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  From: Sven <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 4 Sep 1998 09:53:03 +0200 (MET DST)

Re: libggi not working ...

> Easy - libGGI isn't just supposed to compile on GNU!

that is just plain uninformed ...

autoconf/automake produce a ./configure script that is a shell script. tell me wich plateform  don't support sh ?

i think there is only M$win, and even there there is bash and other shells (even native shells  under NT i think, since it is part of posix compliance.)

so you would only need GNU autoconf/automake to build the released source and then everyone can just type ./configure && make && make install.

> None of these platforms support GNU's autoconf utilities.... (unless you
install them....  and that's kind of irritating.. and makes for -big-
downloads when libGGI is so small)

automake is 300KB and autoconf is 400KB.

i think this is important, if you ever want klibggi to become widely accepted, how much people have i heard that say free software are such a pain to configure.

and to you thuink you need autoconf and automake to compile gcc to compile autoconf ?



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