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  From: Neal Tucker <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 17:11:23 -0700

Re: NVidia is a horseshit company

Sengan Baring-Gould says:
> > Do you expect a full
> > schematic for the card's layout too?  Why not?  Don't you feel you
> > have a "right" to that information?
>Actually I DO. That's how it was in Russia, allowing people to repair
>theirradios/TVs whatever. I find it morally wrong that 1 year after I
>bought a VCR it breaks, and I have to fork out money to get it repaired
>since it does not come with full documentation.

If a company offers to sell you a VCR with no such documentation, and
you agree to it, how can they be doing something morally wrong?  They
didn't trick you or advertise anything they didn't give you.

Now, maybe you didn't have a choice of a VCR that *does* come
with said documentation, but that's a different story.  Then, your
complaint boils down to "What I want is not for sale.  (Boo hoo)".

-Neal Tucker

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