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  From: Christian Reiniger <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 18:23:42 +0200

Re: New target `display-tele' committed

teunis wrote:

>Yes please :)
>That's what I need for the VR-cube... to do -real- GGI demos on each side
>not just console-emulator.
>Be kinda funky if we had an mpeg or quicktime player that worked under
>libGGI broadcasting on 5 sides + a console on 6th :)

Another idea for that: If you render the movie to a ggi memory target
that's used as an OpenGL lightmap (or so) you could turn any flashlight in
some 3D shooter into a videoprojector ;)

Would be a bit slow though... (Oh, btw - how's the MIPS port doing? ;+)


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