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  From: Rodolphe Ortalo <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 22 Sep 1998 07:41:37 +0200

Re: IRC meeting summary, 1998/09/20

>Jan Kneschke wrote:
[...everyone is german...]
> eman and rodolphe, do you want to visit Germany ? :-)

Well... Hmmm. Bof... Arghhh...
Is it possible to raise the heating in Germany ?

> Be warned: founding an e.V is awful. German bureaucracy ...

We may start a french "loi 1901" with Emmanuel... ;-))
(Except that we need one other person...)

BTW, isn't there a European framework for such things (I mean, why do
you bother about nationalities here ?) Now that we can all go
freely from one coutry to another, maybe it is possible to create
a european non profit organization easily ?

ELOGGIA ? (European Linux Organization for the GGI Advance...)
Sounds pretty impressive no ?

Rodolphe, maybe it's a little early for me today,


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