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  From: Brent Fulgham <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 21 Sep 1998 14:57:11 -0700

Re: Network GGI Connections

>On Mon, 21 Sep 1998, Brent Fulgham wrote:
>> I compiled the "dots.c" demo, and it works (albeit SLOWWWWLY).
>Try using Xlib target instead...
Yes -- this is noticeably faster.

>> So, is there an issue with key-presses over network connections?   Has
>> anyone else experienced this?
>Sorry, don't know, don't have a network :-(
Note:  I have also compiled the standard linux MESA library, and ran its
demos.   Some work, some don't.  They all open an X-window under Win95, but
they do not all run.  I suspect there may be incompatibilities in the way
this X-server was written.  (In fact, I believe MI/X is X11R5 -- not sure
how much impact there is, but the lib's are for X11R6).


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