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  From: Neal Tucker <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 17:31:13 -0700

coupla questions

Hey all.  Been playing with libggi/kgicon lately.  Now I have
some questions...

1) Should frame-flipping work on all targets?  I've been using it on
the X target, and when I run my program on kgicon (configured for
S3-968/S3-968/TVP3026/TVP3026/multisync), it looks like the frame-
flipping just never happens (and it's going to send me into an
epileptic fit if I'm not careful :-).  I'm just blindly doing a
ggiSetDisplayFrame/ggiSetWriteFrame pair toggling between 0 and 1.  Is
there some way I'm supposed to query to see how many frames are
available to draw on?

2) (not directly ggi-related) Is it bad manners to call dlopen or dlsym
and then not call dlerror if it fails?  I check dlerror after every
call to dlopen/dlsym, and it took me a while to figure out that dlerror
is reporting an error to me because the last person who called dlopen
(libggi/dl.c) got an error, but just decided to bail without checking
dlerror.  The dl* manpage says that all the functions return 0 on
failure, so I've changed my own code to only call dlerror if I get a 0
back, but I thought I'd mention it anyway.

-Neal Tucker

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