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  From: Peter Danielsson <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 21 Sep 1998 07:43:00 +0000

Re: display-tele suggestion...

I've been working for a while on something that looks
a bit like the teletarget! The main differences is
the protocol (easily changed) and the server that is
multithreaded and probably quite a bit faster.
(yes - unlimited number of clients (OK, actually only
about 300 (there are a lot of internal pipes too)))

My current problems are how to handle clipping and
managing windows! Another problem is of course that
libggi isn't threadsafe, and I have all event handling
in a separate thread, so my code will not work on all
targets. (Ok - I don't have anything running yet,
just lotsa ugly code)

In the future I would like to add support for libggi2d
and libggi3d. The best would be to come up with a 
mechanism that allows any extension.


> > Comments?
> YES! ;)
> If we can make the teletarget be at least at par with Xlib we would
> probably gain a _lot_ of attention for libggi. You might also want
> to have a look at dxpc which compresses Xlib streams on the average
> four times. Some parts of it might be usable for the tele-target.
> //Marcus
> --
> -------------------------------+------------------------------------
>         Marcus Sundberg        |
>  Royal Institute of Technology |       Phone: +46 707 295404
>        Stockholm, Sweden       |   E-Mail:

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