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  From: Christian Reiniger <>
  To  :
  Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1998 22:30:30 +0200

Re: Who restructured DirectBuffer ?

Marcus Sundberg wrote:

>> And then for the thing I miss most: my beloved enum, that allowed to
>> decide whether a mode is known or not in a split second.
>Oh, noo, not another enum/switch lover. ;)

>Such enums are just syntactical sugar, and I don't see any point
>in bloating the main libggi with them when all information is already

Hmm, Andy, you mean something like

if (ModeAvailable (GGI_Mode_1024x768x32_rgba))
	UseRenderer1024x32 ();

right? If not, the stuff below is irrelevant ;)

Such enums are very useful for finding out quickly if some *common* mode is
available. Of course the info is also available via the usual mode
description, such an enum is just much nicer to use than some
20-line-modeinfo-evaluator code ;)

>> This is what _most_ existing programs will want to do. They have some
>> optimized renderers for the common modes. And if the directbuffer
>> matches one of those known modes, the optimized renderer is used.

>I've looked at a whole bunch of apps to check what it would take
>to port them to GGI, and none of them has optimized renderers for

It's common for games (mainly the 2d ones). 


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