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  From: Jason McMullan <>
  To  :
  Date: 21 Sep 1998 13:28:29 GMT

Re: New target `display-tele' committed

teunis <> wrote with confidence:
> The first point is why I was waiting on EvStacks...  but I can't see why
> it can't be done through pipes from the server to the client.  could make
> it a bit tricky though.  (easier to build this way than encapsulating
> everything in one stream like X does)

  While you're waiting on my sorry ass to finish the GGI Console
redesign (and I MEAN redesign - lots of rip-up and replace going on)
why not use the Unix PTY master-slave pairs, like Xterm does, to
get your input? Start up with one side of the cube, and `add sides'
as the original user spawns off processes.

Jason McMullan - Linux - GGI -

On the wonderful world of Microsoft Products:
 "Where is the lower cost in NT Server?  Our systems are cheaper because a)
  they are cheaper and b) they work.  How does an expensive system with an
  extra year of post-install nightmare come out cheaper?"
	- John Jensen <> comp.os.linux.advocacy

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