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  From: Hartmut Niemann <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 21 Sep 1998 09:17:45 +0200 (MESZ)

Re: Digital Unix God doesn't like Andy doing magic in his dungeons?

> > around my shmem code to see what causes it and maybe how to fix it ?
> Found it! It wasn't the shm-code, it was this line:
> sscanf(args,"%p",&(MEMLIB_PRIV(vis)->memptr));
> and the equivalent sscanf in the sub target that triggers some weird
> bug in gcc. (Todd Fries has the same behaviour on OpenBSD)
> This seems to be the only way to get it working...
> 	/* Hack to work around a bug in gcc 2.8.1 */
> 	{
> 		void *tmpptr = subinfo->parent;
> 		sscanf(args,"%p",&tmpptr);
> 		subinfo->parent = tmpptr;
> 	}
> //Marcus
Would it be good to add
/* this should be :
   bug gcc 2.8.1 sig-11's on it
just to make clear what was intended, and what bug we triggered?
Your solution will raise a couple of "what the hell did he do???" later :-)

Hartmut Niemann   --   niemann(a) [/ggi]

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