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  From: Todd T. Fries <>
  To  :
  Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1998 03:37:21 -0500

Re: BSD vs. X licensing

On Thu, Sep 17, 1998 at 03:11:42PM +0000, Torgeir Veimo wrote:
> When you people say BSD licensing, are you referring to the BSD
> licensing that explicitly requires some form of copyright display during
> program initialization?
> This is a cludge. Use X licensing. Its the same except for that stupid
> "write this sentencence allways when booting" thing. And go read RMS's
> statement about it if you disagree with me.

Nope, just referring to 'something unencumbered like the bsd license. X is
quite fine.'  Something that the BSD community can utilize.

Todd Fries ..

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