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  From: Christian Reiniger <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 21 Sep 1998 21:50:49 +0200

Re: OpenGL and fonts... umm. could anyone use this?

teunis wrote:

>I've just finished (more or less) writing a bit of code that creates and
>uses a font in OpenGL... in 3D :)
>[ie it maps it into a texture and displays it using OpenGL textured

.... and could be used to display a console on a cube?? ;)

But, really, I think that could be useful for us at PenguinPlay for
displaying text on arbitrary 3d objects... I'm not sure about the details
yet, but it would be nice if you could send me the code.

>This is -not- memory-efficient code - it takes 262K for a 256 character
>8x16 font.  (it'd take less but OpenGL requires the width and height to be
>a multiple of 2: ie 256x256x4bytes-per-pixel).  Oh - for some reason under

?? 16x16x4bytes-per-pixel also has width and height as multiples of 2. Or
doesn't OpenGL allow very small textures?


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