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  From: teunis <>
  To  : Jason McMullan <>
  Date: Mon, 21 Sep 1998 12:44:19 -0700 (MST)

Re: New target `display-tele' committed

On 21 Sep 1998, Jason McMullan wrote:

> teunis <> wrote with confidence:
> > The first point is why I was waiting on EvStacks...  but I can't see why
> > it can't be done through pipes from the server to the client.  could make
> > it a bit tricky though.  (easier to build this way than encapsulating
> > everything in one stream like X does)
>   While you're waiting on my sorry ass to finish the GGI Console
> redesign (and I MEAN redesign - lots of rip-up and replace going on)
> why not use the Unix PTY master-slave pairs, like Xterm does, to
> get your input? Start up with one side of the cube, and `add sides'
> as the original user spawns off processes.

Easy.  Haveta manage device-access somehow and don't want the consoles
stealing the mouse or keyboard on me.  Say, with the memory target (can it
do that?)

That and I -do- want to be able to control which device gets keyboard
(okay, so I know how to do that :)

And I'd like to send mouse/.... events too as that'd be handy :)

G'day, eh? :)
	- Teunis

.. hmmm - never thought of that way of 'adding sides'.  Mayhaps I should
start with a flat surface and add surfaces as needed...  Could end up with
a -much- more complex surface than a cube and my code has no probs with
that :)

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