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  Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1998 10:34:08 -0400 (EDT)

Re: Gii integration (was shmem integration)

On Sun, 20 Sep 1998, Andrew Apted wrote:

> >  Current target will override the ggi-input functions, thus giving old
> >  behaviour.
> >  
> >  We can then port them step by step to filling the visinput instead.
> Including X, fbdev, Terminfo, ... ?  

I can see how it'd be valuable for the terminfo target, which does some
pretty weird things to generate key events, that could also be used in a few
other cases.

> Are you proposing to separate the input code from these targets ?  IMHO
> that would be rather pointless (you can't get X events without a window,
> etc), and what about the locking issues ?  (such as one thread getting X
> input, the other thread sending draw requests).

Locking issues shouldn't be a problem, as somewhere along the line, the two
threads should access the same structure, that hopefully has a lock on it
that will prevent problems ... (if it does not have a lock, the coder
deserves to be shot).  If nothing else, in the case of X, the (necessary, if
you're using threads) threadsafe X libs should save you.


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