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  From: Todd T. Fries <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 15:52:56 -0500

Re: New target `display-tele' committed

On Sat, Sep 19, 1998 at 01:55:44PM -0700, teunis wrote:
> > Now, how long will it be before we setup a virtual networked space in which
> > these neato hexagon movies can be consoles and we can all authenticate each
> > other to virtually look over each others shoulders?
> The way things are coming together... by Dec 31 at the latest :)
> hmm.....  *yep* should be possible :)

I hereby propose the following:

libggi continues to display to the x target so we can have functionality 
whether or not our respective os has kgi hw support or not.

we begin planning 'the great party' of the entrace to the year 2000 with a
virtual gathering in a virtual 3d environment with a virtual ball like newyork 
dropping ... as a target date for these jokes to become reality!

Todd Fries ..

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