtevant, Allen   
       Wobus, John         
       Yuan, Aileen        
